1. Overview
Annotations, a form of metadata which you can add to Java code. These annotations can be processed at compile time and embedded to class files or can be retained and accessed at runtime using Reflection.
In this article, we will discuss how to change annotation value at runtime using Reflection. We will use class-level annotation for this example.
2. Annotation
Java allows creating new annotations using existing ones. In the simplest form, an annotation is represented as @ symbol followed by annotation name:
Let’s create our own annotation Greeter:
public @interface Greeter {
public String greet() default "";
Now, we will be creating a Java class Greetings which uses the class-level annotation:
@Greeter(greet="Good morning")
public class Greetings {}
Now, we will access annotation value using reflection. Java class Class provides a method getAnnotation to access annotations of a class:
Greeter greetings = Greetings.class.getAnnotation(Greeter.class);
System.out.println("Hello there, " + greetings.greet() + " !!");
3. Alter Annotation
Java class Class maintains a map for managing annotations – Annotation class as keys and Annotation object as value:
Java类类维护一个用于管理注释的地图 – Annotation类为键,Annotation对象为值:
Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation> map;
We will update this map to alter annotation at runtime. Approach to access this map differs in various JDK implementation. We will discuss it for JDK7 and JDK8.
3.1. JDK 7 Implementation
3.1. JDK 7的实施
Java class Class has field annotations. As this is a private field, to access it, we have to set accessibility of the field to true. Java provides method getDeclaredField to access any field by its name:
Java类类有字段注释。由于这是一个私有字段,为了访问它,我们必须将该字段的可访问性设置为true。Java提供了方法getDeclaredField 通过其名称访问任何字段:
Field annotations = Class.class.getDeclaredField(ANNOTATIONS);
Now, let’s get access to annotation map for class Greeter:
Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation> map = annotations.get(targetClass);
Now, this is the map which contains information about all annotations and their value object. We want to alter Greeter annotation value which we can achieve by updating annotation object of Greeter class:
map.put(targetAnnotation, targetValue);
3.2. JDK 8 Implementation
3.2. JDK 8实施
Java 8 implementations stores annotations information inside a class AnnotationData. We can access this object using the annotationData method. We will set accessibility for the annotationData method to true as it is a private method:
Java 8实现将注释信息存储在一个AnnotationData类中。我们可以使用annotationData方法访问这个对象。我们将把annotationData方法的可访问性设置为true,因为它是一个私有方法:。
Method method = Class.class.getDeclaredMethod(ANNOTATION_METHOD, null);
Now, we can access annotations field. As this field also a private field, we will set accessibility to true:
Field annotations = annotationData.getClass().getDeclaredField(ANNOTATIONS);
This field has annotations cache map which stores annotation class and value object. Let’s alter that:
Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation> map = annotations.get(annotationData);
map.put(targetAnnotation, targetValue);
4. Application
Let’s take this example:
Greeter greetings = Greetings.class.getAnnotation(Greeter.class);
System.err.println("Hello there, " + greetings.greet() + " !!");
This will be greeting “Good morning” as that is the value we provided to annotation.
Now, we will create one more object of Greeter type with value as “Good evening”:
这将是 “早上好 “的问候语,因为这是我们提供给注释的值。
现在,我们将再创建一个Greeter类型的对象,其值为 “晚上好”。
Greeter targetValue = new DynamicGreeter("Good evening");
Let’s update the annotation map with the new value:
alterAnnotationValueJDK8(Greetings.class, Greeter.class, targetValue);
Let’s check greeting value again:
greetings = Greetings.class.getAnnotation(Greeter.class);
System.err.println("Hello there, " + greetings.greet() + " !!");
It will greet as “Good evening”.
它将问候 “晚上好”。
5. Conclusion
Java implementations use two data field to store annotation data: annotations, declaredAnnotations. The difference between these two: first store annotations from parent classes also and later one stores only for current class.
As the implementation of getAnnotation differs in JDK 7 and JDK 8, we using here annotations field map for simplicity.
由于getAnnotation在JDK 7和JDK 8中有所不同,我们在这里使用annotationsfield map来简化操作。
And, as always, the source code of implementation is available over on Github.