Java Web Weekly 49 – Java网络周刊 49

最后修改: 2015年 12月 4日


At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.


Here we go…


1. Spring and Java


>> Six-Month Delay Of Java 9 Release []

>> Java 9 Delayed By 6 Months? []

>> Java 9推迟6个月? []

Short and to the point – Java 9 is going to be out in early 2017 – 6 months later than originally planned.

简言之–Java 9将在2017年初推出–比原计划晚6个月。

Spring 5.0 has an adjusted schedule as well, since it’s tied to the Java 9 release.

Spring 5.0 也有调整后的时间表,因为它与 Java 9 的发布相联系。

>> Learn REST with Spring []

I’m understandably excited about this one – a very cool review of my “REST With Spring” course. Only two weeks until the Master Class is done and released.

我对这个问题感到兴奋是可以理解的–对我的”REST With Spring“课程的一个非常酷的评论。离大师班的完成和发布只有两周时间。

>> How not to hate Spring in 2016 []

A thoughtful response to a post that made the rounds this week – all about why Spring is the worst thing since another very bad thing.


>> Migrating OAuth2 Apps from Spring Boot 1.2 to 1.3 []

>> 将OAuth2应用程序从Spring Boot 1.2迁移到1.3 []

If you’re doing any OAuth2 work – and judging by the number of questions I get about it – more and more developers are leveraging Spring Security OAuth – this is definitely a writeup you don’t want to miss.

如果你正在进行任何OAuth2工作–从我收到的有关问题的数量来看–越来越多的开发者正在利用Spring Security OAuth–这绝对是一篇你不想错过的文章。

>> A Subtle AutoCloseable Contract Change Between Java 7 and Java 8 []

You learn something new every day – AutoClosable is actually more nuanced than it used to be in Java 7.

你每天都能学到新的东西–AutoClosable实际上比过去在Java 7中更细微

>> Which thread executes CompletableFuture’s tasks and callbacks? []

Another deep-dive into the Java threading deep end – quite useful if you’re thinking of making your web back-end async.


Also worth reading:




Time to upgrade:


2. Technical


>> Loadtesting using Gatling-FatJars and InfluxDB []

After years and years of JMeter, Gatling is looking more and more like a solid replacement – this is a good read about scaling Gatling it out in the scope of a CI pipeline.


>> ListAndHash []

The list and map data structures are foundational pieces of most languages and core to our process of thinking about and writing code. It’s a good idea to have a solid grasp over them.


Also worth reading:


3. Musings


>> The Beggar CEO and Sucker Culture []

A great read about the social pressure of over-work culture, really hitting the nail on the head.


>> Electronic Identification []

E-Identification is an interesting concept, and it looks like it might get here sooner rather than later.


>> EvolvingPublication []

Writing for the web is an entirely different beast than writing for paper, but our history with paper is definitely still holding us back from new patterns and new ways of presenting information so that it best serves readers.


This piece about publishing content is probably interesting to you if you’re running a site (or planning to).


Also worth reading:


4. Comics


And my favorite Dilberts of the week:


>> An elaborate science experiment on how much frustration it takes to kill an employee []

>> The grandpa box []

>> Standards meeting []


5. Pick of the Week

5 本周精选

>> Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names []