Spring Security 5 – OAuth2 Login – Spring Security 5 – OAuth2登录

最后修改: 2018年 1月 14日


1. Overview


Spring Security 5 introduces a new OAuth2LoginConfigurer class that we can use for configuring an external Authorization Server.

Spring Security 5引入了一个新的OAuth2LoginConfigurer类,我们可以用它来配置一个外部授权服务器。

In this tutorial, we’ll explore some of the various configuration options available for the oauth2Login() element.


2. Maven Dependencies


In a Spring Boot project, we just need to add the starter spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client:

在Spring Boot项目中,我们只需要添加启动器spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client


In a non-Boot project, in addition to the standard Spring and Spring Security dependencies, we’ll also need to explicitly add the spring-security-oauth2-client and spring-security-oauth2-jose dependencies:

在非Boot项目中,除了标准的Spring和Spring Security依赖项之外,我们还需要明确添加spring-security-oauth2-clientspring-security-oauth2-jose依赖项。


3. Clients Setup


In a Spring Boot project, all we need to do is add a few standard properties for each client we want to configure.

在Spring Boot项目中,我们所要做的就是为我们想要配置的每个客户端添加一些标准属性。

Let’s set up our project for login with clients registered with Google and Facebook as authentication providers.


3.1. Obtaining Client Credentials


To obtain client credentials for Google OAuth2 authentication, head on over to the Google API Console, “Credentials” section.

要获得Google OAuth2认证的客户证书,请前往Google API Console,”证书 “部分。

Here we’ll create credentials of type “OAuth2 Client ID” for our web application. This results in Google setting up a client id and secret for us.

在这里,我们将为我们的网络应用程序创建 “OAuth2客户端ID “类型的凭证。这导致谷歌为我们设置了一个客户端ID和秘密。

We also have to configure an authorized redirect URI in the Google Console, which is the path that users will be redirected to after they successfully log in with Google.


By default, Spring Boot configures this redirect URI as /login/oauth2/code/{registrationId}.

默认情况下,Spring Boot将此重定向URI配置为/login/oauth2/code/{registrationId}

So, for Google we’ll add this URI:



To obtain the client credentials for authentication with Facebook, we need to register an application on the Facebook for Developers website and set up the corresponding URI as a “Valid OAuth redirect URI”:

为了获得用于与Facebook认证的客户端凭证,我们需要在Facebook for Developers网站上注册一个应用程序,并将相应的URI设置为 “有效OAuth重定向URI”。


3.2. Security Configuration


Next, we need to add the client credentials to the application.properties file.


The Spring Security properties are prefixed with spring.security.oauth2.client.registration followed by the client name and then the name of the client property:

Spring Security属性的前缀是spring.security.oauth2.client.registration,后面是客户名称,然后是客户属性的名称

spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.google.client-id=<your client id>
spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.google.client-secret=<your client secret>

spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.facebook.client-id=<your client id> 
spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.facebook.client-secret=<your client secret>

Adding these properties for at least one client will enable the Oauth2ClientAutoConfiguration class, which sets up all the necessary beans.


The automatic web security configuration is equivalent to defining a simple oauth2Login() element:


public class SecurityConfig {

    public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
        return http.build();

Here we can see the oauth2Login() element is used in a similar manner to already known httpBasic() and formLogin() elements.


Now, when we try to access a protected URL, the application will display an auto-generated login page with two clients:


oauth login default

3.3. Other Clients


Note that the Spring Security project also contains default configurations for GitHub and Okta in addition to Google and Facebook. These default configurations provide all the necessary information for authentication, which is what allows us to only enter the client credentials.

注意,除了谷歌和Facebook之外,Spring Security项目还包含GitHub和Okta的默认配置。这些默认配置提供了所有必要的认证信息,这就是允许我们只输入客户端凭证的原因。

If we want to use a different authentication provider not configured in Spring Security, we’ll need to define the full configuration, with information such as authorization URI and token URI. Here’s a look at the default configurations in Spring Security to get an idea of the properties needed.

