Inheritance and Composition (Is-a vs Has-a relationship) in Java – Java中的继承和组合(Is-a与Has-a关系)

最后修改: 2018年 4月 10日


1. Overview


Inheritance and composition — along with abstraction, encapsulation, and polymorphism — are cornerstones of object-oriented programming (OOP).


In this tutorial, we’ll cover the basics of inheritance and composition, and we’ll focus strongly on spotting the differences between the two types of relationships.


2. Inheritance’s Basics


Inheritance is a powerful yet overused and misused mechanism.


Simply put, with inheritance, a base class (a.k.a. base type) defines the state and behavior common for a given type and lets the subclasses (a.k.a. subtypes) provide specialized versions of that state and behavior.


To have a clear idea on how to work with inheritance, let’s create a naive example: a base class Person that defines the common fields and methods for a person, while the subclasses Waitress and Actress provide additional, fine-grained method implementations.


Here’s the Person class:


public class Person {
    private final String name;

    // other fields, standard constructors, getters

And these are the subclasses:


public class Waitress extends Person {

    public String serveStarter(String starter) {
        return "Serving a " + starter;
    // additional methods/constructors
public class Actress extends Person {
    public String readScript(String movie) {
        return "Reading the script of " + movie;
    // additional methods/constructors

In addition, let’s create a unit test to verify that instances of the Waitress and Actress classes are also instances of Person, thus showing that the “is-a” condition is met at the type level:

此外,让我们创建一个单元测试来验证WaitressActress类的实例也是Person的实例,从而表明在类型级别上满足 “is-a “条件。

public void givenWaitressInstance_whenCheckedType_thenIsInstanceOfPerson() {
    assertThat(new Waitress("Mary", "", 22))
public void givenActressInstance_whenCheckedType_thenIsInstanceOfPerson() {
    assertThat(new Actress("Susan", "", 30))

It’s important to stress here the semantic facet of inheritance. Aside from reusing the implementation of the Person class, we’ve created a well-defined “is-a” relationship between the base type Person and the subtypes Waitress and Actress. Waitresses and actresses are, effectively, persons.

这里需要强调的是继承的语义方面。除了重复使用Person类的实现之外,我们在基类型Person和子类型WaitressActress之间建立了一个明确的 “is-a “关系。女服务员和女演员实际上都是人。

This may cause us to ask: in which use cases is inheritance the right approach to take?


If subtypes fulfill the “is-a” condition and mainly provide additive functionality further down the classes hierarchy, then inheritance is the way to go.

如果子类型满足了 “is-a “的条件,并且主要是为类的层次结构进一步提供附加功能, 那么继承就是最好的办法。

Of course, method overriding is allowed as long as the overridden methods preserve the base type/subtype substitutability promoted by the Liskov Substitution Principle.


Additionally, we should keep in mind that the subtypes inherit the base type’s API, which is some cases may be overkill or merely undesirable.


Otherwise, we should use composition instead.


3. Inheritance in Design Patterns


While the consensus is that we should favor composition over inheritance whenever possible, there are a few typical use cases where inheritance has its place.


3.1. The Layer Supertype Pattern


In this case, we use inheritance to move common code to a base class (the supertype), on a per-layer basis.


Here’s a basic implementation of this pattern in the domain layer:


public class Entity {
    protected long id;
    // setters
public class User extends Entity {
    // additional fields and methods   

We can apply the same approach to the other layers in the system, such as the service and persistence layers.


3.2. The Template Method Pattern


In the template method pattern, we can use a base class to define the invariant parts of an algorithm, and then implement the variant parts in the subclasses:


public abstract class ComputerBuilder {
    public final Computer buildComputer() {
    public abstract void addProcessor();
    public abstract void addMemory();
public class StandardComputerBuilder extends ComputerBuilder {

    public void addProcessor() {
        // method implementation
    public void addMemory() {
        // method implementation

4. Composition’s Basics


The composition is another mechanism provided by OOP for reusing implementation.


In a nutshell, composition allows us to model objects that are made up of other objects, thus defining a “has-a” relationship between them.

简而言之,组合允许我们对由其他对象组成的对象进行建模,从而定义了它们之间的 “有-a “关系。

Furthermore, the composition is the strongest form of association, which means that the object(s) that compose or are contained by one object are destroyed too when that object is destroyed.


To better understand how composition works, let’s suppose that we need to work with objects that represent computers.


A computer is composed of different parts, including the microprocessor, the memory, a sound card and so forth, so we can model both the computer and each of its parts as individual classes.


Here’s how a simple implementation of the Computer class might look:


public class Computer {

    private Processor processor;
    private Memory memory;
    private SoundCard soundCard;

    // standard getters/setters/constructors
    public Optional<SoundCard> getSoundCard() {
        return Optional.ofNullable(soundCard);

The following classes model a microprocessor, the memory, and a sound card (interfaces are omitted for brevity’s sake):


public class StandardProcessor implements Processor {

    private String model;
    // standard getters/setters
public class StandardMemory implements Memory {
    private String brand;
    private String size;
    // standard constructors, getters, toString
public class StandardSoundCard implements SoundCard {
    private String brand;

    // standard constructors, getters, toString

It’s easy to understand the motivations behind pushing composition over inheritance. In every scenario where it’s possible to establish a semantically correct “has-a” relationship between a given class and others, the composition is the right choice to make.

我们很容易理解推动组合而不是继承背后的动机。在每一个有可能在一个给定的类和其他类之间建立语义正确的 “具有-a “关系的情况下,组合是正确的选择。

In the above example, Computer meets the “has-a” condition with the classes that model its parts.

在上面的例子中,Computer与模拟其部分的类一起满足 “有-a “的条件。

It’s also worth noting that in this case, the containing Computer object has ownership of the contained objects if and only if the objects can’t be reused within another Computer object. If they can, we’d be using aggregation, rather than composition, where ownership isn’t implied.


5. Composition Without Abstraction


Alternatively, we could’ve defined the composition relationship by hard-coding the dependencies of the Computer class, instead of declaring them in the constructor:


public class Computer {

    private StandardProcessor processor
      = new StandardProcessor("Intel I3");
    private StandardMemory memory
      = new StandardMemory("Kingston", "1TB");
    // additional fields / methods

Of course, this would be a rigid, tightly-coupled design, as we’d be making Computer strongly dependent on specific implementations of Processor and Memory.


We wouldn’t be taking advantage of the level of abstraction provided by interfaces and dependency injection.


With the initial design based on interfaces, we get a loosely-coupled design, which is also easier to test.


6. Conclusion


In this article, we learned the fundamentals of inheritance and composition in Java, and we explored in depth the differences between the two types of relationships (“is-a” vs. “has-a”).

在这篇文章中,我们学习了Java中继承和组合的基本原理,并深入探讨了两种关系(”is-a “与 “has-a”)之间的区别。

As always, all the code samples shown in this tutorial are available over on GitHub.
