1. Overview
Every class in Java is a child of the Object class either directly or indirectly. And since the Object class contains a toString() method, we can call toString() on any instance and get its string representation.
In this tutorial, we’ll look at the default behavior of toString() and learn how to change its behavior.
2. Default Behavior
Whenever we print an object reference, it invokes the toString() method internally. So, if we don’t define a toString() method in our class, then Object#toString() is invoked.
Object’s toString() method is pretty generic:
Object的 toString()方法是相当通用的。
public String toString() {
return getClass().getName()+"@"+Integer.toHexString(hashCode());
To see how this works, let’s create a Customer object that we’ll use throughout our tutorial:
为了了解这一点,让我们创建一个Customer 对象,我们将在整个教程中使用这个对象。
public class Customer {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
// standard getters and setters. No toString() implementation
Now, if we try to print our Customer object, Object#toString() will be called, and the output will be similar to:
3. Overriding Default Behavior
Looking at the above output, we can see that it doesn’t give us much information about the contents of our Customer object. Generally, we aren’t interested in knowing the hashcode of an object, but rather the contents of our object’s attributes.
看看上面的输出,我们可以看到它并没有给我们提供关于Customer 对象内容的很多信息。一般来说,我们对知道一个对象的哈希代码不感兴趣,而是对我们对象的属性内容感兴趣。
By overriding the default behavior of the toString() method, we can make the output of the method call more meaningful.
Now, let’s look at a few different scenarios using objects to see how we can override this default behavior.
4. Primitive Types and Strings
Our Customer object has both String and primitive attributes. We need to override the toString() method to achieve a more meaningful output:
public class CustomerPrimitiveToString extends Customer {
private long balance;
public String toString() {
return "Customer [balance=" + balance + ", getFirstName()=" + getFirstName()
+ ", getLastName()=" + getLastName() + "]";
Let’s see what we get when we call toString() now:
public void givenPrimitive_whenToString_thenCustomerDetails() {
CustomerPrimitiveToString customer = new CustomerPrimitiveToString();
assertEquals("Customer [balance=110, getFirstName()=Rajesh, getLastName()=Bhojwani]",
5. Complex Java Objects
Let’s now consider a scenario where our Customer object also contains an order attribute that is of type Order. Our Order class has both String and primitive data type fields.
现在让我们考虑一个场景,我们的 Customer 对象也包含一个 order 属性,该属性是 Order 类型的。我们的Order类有String和原始数据类型字段。
So, let’s override toString() again:
public class CustomerComplexObjectToString extends Customer {
private Order order;
//standard setters and getters
public String toString() {
return "Customer [order=" + order + ", getFirstName()=" + getFirstName()
+ ", getLastName()=" + getLastName() + "]";
Since order is a complex object, if we just print our Customer object, without overriding the toString() method in our Order class, it will print orders as Order@<hashcode>.
由于order是一个复杂的对象,如果我们只是打印我们的Customer对象,而不在我们的Order类中覆盖toString() 方法,它将打印Order作为Order@<hashcode>。
To fix that let’s override toString() in Order, too:
public class Order {
private String orderId;
private String desc;
private long value;
private String status;
public String toString() {
return "Order [orderId=" + orderId + ", desc=" + desc + ", value=" + value + "]";
Now, let’s see what happens when we call the toString() method on our Customer object that contains an order attribute:
现在,让我们看看当我们在包含order 属性的Customer对象上调用toString()方法时会发生什么。
public void givenComplex_whenToString_thenCustomerDetails() {
CustomerComplexObjectToString customer = new CustomerComplexObjectToString();
// .. set up customer as before
Order order = new Order();
assertEquals("Customer [order=Order [orderId=A1111, desc=Game, value=0], " +
"getFirstName()=Rajesh, getLastName()=Bhojwani]", customer.toString());
6. Array of Objects
Next, let’s change our Customer to have an array of Orders. If we just print our Customer object, without special handling for our orders object, it will print orders as Order;@<hashcode>.
接下来,让我们改变我们的Customer,使其拥有一个Orders数组。如果我们只是打印我们的Customer对象,而不对我们的orders对象进行特殊处理,它将打印orders为Order;@<hashcode> 。
To fix that let’s use Arrays.toString() for the orders field:
public class CustomerArrayToString extends Customer {
private Order[] orders;
public String toString() {
return "Customer [orders=" + Arrays.toString(orders)
+ ", getFirstName()=" + getFirstName()
+ ", getLastName()=" + getLastName() + "]";
Let’s see the results of calling the above toString() method:
public void givenArray_whenToString_thenCustomerDetails() {
CustomerArrayToString customer = new CustomerArrayToString();
// .. set up customer as before
// .. set up order as before
customer.setOrders(new Order[] { order });
assertEquals("Customer [orders=[Order [orderId=A1111, desc=Game, value=0]], " +
"getFirstName()=Rajesh, getLastName()=Bhojwani]", customer.toString());
7. Wrappers, Collections, and StringBuffers
When an object is made up entirely of wrappers, collections, or StringBuffers, no custom toString() implementation is required because these objects have already overridden the toString() method with meaningful representations:
当一个对象完全由包装器、集合或StringBuffers组成时,不需要自定义toString()实现,因为这些对象已经用有意义的表示方法覆盖了toString() 方法。
public class CustomerWrapperCollectionToString extends Customer {
private Integer score; // Wrapper class object
private List<String> orders; // Collection object
private StringBuffer fullname; // StringBuffer object
public String toString() {
return "Customer [score=" + score + ", orders=" + orders + ", fullname=" + fullname
+ ", getFirstName()=" + getFirstName() + ", getLastName()=" + getLastName() + "]";
Let’s again see the results of calling toString():
public void givenWrapperCollectionStrBuffer_whenToString_thenCustomerDetails() {
CustomerWrapperCollectionToString customer = new CustomerWrapperCollectionToString();
// .. set up customer as before
// .. set up orders as before
customer.setOrders(new Order[] { order });
StringBuffer fullname = new StringBuffer();
fullname.append(customer.getLastName()+ ", " + customer.getFirstName());
assertEquals("Customer [score=8, orders=[Book, Pen], fullname=Bhojwani, Rajesh, getFirstName()=Rajesh, "
+ "getLastName()=Bhojwani]", customer.toString());
8. Conclusion
In this article, we looked at creating our own implementations of the toString() method.
All of the source code for this article is available over on GitHub.