At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> Will There Be Module Hell? []
A bit of a clickbaity title, but overall a solid writeup on what’s coming into the picture with the Java 9 modularity work.
虽说标题有点拗口,但总的来说是一篇关于Java 9模块化工作的扎实文章。
>> React.js and Spring Data REST: Part 5 – Security []
A solid installment in the series, this time diving deep into security and how that affects the UI. Good stuff.
>> Walkthrough for a TDD Kata in Eclipse []
TDD with Eclipse is a fun, highly useful practice to have. It can lead to great things, but you do really have to push through a lot of resistance until you get there.
Also worth reading:
>> From OSGi to Jigsaw []
>> Let’s master Java 8 Date Time API []
>> Gentle Introduction to Hystrix – Hello World []
>> Oracle Patches 154 New Security Vulnerabilities []
>> 20 Years of JavaOne: Highlights from a Developer Point of View []
>> JavaOne 2015 Preview []
Webinars and presentations:
>> SpringOne 2GX 2015: Technical Keynote []
>> Tuning Java for Big Data []
>> IntelliJ IDEA Tips and Tricks []
>> Grails 3.x Update []
Time to upgrade:
>> Third bug-fix release for ORM 5.0 []
>> Elasticsearch 2.0 (+ many others) are out []
>> Spring Integration Maintenance Releases Available []
>> Spring IO Platform 2.0.0.RC1 []
>> Graphite 0.9.14: the Phoenix Release []
2. Technical
>> Exploring CQRS with Axon Framework: Applying Event Sourcing [geekabyte]
CQRS is certainly possible without event sourcing – and very useful as well. But an event sourced architecture is definitely the natural path for a system that is doing CQRS.
And the Axon framework looks like an interesting way to approach building this kind of system.
Also worth reading:
>> New EC2 Run Command – Remote Instance Management at Scale []
>> From Imperative to Functional and Back-Monads are for Functional Languages []
>> RE: Customizing an Asciidoctor PDF so it looks like an InfoQ Mini-Book []
3. Musings
>> How to Address Your Coworker’s Bad Code (Part 1) []
Some thoughtful and practical techniques to approach the problem of “bad” code inside a team.
一些深思熟虑的实用技术,以处理团队内部的“坏 “代码问题。
Also worth reading:
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: