1. Java
>> Java 8 LongAdders: The Right Way To Manage Concurrent Counters
These new concurrent counters have me giddy and excited – well researched, backed by real numbers and with the code on github – what more can you ask for?
>> Maven and Java multi-version modules
An interesting usecase with a Maven multi-module project that requires different minimal Java versions.
>> We’re Hacking JDBC, so You Don’t Have To
JDBC is indeed a simple API, but it can lead to Mordor-like unfriendly code – this article shows just a few of code samples of what that can look like. Here be dragons.
>> Clean Synchronization Using ReentrantLock and Lambdas
Interesting and in-depth analysis of using the ReentrantLock with JUnit and Mockito.
2. Spring
>> Cache Abstraction: JCache (JSR-107) Annotations Support
Very nice rundown of the JCache annotations as supported by Spring. Bookmark for later use.
>> Using jOOQ with Spring: CRUD
Petri’s third article in his Spring with jOOQ series – this one covers a meat of the CRUD application using a nice fluid builder for entities and joda-time to boot. I’ll be following this when I dig into jOOQ.
The latest article about UI testing for Spring MVC – ties together the concepts from before elegantly with Groovy and Geb.
最新一篇关于Spring MVC的UI测试的文章–用Groovy和Geb将之前的概念优雅地联系在一起。
>> Spring test with thymeleaf for views
Practical article on how Thymeleaf improves the testability of Spring MVC views – we can now work with the actual view when testing, not just the name of a JSP.
关于Thymeleaf如何提高Spring MVC视图的可测试性的实用文章 – 我们现在可以在测试时使用实际的视图,而不仅仅是JSP的名称。
3. Technical
>> The anatomy of Connection Pooling
The perfect intro to connection pooling – especially the part breaking down the low-level details of a connection, from the client level down to the database.
>> NCrunch and Continuous Testing: The Must-Have Setup
I’m not using C# or Visual Studio – however, this article is mainly about TDD and not so much about the specifics. Goes without saying that you should read this one…
我没有使用C#或Visual Studio–然而,这篇文章主要是关于TDD,而不是关于具体内容。不言而喻,你应该阅读这篇…
4. Musings
>> How to be an open source gardener
An insightful and grounded article about what it really means to do work in an open source project – wholly recommended.
一篇关于在开源项目中工作的真正含义的有洞察力和基础的文章 – 完全推荐。
>> Letter to a Junior Designer
I am not a designer – not by a long shot, but this caught my eye and it turned out to be a timeless bundle of good advice that every developer should read.
>> Gervais / MacLeod
>> Gervais / MacLeod
OK, this has been a long time coming – I read this brilliant analysis of the MacLeod hierarchy and the Gervais Principle while it was being written, and whatever I write here, trying to describe it in a few short lines isn’t going to do it justice. Be warned that it’s extremely long (26 parts) – in fact, I think it would make a fantastic book – and it’s absolutely worth reading. While this hasn’t been written in this past week, I’m making it the highlight of the week nonetheless.
Also, as a quick sidenote, the only way I could find a list of the posts in a chronological order was via the search function. Enjoy.