Singleton Session Bean in Jakarta EE – 在Jakarta EE中的Singleton Session Bean

最后修改: 2018年 5月 20日


1. Overview


Whenever a single instance of a Session Bean is required for a given use-case, we can use a Singleton Session Bean.


In this tutorial, we’re going to explore the this through an example, with a Jakarta EE application.

在本教程中,我们将通过一个例子,用一个Jakarta EE应用程序来探索这个问题。

2. Maven


First of all, we need to define required Maven dependencies in the pom.xml.


Let’s define the dependencies for the EJB APIs and Embedded EJB container for deployment of the EJB:

让我们定义EJB APIs和嵌入式EJB容器的依赖关系,以便部署EJB。



Latest versions can be found on Maven Central at JavaEE API and tomEE.

最新版本可在Maven中心的JavaEE APItomEE找到。

3. Types of Session Beans


There are three types of Session Beans. Before we explore Singleton Session Beans, let’s see what is the difference between the lifecycles of the three types.

有三种类型的会话Bean。在我们探讨Singleton Session Beans之前,让我们看看这三种类型的生命周期有什么区别。

3.1. Stateful Session Beans


A Stateful Session Bean maintains the conversational state with the client it is communicating.


Each client creates a new instance of Stateful Bean and is not shared with other clients.

每个客户都会创建一个新的Stateful Bean实例,并且不与其他客户共享。

When the communication between the client and bean ends, the Session Bean also terminates.

当客户端和Bean之间的通信结束时,Session Bean也就终止了。

3.2. Stateless Session Beans


A Stateless Session Bean doesn’t maintain any conversational state with the client. The bean contains the state specific to the client only till the duration of method invocation.


Consecutive method invocations are independent unlike with the Stateful Session Bean.


The container maintains a pool of Stateless Beans and these instances can be shared between multiple clients.


3.3. Singleton Session Beans


A Singleton Session Bean maintains the state of the bean for the complete lifecycle of the application.


Singleton Session Beans are similar to Stateless Session Beans but only one instance of the Singleton Session Bean is created in the whole application and does not terminates until the application is shut down.


The single instance of the bean is shared between multiple clients and can be concurrently accessed.


4. Creating a Singleton Session Bean


Let’s start by creating an interface for it.


For this example, let’s use the javax.ejb.Local annotation to define the interface:


public interface CountryState {
   List<String> getStates(String country);
   void setStates(String country, List<String> states);

Using @Local means the bean is accessed within the same application. We also have the option to use javax.ejb.Remote annotation which allows us to call the EJB remotely.


Now, we’ll define the implementation EJB bean class. We mark the class as a Singleton Session Bean by using the annotation javax.ejb.Singleton.

现在,我们将定义实现EJB Bean类。我们通过使用注解javax.ejb.Singleton将该类标记为一个Singleton会话Bean。

In addition, let’s also mark the bean with the javax.ejb.Startup annotation to inform the EJB container to initialize the bean at the startup:


public class CountryStateContainerManagedBean implements CountryState {

This is called eager initialization. If we don’t use @Startup, the EJB container determines when to initialize the bean.


We can also define multiple Session Beans to initialize the data and load the beans in the specific order. Therefore, we’ll use, javax.ejb.DependsOn annotation to define our bean’s dependency on other Session Beans.


The value for the @DependsOn annotation is an array of the names of Bean class names that our Bean depends on:

@DependsOn 注解的值是我们的 Bean 所依赖的 Bean 类名称的一个数组。

@DependsOn({"DependentBean1", "DependentBean2"}) 
public class CountryStateCacheBean implements CountryState { 

We’ll define an initialize() method which initializes the bean, and makes it a lifecycle callback method using javax.annotation.PostConstruct annotation.


With this annotation, it’ll be called by the container upon instantiation of the bean:


public void initialize() {

    List<String> states = new ArrayList<String>();

    countryStatesMap.put("UnitedStates", states);

5. Concurrency


Next, we’ll design the concurrency management of Singleton Session Bean. EJB provides two methods for implementing concurrent access to the Singleton Session Bean: Container-managed concurrency, and Bean-managed concurrency.

接下来,我们将设计Singleton Session Bean的并发管理。EJB提供了两种方法来实现对Singleton Session Bean的并发访问。容器管理的并发性,和Bean管理的并发性。

The annotation javax.ejb.ConcurrencyManagement defines the concurrency policy for a method. By default, the EJB container uses container-managed concurrency.


The @ConcurrencyManagement annotation takes a javax.ejb.ConcurrencyManagementType value. The options are:


  • ConcurrencyManagementType.CONTAINER for container-managed concurrency.
  • ConcurrencyManagementType.BEAN for bean-managed concurrency.

5.1. Container-Managed Concurrency


Simply put, in container-managed concurrency, the container controls how clients’ access to methods.


Let’s use the @ConcurrencyManagement annotation with value javax.ejb.ConcurrencyManagementType.CONTAINER:


public class CountryStateContainerManagedBean implements CountryState {

To specify the access level to each of the singleton’s business methods, we’ll use javax.ejb.Lock annotation. javax.ejb.LockType contains the values for the @Lock annotation. javax.ejb.LockType defines two values:

为了指定每个单子的业务方法的访问级别,我们将使用javax.ejb.Lock注解。javax.ejb.LockType包含@Lock注解的值。 javax.ejb.LockType定义了两个值。

  • LockType.WRITE – This value provides an exclusive lock to the calling client and prevents all other clients from accessing all methods of the bean. Use this for methods that change the state of the singleton bean.
  • LockType.READThis value provides concurrent locks to multiple clients to access a method.
    Use this for methods which only read data from the bean.