如果我们想使用未在 Spring Security 中配置的不同身份验证提供商,我们需要定义完整的配置,包括授权 URI 和令牌 URI 等信息。下面看一下Spring Security中的默认配置,以了解所需的属性。

4. Setup in a Non-Boot Project


4.1. Creating a ClientRegistrationRepository Bean

4.1.创建一个ClientRegistrationRepository Bean

If we’re not working with a Spring Boot application, we’ll need to define a ClientRegistrationRepository bean that contains an internal representation of the client information owned by the authorization server:

如果我们不是在使用Spring Boot应用程序,我们就需要定义一个ClientRegistrationRepository Bean,它包含授权服务器所拥有的客户信息的内部表示。

public class SecurityConfig {
    private static List<String> clients = Arrays.asList("google", "facebook");

    public ClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository() {
        List<ClientRegistration> registrations = clients.stream()
          .map(c -> getRegistration(c))
          .filter(registration -> registration != null)
        return new InMemoryClientRegistrationRepository(registrations);

Here we’re creating an InMemoryClientRegistrationRepository with a list of ClientRegistration objects.


4.2. Building ClientRegistration Objects


Let’s see the getRegistration() method that builds these objects:


private static String CLIENT_PROPERTY_KEY 
  = "spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.";

private Environment env;

private ClientRegistration getRegistration(String client) {
    String clientId = env.getProperty(
      CLIENT_PROPERTY_KEY + client + ".client-id");

    if (clientId == null) {
        return null;

    String clientSecret = env.getProperty(
      CLIENT_PROPERTY_KEY + client + ".client-secret");
    if (client.equals("google")) {
        return CommonOAuth2Provider.GOOGLE.getBuilder(client)
    if (client.equals("facebook")) {
        return CommonOAuth2Provider.FACEBOOK.getBuilder(client)
    return null;

Here we’re reading the client credentials from a similar application.properties file. Then we use the CommonOauth2Provider enum already defined in Spring Security for the rest of the client properties for Google and Facebook clients.

在这里,我们从类似的application.properties文件中读取客户端凭证。然后我们使用已经在Spring Security中定义的CommonOauth2Provider枚举,为Google和Facebook客户端提供其余的客户端属性。

Each ClientRegistration instance corresponds to a client.


4.3. Registering the ClientRegistrationRepository


Finally, we have to create an OAuth2AuthorizedClientService bean based on the ClientRegistrationRepository bean and register both with the oauth2Login() element:

最后,我们必须在ClientRegistrationRepository Bean的基础上创建一个OAuth2AuthorizedClientService Bean,并在oauth2Login()元素中注册两者。

public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
    return http.build();

public OAuth2AuthorizedClientService authorizedClientService() {
    return new InMemoryOAuth2AuthorizedClientService(

As we can see, we can use the clientRegistrationRepository() method of oauth2Login() to register a custom registration repository.


We’ll also have to define a custom login page, as it won’t be automatically generated anymore. We’ll see more information on this in the next section.


Let’s continue with further customization of our login process.


5. Customizing oauth2Login()


There are several elements that the OAuth 2 process uses and that we can customize with oauth2Login() methods.

有几个元素是OAuth 2流程使用的,我们可以用oauth2Login()方法来定制。

Note that all these elements have default configurations in Spring Boot and explicit configuration isn’t required.

注意,所有这些元素在Spring Boot中都有默认配置,不需要明确配置。

Let’s see how we can customize these in our configuration.


5.1. Custom Login Page


Even though Spring Boot generates a default login page for us, we’ll usually want to define our own customized page.

尽管Spring Boot为我们生成了一个默认的登录页面,但我们通常希望定义自己的定制页面。

Let’s start with configuring a new login URL for the oauth2Login() element by using the loginPage() method:

让我们首先通过使用 oauth2Login()方法oauth2Login()元素配置一个新的登录URL。

public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
    return http.build();

Here we’ve set up our login URL to be /oauth_login.


Next, let’s define a LoginController with a method that maps to this URL:


public class LoginController {

    private static String authorizationRequestBaseUri
      = "oauth2/authorization";
    Map<String, String> oauth2AuthenticationUrls
      = new HashMap<>();

    private ClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository;

    public String getLoginPage(Model model) {
        // ...

        return "oauth_login";

This method has to send a map of the clients available and their authorization endpoints to the view, which we’ll obtain from the ClientRegistrationRepository bean:


public String getLoginPage(Model model) {
    Iterable<ClientRegistration> clientRegistrations = null;
    ResolvableType type = ResolvableType.forInstance(clientRegistrationRepository)
    if (type != ResolvableType.NONE && 
      ClientRegistration.class.isAssignableFrom(type.resolveGenerics()[0])) {
        clientRegistrations = (Iterable<ClientRegistration>) clientRegistrationRepository;

    clientRegistrations.forEach(registration -> 
      authorizationRequestBaseUri + "/" + registration.getRegistrationId()));
    model.addAttribute("urls", oauth2AuthenticationUrls);

    return "oauth_login";

Finally, we need to define our oauth_login.html page:


<h3>Login with:</h3>
<p th:each="url : ${urls}">
    <a th:text="${url.key}" th:href="${url.value}">Client</a>

This is a simple HTML page that displays links to authenticate with each client.


