The Baeldung Weekly Review 25 – Baeldung周报》25

最后修改: 2014年 6月 27日


1. Java and Spring


>> Java 8 Friday: The Best Java 8 Resources – Your Weekend is Booked

I’m kicking of this weeks review with … wait for it … a list of resources (how meta). It’s a good one though, so I have no hesitation putting at the top – enjoy.


Does the fact that this blog is also in there create a Stack Overflow? Geeky joke, I know – but if not here, where?

这个博客也在其中,是否创造了一个Stack Overflow的事实?极客的笑话,我知道 – 但如果不在这里,在哪里呢?

>> Eclipse 4.4 Luna has risen!

It’s that time of year – the launch of the new Eclipse.


Personally I didn’t like the 4.x Eclipse releases of recent years (I’ve been using STS built on top of 3.8.x and IDEA) – but the bugs that I filed for 4.x when it first came out seem to have been slowly resolved – so I’m giving the new one a try on my main environment. I want to like it – I really hope I won’t be disappointed

就我个人而言,我不喜欢最近几年的4.x Eclipse版本(我一直在使用建立在3.8.x和IDEA之上的STS)–但我在4.x刚出来时提交的bug似乎已经慢慢解决了–所以我在我的主要环境上试了一下新的版本。我想喜欢它 – 我真的希望我不会失望。

>> Java 8 Support, Top Eclipse Luna Feature

And since we’re on the subject – if you don’t have the Java 8 support in your IDE – here’s a quick writeup of how it looks.

既然我们在讨论这个问题–如果你的IDE中没有对Java 8的支持–这里有一个关于它的快速描述。

>> Retiring the website

The Spring Forum is moving to StackOverflow – now that’s news. It looks like a good move for the community, since SO has fine tuned the UX aspect that is somewhat lacking on a simple forum.


>> Introducing the Spring IO Platform

This has been a long time coming – a coherent approach to dependency management in Spring. Looks very promising, and also looks like I need to play with it this weekend.


Finally – some Spring related recordings (I haven’t watched all of these myself yet):


2. Technical


>> CanaryRelease

Good strategy for gradually rolling out changes to a subset of users before flipping the switch for your entire user base.


>> Stop Unit Testing Database Code

After spending years heavily testing database code, I slowly moved away from that, so when I read: instead, focus on writing integration tests that test your business logic on a very high level – it resonates. Lot of good takeaways in this piece.


>> TDD Chess Game Part 8: Hail to the King

The TDD series is still going strong; I wrote extensively about it before in previous weekly reviews, but if haven’t read those – here’s the gist: go watch it!


3. Musings


>> How to Handle Incompetence?

An interesting read, harkening back to the Expert Beginner series.
