1. Introduction
In this article, we’re going to explore in details the assertions available within JUnit.
Following the migrating from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5 and A Guide to JUnit 5 articles, we’re now going into details about the different assertions available in JUnit 4 and JUnit 5.
继从JUnit 4迁移到JUnit 5和JUnit 5指南文章之后,我们现在将详细介绍JUnit 4和JUnit 5中可用的不同断言。
We’ll also highlight the enhancements made on the assertions with JUnit 5.
我们还将强调JUnit 5对断言的增强。
2. Assertions
Assertions are utility methods to support asserting conditions in tests; these methods are accessible through the Assert class, in JUnit 4, and the Assertions one, in JUnit 5.
断言是支持测试中断言条件的实用方法;这些方法可以通过JUnit 4中的Assert 类和JUnit 5中的Assertions 一来访问。
In order to increase the readability of the test and of the assertions itself, it’s always recommended to import statically the respective class. In this way, we can refer directly to the assertion method itself without the representing class as a prefix.
Let’s start exploring the assertions available with JUnit 4.
让我们开始探索JUnit 4的可用断言。
3. Assertions in JUnit 4
3.JUnit 4中的断言
In this version of the library, assertions are available for all primitive types, Objects, and arrays (either of primitives or Objects).
The parameters order, within the assertion, is the expected value followed by the actual value; optionally the first parameter can be a String message that represents the message output of the evaluated condition.
There’s only one slightly different in how is defined the assertThat assertions, but we’ll cover it later on.
Let’s start with the assertEquals one.
3.1. assertEquals
The assertEquals assertion verifies that the expected and the actual values are equal:
public void whenAssertingEquality_thenEqual() {
String expected = "Baeldung";
String actual = "Baeldung";
assertEquals(expected, actual);
It’s also possible to specify a message to display when the assertion fails:
assertEquals("failure - strings are not equal", expected, actual);
3.2. assertArrayEquals
If we want to assert that two arrays are equals, we can use the assertArrayEquals:
public void whenAssertingArraysEquality_thenEqual() {
char[] expected = {'J','u','n','i','t'};
char[] actual = "Junit".toCharArray();
assertArrayEquals(expected, actual);
If both arrays are null, the assertion will consider them equal:
public void givenNullArrays_whenAssertingArraysEquality_thenEqual() {
int[] expected = null;
int[] actual = null;
assertArrayEquals(expected, actual);
3.3. assertNotNull and assertNull
When we want to test if an object is null we can use the assertNull assertion:
public void whenAssertingNull_thenTrue() {
Object car = null;
assertNull("The car should be null", car);
In the opposite way, if we want to assert that an object should not be null we can use the assertNotNull assertion.
3.4. assertNotSame and assertSame
3.4. assertNotSame和assertSame
With assertNotSame, it’s possible to verify if two variables don’t refer to the same object:
public void whenAssertingNotSameObject_thenDifferent() {
Object cat = new Object();
Object dog = new Object();
assertNotSame(cat, dog);
Otherwise, when we want to verify that two variables refer to the same object, we can use the assertSame assertion.
3.5. assertTrue and assertFalse
In case we want to verify that a certain condition is true or false, we can respectively use the assertTrue assertion or the assertFalse one:
public void whenAssertingConditions_thenVerified() {
assertTrue("5 is greater then 4", 5 > 4);
assertFalse("5 is not greater then 6", 5 > 6);
3.6. fail
The fail assertion fails a test throwing an AssertionFailedError. It can be used to verify that an actual exception is thrown or when we want to make a test failing during its development.
Let’s see how we can use it in the first scenario:
public void whenCheckingExceptionMessage_thenEqual() {
try {
fail("Exception not thrown");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
assertEquals("Operation Not Supported", e.getMessage());
3.7. assertThat
The assertThat assertion is the only one in JUnit 4 that has a reverse order of the parameters compared to the other assertions.
assertThat断言是JUnit 4中唯一一个与其他断言相比具有反向参数顺序的断言。
In this case, the assertion has an optional failure message, the actual value, and a Matcher object.