After adding some styling to it, we can change the look of the login page:



5.2. Custom Authentication Success and Failure Behavior


We can control the post-authentication behavior with different methods:


  • defaultSuccessUrl() and failureUrl() to redirect the user to a given URL
  • successHandler() and failureHandler() to run custom logic following the authentication process

Let’s see how we can set custom URLs to redirect the user to:



If the user visited a secured page before authenticating, they will be redirected to that page after logging in. Otherwise, they will be redirected to /loginSuccess.


If we want the user to always be sent to the /loginSuccess URL regardless if they were on a secured page before or not, we can use the method defaultSuccessUrl(“/loginSuccess”, true).

如果我们希望用户总是被发送到/loginSuccess URL,无论他们之前是否在安全页面上,我们可以使用方法defaultSuccessUrl(“/loginSuccess”, true)

To use a custom handler, we would have to create a class that implements the AuthenticationSuccessHandler or AuthenticationFailureHandler interfaces, override the inherited methods and then set the beans using the successHandler() and failureHandler() methods.


5.3. Custom Authorization Endpoint


The authorization endpoint is the endpoint that Spring Security uses to trigger an authorization request to the external server.

授权端点是Spring Security用来触发对外部服务器的授权请求的端点。

First, let’s set new properties for the authorization endpoint:



Here we’ve modified the baseUri to /oauth2/authorize-client instead of the default /oauth2/authorization.


We’re also explicitly setting an authorizationRequestRepository() bean that we have to define:


public AuthorizationRequestRepository<OAuth2AuthorizationRequest> 
  authorizationRequestRepository() {
    return new HttpSessionOAuth2AuthorizationRequestRepository();

We’ve used the Spring-provided implementation for our bean, but we could also provide a custom one.


5.4. Custom Token Endpoint


The token endpoint processes access tokens.


Let’s explicitly configure the tokenEndpoint() with the default response client implementation:



And here’s the response client bean:


public OAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient<OAuth2AuthorizationCodeGrantRequest> 
  accessTokenResponseClient() {
    return new NimbusAuthorizationCodeTokenResponseClient();

This configuration is the same as the default one, and it uses the Spring implementation, which is based on exchanging an authorization code with the provider.


Of course, we could also substitute a custom response client.


5.5. Custom Redirection Endpoint


This is the endpoint to redirect to after authentication with the external provider.


Let’s see how we can change the baseUri for the redirection endpoint:



The default URI is login/oauth2/code.


Note that if we change it, we also have to update the redirectUriTemplate property of each ClientRegistration and add the new URI as an authorized redirect URI for each client.


5.6. Custom User Information Endpoint


The user info endpoint is the location we can leverage to obtain user information.


We can customize this endpoint using the userInfoEndpoint() method. For this, we can use methods such as userService() and customUserType() to modify the way user information is retrieved.


6. Accessing User Information


A common task we may want to achieve is finding information about the logged-in user. For this, we can make a request to the user information endpoint.


First, we’ll have to get the client corresponding to the current user token:


private OAuth2AuthorizedClientService authorizedClientService;

public String getLoginInfo(Model model, OAuth2AuthenticationToken authentication) {
    OAuth2AuthorizedClient client = authorizedClientService
    return "loginSuccess";

Next, we’ll send a request to the client’s user info endpoint and retrieve the userAttributes Map:

接下来,我们将向客户端的用户信息端点发送一个请求,并检索userAttributes Map

String userInfoEndpointUri = client.getClientRegistration()

if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(userInfoEndpointUri)) {
    RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    headers.add(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "Bearer " + client.getAccessToken()
    HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity("", headers);
    ResponseEntity <map>response = restTemplate
      .exchange(userInfoEndpointUri, HttpMethod.GET, entity, Map.class);
    Map userAttributes = response.getBody();
    model.addAttribute("name", userAttributes.get("name"));

By adding the name property as a Model attribute, we can display it in the loginSuccess view as a welcome message to the user:



Besides the name, the userAttributes Map also contains properties such as email, family_name, picture and locale.


7. Conclusion


In this article, we saw how to use the oauth2Login() element in Spring Security to authenticate with different providers such as Google and Facebook.

在这篇文章中,我们看到了如何使用Spring Security中的oauth2Login()元素来验证不同的供应商,如Google和Facebook。

We also went through some common scenarios of customizing this process.


The full source code of the examples can be found over on GitHub.
