At the very beginning of 2014 I decided to start to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung.
Curating my reading has made it more purposeful and diverse – and I’m hopefully providing value to you as well by allowing the best content of the week to raise to the top.
Here we go…
1. Java and Spring
>> Tuning Java Servers
In depth article on how to first understand and then improve the performance of a production Java server. Good stuff.
>> Making Elasticsearch Groovy-er
Elasticsearch now has a Groovy client – looking good.
>> Unit Testing exercise with FizzBuzz and Mockito
Who knew FizzBuzz can be even more useful – I’ve primarily been using it during interviewing. Very cool to see some mocking demonstrated with it as well.
>> Spring Boot 1.2.0.RC2 Available Now
Spring Boot is moving forward at a very fast pace, with second RC and better support for Java EE.
Spring Boot正在以非常快的速度向前发展,推出了第二个RC和更好的Java EE支持。
I’ve been using Boot in my own projects, both client work and personal and it is indeed a very helpful piece of kit.
>> Externalizing session state for a Spring-boot application using spring-session
A solid piece on externalizing all session state to Redis with the help of the new Spring-Session project. Helps a lot when you’re running a cluster.
A few other webinar recordings and releases to play with:
>> SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: Running Your Spring Apps in the Cloud
>> SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: Developing Microservices for PaaS with Spring and Cloud Foundry
>> SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: Creating REST-ful, Hypermedia-based Micro-services with Spring Boot
>> Webinar Replay: Spring Boot and JRebel 6.0
>> Spring Cloud 1.0.0.M3 Available Now
2. Technical and Musings
>> People Deserve The “What”
Great advice on how to delegate to knowledge workers so that you have good results long term. Or – if you are being delegated to – a frame you can use to letter understand your own situation and – if needed – change it.
Especially in the beginning, it’s a good idea to optimize for learning and growth.
>> Because Reading is Fundamental
Very interesting read how to encourage useful behavior in communities by displaying useful metrics next to each user, instead of metrics that won’t lead to good results.
>> Making Side Projects With New Technologies
If you’re reading my weekly reviews, then you’re probably at least somewhat passionate about your work – otherwise you wouldn’t be here. Now – consuming is well and good, but creating something new – that’s where the real learning happens.
This is a good and quick read going over why a side project is a good idea and how it will definitely benefit you in the long run.
>> Designing APIs for Machines
Building an API for other developers to consume is not an easy task. Every design decision needs to be carefully considered, especially once the API is in use by others.
Now – building an API that’s going to be consumed not by developers, but by other connected devices – in huge numbers no less – is a different kind of hard. Insightful read about what that looks like.
3. Comics
Let’s end the week with some XKCD:
>> Fiction Rule of Thumb
>> Escalators
>> Resonance
4. Pick of the Week
I recently introduced the “Pick of the Week” section here in my “Weekly Review”. If you’re already on my email list – you got the pick already – hope you enjoyed it.
我最近在 “每周回顾 “中推出了 “每周精选 “部分。如果你已经在我的电子邮件列表中–你已经得到了精选–希望你喜欢它。