Let’s see how we can use this assertion to check if an array contains particular values:
public void testAssertThatHasItems() {
Arrays.asList("Java", "Kotlin", "Scala"),
hasItems("Java", "Kotlin"));
Additional information, on the powerful use of the assertThat assertion with Matcher object, is available at Testing with Hamcrest.
4. JUnit 5 Assertions
4.JUnit 5断言
JUnit 5 kept many of the assertion methods of JUnit 4 while adding few new ones that take advantage of the Java 8 support.
JUnit 5保留了JUnit 4的许多断言方法,同时增加了一些利用Java 8支持的新方法。
Also in this version of the library, assertions are available for all primitive types, Objects, and arrays (either of primitives or Objects).
The order of the parameters of the assertions changed, moving the output message parameter as the last parameter. Thanks to the support of Java 8, the output message can be a Supplier, allowing lazy evaluation of it.
断言的参数顺序发生了变化,输出消息参数被移到了最后一个参数。由于Java 8的支持,输出消息可以是一个Supplier,允许对其进行懒惰评估。
Let’s start reviewing the assertions that already had a JUnit 4 equivalent.
让我们开始回顾那些已经有JUnit 4等价物的断言。
4.1. assertArrayEquals
The assertArrayEquals assertion verifies that the expected and the actual arrays are equals:
assertArrayEquals 断言验证了预期数组和实际数组是相等的。
public void whenAssertingArraysEquality_thenEqual() {
char[] expected = { 'J', 'u', 'p', 'i', 't', 'e', 'r' };
char[] actual = "Jupiter".toCharArray();
assertArrayEquals(expected, actual, "Arrays should be equal");
If the arrays aren’t equal, the message “Arrays should be equal” will be displayed as output.
4.2. assertEquals
In case we want to assert that two floats are equals, we can use the simple assertEquals assertion:
void whenAssertingEquality_thenEqual() {
float square = 2 * 2;
float rectangle = 2 * 2;
assertEquals(square, rectangle);
However, if we want to assert that the actual value differs by a predefined delta from the expected value, we can still use the assertEquals but we have to pass the delta value as the third parameter:
void whenAssertingEqualityWithDelta_thenEqual() {
float square = 2 * 2;
float rectangle = 3 * 2;
float delta = 2;
assertEquals(square, rectangle, delta);
4.3. assertTrue and assertFalse
With the assertTrue assertion, it’s possible to verify the supplied conditions are true:
void whenAssertingConditions_thenVerified() {
assertTrue(5 > 4, "5 is greater the 4");
assertTrue(null == null, "null is equal to null");
Thanks to the support of the lambda expression, it’s possible to supply a BooleanSupplier to the assertion instead of a boolean condition.
Let’s see how we can assert the correctness of a BooleanSupplier using the assertFalse assertion:
public void givenBooleanSupplier_whenAssertingCondition_thenVerified() {
BooleanSupplier condition = () -> 5 > 6;
assertFalse(condition, "5 is not greater then 6");
4.4. assertNull and assertNotNull
When we want to assert that an object is not null we can use the assertNotNull assertion:
void whenAssertingNotNull_thenTrue() {
Object dog = new Object();
assertNotNull(dog, () -> "The dog should not be null");
In the opposite way, we can use the assertNull assertion to check if the actual is null:
public void whenAssertingNull_thenTrue() {
Object cat = null;
assertNull(cat, () -> "The cat should be null");
In both cases, the failure message will be retrieved in a lazy way since it’s a Supplier.
4.5. assertSame and assertNotSame
When we want to assert that the expected and the actual refer to the same Object, we must use the assertSame assertion:
void whenAssertingSameObject_thenSuccessfull() {
String language = "Java";
Optional<String> optional = Optional.of(language);
assertSame(language, optional.get());
In the opposite way, we can use the assertNotSame one.
4.6. fail
The fail assertion fails a test with the provided failure message as well as the underlying cause. This can be useful to mark a test when it’s development it’s not completed:
fail 断言使测试失败,并提供失败信息以及根本原因。这对于标记一个测试,当它的开发没有完成时,是很有用的。
public void whenFailingATest_thenFailed() {
// Test not completed
fail("FAIL - test not completed");
4.7. assertAll
One of the new assertion introduced in JUnit 5 is assertAll.