With this in mind, we’ll define the setStates() method with @Lock(LockType.WRITE) annotation, to prevent simultaneous update of the state by clients.


To allow clients to read the data concurrently, we’ll annotate getStates() with @Lock(LockType.READ):


public class CountryStateContainerManagedBean implements CountryState { 

    private final Map<String, List<String> countryStatesMap = new HashMap<>();

    public List<String> getStates(String country) { 
        return countryStatesMap.get(country);

    public void setStates(String country, List<String> states) {
        countryStatesMap.put(country, states);

To stop the methods execute for a long time and blocking the other clients indefinitely, we’ll use the javax.ejb.AccessTimeout annotation to timeout long-waiting calls.


Use the @AccessTimeout annotation to define the number of milliseconds method times-out. After the timeout, the container throws a javax.ejb.ConcurrentAccessTimeoutException and the method execution terminates.


5.2. Bean-Managed Concurrency


In Bean managed concurrency, the container doesn’t control simultaneous access of Singleton Session Bean by clients. The developer is required to implement concurrency by themselves.

在 Bean 管理的并发性中,容器不控制客户对 Singleton Session Bean 的同时访问。开发者需要自己来实现并发性。

Unless concurrency is implemented by the developer, all methods are accessible to all clients simultaneously. Java provides the synchronization and volatile primitives for implementing concurrency.


To find out more about concurrency read about java.util.concurrent here and Atomic Variables here.

要了解有关并发的更多信息,请阅读java.util.concurrent 和原子变量

For bean-managed concurrency, let’s define the @ConcurrencyManagement annotation with the javax.ejb.ConcurrencyManagementType.BEAN value for the Singleton Session Bean class:

对于Bean管理的并发,让我们为Singleton Session Bean类定义带有javax.ejb.ConcurrencyManagementType.BEAN值的@ConcurrencyManagement注释。

public class CountryStateBeanManagedBean implements CountryState { 

Next, we’ll write the setStates() method which changes the state of the bean using synchronized keyword:


public synchronized void setStates(String country, List<String> states) {
    countryStatesMap.put(country, states);

The synchronized keyword makes the method accessible by only one thread at a time.


The getStates() method doesn’t change the state of the Bean and so it doesn’t need to use the synchronized keyword.


6. Client


Now we can write the client to access our Singleton Session Bean.

现在我们可以编写客户端来访问我们的Singleton Session Bean。

We can deploy the Session Bean on application container servers like JBoss, Glassfish etc. To keep things simple, we will use the javax.ejb.embedded.EJBContainer class. EJBContainer runs in the same JVM as the client and provides most of the services of an enterprise bean container.


First, we’ll create an instance of EJBContainer. This container instance will search and initialize all the EJB modules present in the classpath:


public class CountryStateCacheBeanTest {

    private EJBContainer ejbContainer = null;

    private Context context = null;

    public void init() {
        ejbContainer = EJBContainer.createEJBContainer();
        context = ejbContainer.getContext();

Next, we’ll get the javax.naming.Context object from the initialized container object. Using the Context instance, we can get the reference to CountryStateContainerManagedBean and call the methods:


public void whenCallGetStatesFromContainerManagedBean_ReturnsStatesForCountry() throws Exception {

    String[] expectedStates = {"Texas", "Alabama", "Alaska", "Arizona", "Arkansas"};

    CountryState countryStateBean = (CountryState) context
    List<String> actualStates = countryStateBean.getStates("UnitedStates");

    assertArrayEquals(expectedStates, actualStates.toArray());

public void whenCallSetStatesFromContainerManagedBean_SetsStatesForCountry() throws Exception {

    String[] expectedStates = { "California", "Florida", "Hawaii", "Pennsylvania", "Michigan" };
    CountryState countryStateBean = (CountryState) context
      "UnitedStates", Arrays.asList(expectedStates));
    List<String> actualStates = countryStateBean.getStates("UnitedStates");
    assertArrayEquals(expectedStates, actualStates.toArray());

Similarly, we can use the Context instance to get the reference for Bean-Managed Singleton Bean and call the respective methods:

同样地,我们可以使用Context实例来获取Bean-Managed Singleton Bean的引用,并调用相应的方法。

public void whenCallGetStatesFromBeanManagedBean_ReturnsStatesForCountry() throws Exception {

    String[] expectedStates = { "Texas", "Alabama", "Alaska", "Arizona", "Arkansas" };

    CountryState countryStateBean = (CountryState) context
    List<String> actualStates = countryStateBean.getStates("UnitedStates");

    assertArrayEquals(expectedStates, actualStates.toArray());

public void whenCallSetStatesFromBeanManagedBean_SetsStatesForCountry() throws Exception {

    String[] expectedStates = { "California", "Florida", "Hawaii", "Pennsylvania", "Michigan" };

    CountryState countryStateBean = (CountryState) context
    countryStateBean.setStates("UnitedStates", Arrays.asList(expectedStates));

    List<String> actualStates = countryStateBean.getStates("UnitedStates");
    assertArrayEquals(expectedStates, actualStates.toArray());

End our tests by closing the EJBContainer in the close() method:


public void close() {
    if (ejbContainer != null) {

7. Conclusion


Singleton Session Beans are just as flexible and powerful as any standard Session Bean but allow us to apply a Singleton pattern to share state across our application’s clients.


Concurrency management of the Singleton Bean could be easily implemented using Container-Managed Concurrency where the container takes care of concurrent access by multiple clients, or you could also implement your own custom concurrency management using Bean-Managed Concurrency.

Singleton Bean的并发管理可以使用容器管理的并发来轻松实现,其中容器负责处理多个客户端的并发访问,或者你也可以使用Bean-Managed Concurrency来实现你自己的自定义并发管理。

The source code of this tutorial can be found over on GitHub.
