1. Introduction to EJDK
The EJDK (Embedded Java Development Kit) was introduced by Oracle to solve the problem of providing binaries for all the available embedded platforms. We can download the latest EJDK from Oracle’s site here.
Simply put, it contains the tools for creating platform-specific JREs.
2. jrecreate
EJDK provides jrecreate.bat for Windows and jrecreate.sh for Unix/Linux platforms. This tool helps in assembling custom JREs for platforms we wish to use, and was introduced to:
- minimize the release of binaries by Oracle for every platform
- make it easy to create customized JREs for other platforms
The following syntax is used to execute the jrecreate command; in Unix/Linux:
$jrecreate.sh -<option>/--<option> <argument-if-any>
And in Windows:
$jrecreate.bat -<option>/--<option> <argument-if-any>
Note, we can add multiple options for a single JRE creation. Now, let’s take a look at some of the options available for the tool.
3. Options for jrecreate
3.1. Destination
The destination option is required and specifies the directory in which the target JRE should be created:
$jrecreate.sh -d /SampleJRE
On running the above command, a default JRE will be created in the specified location. The command line output will be:
Building JRE using Options {
ejdk-home: /installDir/ejdk1.8.0/bin/..
dest: /SampleJRE
target: linux_i586
vm: all
runtime: jre
debug: false
keep-debug-info: false
no-compression: false
dry-run: false
verbose: false
extension: []
Target JRE Size is 55,205 KB (on disk usage may be greater).
Embedded JRE created successfully
From the above result, we can see that the target JRE is created in the specified destination directory. All the other options have taken their default values.
3.2. Profiles
The profile option is used to manage the size of the target JRE. The profiles define the functionality of the API to be included. If the profile option is not specified, the tool will include all the JRE APIs by default:
profile选项用于管理目标JRE的大小。配置文件定义了要包括的API的功能。如果没有指定profile选项,该工具将默认包括所有的JRE APIs。
$jrecreate.sh -d /SampleJRECompact1/ -p compact1
A JRE with a compact1 profile will be created. We can also use ––profile instead of -p in the command. The command line output will display the following result:
Building JRE using Options {
ejdk-home: /installDir/ejdk1.8.0/bin/..
dest: /SampleJRECompact1
target: linux_i586
vm: minimal
runtime: compact1 profile
debug: false
keep-debug-info: false
no-compression: false
dry-run: false
verbose: false
extension: []
Target JRE Size is 10,808 KB (on disk usage may be greater).
Embedded JRE created successfully
In the above result, note that the runtime option has the value as compact1. Also note the size of the result JRE is just under 11MB, down from 55MB in the previous example.
There are three available options for the profile setting: compact1, compact2, and compact3.
3.3. JVMs
3.3. JVMs
The jvm option is used to customize our target JRE with specific JVMs based on the user’s needs. By default, it includes all the available JVMs (client, server, and minimal) if both profile and jvm options are not specified:
$jrecreate.sh -d /SampleJREClientJVM/ --vm client
A JRE with a client jvm will be created. The command line output will display the following result:
Building JRE using Options {
ejdk-home: /installDir/ejdk1.8.0/bin/..
dest: /SampleJREClientJVM
target: linux_i586
vm: Client
runtime: jre
debug: false
keep-debug-info: false
no-compression: false
dry-run: false
verbose: false
extension: []
Target JRE Size is 46,217 KB (on disk usage may be greater).
Embedded JRE created successfully
In the above result, note that the vm option has the value Client. We can also specify the other JVMs like server and minimal with this option.
在上述结果中,注意vm 选项的值是Client。我们也可以用这个选项指定其他JVM,如server和minimal。
3.4. Extension
3.4. 扩展
The extension option is used to include various allowed extensions to the target JRE. By default, there are no extensions added:
$jrecreate.sh -d /SampleJRESunecExt/ -x sunec
A JRE with an extension sunec (Security provider for Elliptic Curve Cryptography) will be created. We can also use ––extension instead of -x in the command. The command line output will display the following result:
一个带有extensionsunec(Elliptic Curve Cryptography的安全提供者)的JRE将被创建。我们也可以在命令中使用–extension而不是-x。命令行输出将显示以下结果。
Building JRE using Options {
ejdk-home: /installDir/ejdk1.8.0/bin/..
dest: /SampleJRESunecExt
target: linux_i586
vm: all
runtime: jre
debug: false
keep-debug-info: false
no-compression: false
dry-run: false
verbose: false
extension: [sunec]
Target JRE Size is 55,462 KB (on disk usage may be greater).
Embedded JRE created successfully
In the above result, note that the extension option has the value sunec. Multiple extensions can be added with this option.
3.5. Other Options
Other than the major options discussed above, jrecreate also facilitates users with a few more options:
- ––help: displays summary of command line options for jrecreate tool
- ––debug: creates JRE that has debug support
- ––keep-debug-info: keeps the debug information from class and unsigned JAR files
- ––dry-run: performs a dry run without actually creating the JRE
- ––no-compression: creates a JRE with unsigned JAR files in uncompressed format
- ––verbose: displays verbose output for all jrecreate commands
4. Conclusion
In this tutorial, we learned the basics of EJDK, and how the jrecreate tool is used to generate platform-specific JREs.