JUnit 5中引入的一个新断言是assertAll。
This assertion allows the creation of grouped assertions, where all the assertions are executed and their failures are reported together. In details, this assertion accepts a heading, that will be included in the message string for the MultipleFailureError, and a Stream of Executable.
Let’s define a grouped assertion:
void givenMultipleAssertion_whenAssertingAll_thenOK() {
Object obj = null;
() -> assertEquals(4, 2 * 2, "4 is 2 times 2"),
() -> assertEquals("java", "JAVA".toLowerCase()),
() -> assertNull(obj, "obj is null")
The execution of a grouped assertion is interrupted only when one of the executables throws a blacklisted exception (OutOfMemoryError for example).
4.8. assertIterableEquals
The assertIterableEquals asserts that the expected and the actual iterables are deeply equal.
assertIterableEquals 断言预期的和实际的迭代器是深度相等的。
In order to be equal, both iterable must return equal elements in the same order and it isn’t required that the two iterables are of the same type in order to be equal.
With this consideration, let’s see how we can assert that two lists of different types (LinkedList and ArrayList for example) are equal:
void givenTwoLists_whenAssertingIterables_thenEquals() {
Iterable<String> al = new ArrayList<>(asList("Java", "Junit", "Test"));
Iterable<String> ll = new LinkedList<>(asList("Java", "Junit", "Test"));
assertIterableEquals(al, ll);
In the same way of the assertArrayEquals, if both iterables are null, they are considered equal.
4.9. assertLinesMatch
The assertLinesMatch asserts that the expected list of String matches the actual list.
This method differs from the assertEquals and assertIterableEquals since, for each pair of expected and actual lines, it performs this algorithm:
- check if the expected line is equal to the actual one. If yes it continues with the next pair
- treat the expected line as a regular expression and performs a check with the String.matches() method. If yes it continues with the next pair
- check if the expected line is a fast-forward marker. If yes apply fast-forward and repeat the algorithm from the step 1
Let’s see how we can use this assertion to assert that two lists of String have matching lines:
void whenAssertingEqualityListOfStrings_thenEqual() {
List<String> expected = asList("Java", "\\d+", "JUnit");
List<String> actual = asList("Java", "11", "JUnit");
assertLinesMatch(expected, actual);
4.10. assertNotEquals
Complementary to the assertEquals, the assertNotEquals assertion asserts that the expected and the actual values aren’t equal:
void whenAssertingEquality_thenNotEqual() {
Integer value = 5; // result of an algorithm
assertNotEquals(0, value, "The result cannot be 0");
If both are null, the assertion fails.
4.11. assertThrows
In order to increase simplicity and readability, the new assertThrows assertion allows us a clear and a simple way to assert if an executable throws the specified exception type.
Let’s see how we can assert a thrown exception:
void whenAssertingException_thenThrown() {
Throwable exception = assertThrows(
() -> {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Exception message");
assertEquals("Exception message", exception.getMessage());
The assertion will fail if no exception is thrown, or if an exception of a different type is thrown.
4.12. assertTimeout and assertTimeoutPreemptively
In case we want to assert that the execution of a supplied Executable ends before a given Timeout, we can use the assertTimeout assertion:
void whenAssertingTimeout_thenNotExceeded() {
() -> {
// code that requires less than 2 minutes to execute
However, with the assertTimeout assertion, the supplied executable will be executed in the same thread of the calling code. Consequently, execution of the supplier won’t be preemptively aborted if the timeout is exceeded.
In case we want to be sure that execution of the executable will be aborted once it exceeds the timeout, we can use the assertTimeoutPreemptively assertion.
Both assertions can accept, instead of an Executable, a ThrowingSupplier, representing any generic block of code that returns an object and that can potentially throw a Throwable.
5. Conclusion
In this tutorial, we covered all the assertions available in both JUnit 4 and JUnit 5.
在本教程中,我们涵盖了JUnit 4和JUnit 5中可用的所有断言。
We highlighted briefly the improvements made in JUnit 5, with the introductions of new assertions and the support of lambdas.
我们简要地强调了JUnit 5中的改进,引入了新的断言和对lambdas的支持。
As always, the complete source code for this article is available over on GitHub.