This tutorial series focuses on core Java – “Back to Basics”. We’re going to cover Java core concepts, collections, streams, IO and more.
本系列教程的重点是核心Java – “Back to Basics”。我们将介绍Java的核心概念、集合、流、IO等内容。
If you are new to Java, this series will go over the basic syntax of the language, introduce classes and objects and a few simple examples of using common Java structures.

2. Core Java Examples
In this section, we’ll continue with more Core Java examples that show how to use the basic concepts of the language.
在本节中,我们将继续介绍更多的Core Java例子,展示如何使用该语言的基本概念。
Comparing Objects in Java -
Wrapper Classes in Java -
Quick Guide to java.lang.System -
Object Type Casting in Java -
Java 8 – Powerful Comparison with Lambdas -
Guide To Java 8 Optional(popular) -
Guide to UUID in Java -
The StackOverflowError in Java -
The “final” Keyword in Java -
Immutable Objects in Java -
Anonymous Classes in Java -
Command-Line Arguments in Java -
Java toString() Method -
Java 14 Record Keyword -
Iterating over Enum Values in Java -
Comparing Dates in Java -
RegEx for matching Date Pattern in Java -
Period and Duration in Java -
Java Timer -
Number Formatting in Java -
How to Round a Number to N Decimal Places in Java -
Java – Random Long, Float, Integer and Double -
Comparing Long Values in Java -
Convert Date to LocalDate or LocalDateTime and Back(popular) -
Using an Interface vs. Abstract Class in Java
In this series, we’ll learn how to work with Strings with examples of common operations and conversions.
Concurrency is a large area in Java, but it’s also an important topic to understand. In this series, we’ll go over the core concepts and learn how to work with threads using practical examples.
This tutorials will go over the main data structures in Java and common operations we can perform with them.
This series is a comprehensive guide to working with the Stream API introduced in Java 8.
本系列是关于使用Java 8中引入的Stream API的全面指南。
This series cover common I/O operations in Java, including working with files, Readers and Input/OuputStreams.

8. Advanced Java Examples
Let’s have a look at more advanced use cases with Java.
Composition, Aggregation, and Association in Java -
Class Loaders in Java -
A Guide to Java 9 Modularity -
Guide to Escaping Characters in Java RegExps -
Introduction to Java Serialization -
Practical Java Examples of the Big O Notation -
Stack Memory and Heap Space in Java -
Setting the Java Version in Maven (popular) -
Hashing a Password in Java -
Different Ways to Capture Java Heap Dumps -
Understanding Memory Leaks in Java -
How to Replace Many if Statements in Java -
Java equals() and hashCode() Contracts -
Guide to System.gc() -
A Guide to System.exit() -
Adding Shutdown Hooks for JVM Applications -
Do a Simple HTTP Request in Java(popular)

9. Tracking Java Development
New Features in Java 8 -
New Features in Java 9 -
Best Java Sites -
The State of Java in 2018 -
New Features in Java 10 -
The State of Java in 2019 -
New Features in Java 11 -
New Features in Java 12 -
New Features in Java 13 -
New Features in Java 14 -
What’s New in Java 15 -
New Features in Java 16 -
New Features in Java 17