Lightweight Ethereum Clients Using Web3j – 使用Web3j的轻量级Ethereum客户端

最后修改: 2018年 5月 10日


1. Introduction


This tutorial introduces Web3j, a Java implementation of the popular Web3 abstraction library.


Web3j is used to interact with the Ethereum network by connecting to Ethereum nodes using JSON-RPC or familiar standards like HTTP, WebSockets, IPC.


Ethereum is a whole topic unto itself so let’s first take a quick look at what it is!


2. Ethereum


Ethereum is a (1) cryptocurrency (token symbol ETH), (2) distributed supercomputer, (3) blockchain, and (4) smart contract network written in Solidity.


In other words, Ethereum (the network) is run by a bunch of connected servers called nodes that communicate in a kind of mesh topology (technically, this is not exactly true but close enough to get a more solid understanding of how it all works).


Web3j, and its parent library called Web3, allows web applications to connect to one of those nodes and thereby submit Ethereum transactions, which are, for all intents and purposes, compiled Solidity smart contract functions that have been previously deployed to the Ethereum network. For more information on smart contracts see our article on creating and deploying them with Solidity here.

Web3j及其父库称为Web3允许Web应用程序连接到这些节点之一,从而提交Ethereum 交易,就所有的意图和目的而言,它们是经过编译的 Solidity 智能合约 功能,先前已经部署到Ethereum 网络。有关智能合约的更多信息,请参阅我们关于用 Solidity 创建和部署智能合约的文章这里

Each Node broadcasts its changes to every other node so that consensus and verification can be achieved. Thus, each node contains the entire history of the Ethereum blockchain simultaneously thereby creating a redundant backup of all the data, in a tamper-proof way, and via consensus and verification by all the other node in the network.\


For more detailed information on Ethereum, check out the official page.


3. Set Up


To use the full suite of features provided by Web3j, we have to do a little bit more to get set up than usual. First, Web3j is supplied in several, free-standing, modules each of which can be optionally added to the core pom.xml dependency:



Please note that the team at Web3j provides a pre-built Spring Boot Starter with some configuration and limited functionality built right in!

请注意,Web3j的团队提供了一个预建的Spring Boot启动器,其中直接内置了一些配置和有限的功能!

We’ll restrict our focus to the core functionalities in this article (including how to add Web3j to a Spring MVC application, so compatibility with a wider-range of Spring webapps is obtained).

在这篇文章中,我们将把重点限制在核心功能上(包括如何将Web3j添加到Spring MVC应用中,从而获得与更多Spring webapp的兼容性)。

A full list of these modules can be found on Maven Central.

这些模块的完整列表可以在Maven Central上找到。

3.1. Compiling Contracts: Truffle or Solc

3.1.编译合同 Truffle或Solc

There are two primary ways to compile and deploy Ethereum smart contracts (.solc files):


  1. The official Solidity compiler.
  2. Truffle (an abstraction suite for testing, deploying, and managing smart contracts).

We’ll stick with Truffle in this article. Truffle simplifies and abstracts the process of compiling smart contracts, migrating them, and deploying them to a network. It also wraps the Solc compiler letting us gain some experience with both.


To set up Truffle:


$ npm install truffle -g
$ truffle version

Four key commands we’ll use to initialize our project respectively, compile our app, deploy our app to the Blockchain, and test it respectively:


$ truffle init
$ truffle compile
$ truffle migrate
$ truffle test

Now, let’s go over a simple example:


pragma solidity ^0.4.17;

contract Example {
  function Example() {
    // constructor

Which should yield the following ABI JSON when compiled:

编译后应产生以下ABI JSON。

  "contractName": "Example",
  "abi": [
      "inputs": [],
      "payable": false,
      "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
      "type": "constructor"
  "bytecode": "0x60606040523415600e57600080fd5b603580601b6...,
  "deployedBytecode": "0x6060604052600080fd00a165627a7a72305...,

We can then use the supplied bytecode and ABI within our application to interact with the deployed contracts!


3.2. Testing Contracts: Ganache

3.2.测试合同 Ganache

One of the easiest ways to work with an Ethereum testnet is to launch own Ganache server. We’ll use the pre-built, out-of-the-box, solution since it’s the easiest to set up and configure. It also provides an interface and server shell for Ganache CLI which drives Ganache under-the-hood.

使用以太坊测试网的最简单方法之一是启动自己的Ganache服务器。我们将使用预先构建的、开箱即用的解决方案,因为它是最容易设置和配置的。它还为Ganache CLI提供了一个接口和服务器外壳,它在后台驱动Ganache。

We can connect to our Ganache server on the default supplied URL address: http://localhost:8545 or http://localhost:7545.

我们可以通过默认提供的URL地址连接到我们的Ganache服务器。http://localhost:8545 或 http://localhost:7545。

There are a couple of other popular approaches to setting up a test network including using Meta-Mask, Infura, or Go-Lang and Geth.


We’ll stick with Ganache in this article since setting up your own GoLang instance (and configuring it as a custom testnet) can be pretty tricky and since the status of Meta-Mask on Chrome is presently uncertain.


We can use Ganache for manual testing scenarios (when debugging or completing our integration testing) or use them for automated testing scenarios (which we have to build our tests around since, in such circumstances, we might not have the available endpoints).


4. Web3 and RPC


Web3 provides a facade and interface for interacting easily with the Ethereum blockchain and Ethereum server nodes. In other words, Web3 facilitates intercommunication between clients and the Ethereum Blockchain by way of JSON-RPC. Web3J is the official Java port of Web3.


We can initialize Web3j for use within our application by passing in a provider (e.g. – the endpoint of a third-party or local Ethereum node):


Web3j web3a = HttpService());
Web3j web3b = HttpService("YOUR_PROVIDER_HERE"));
Web3j myEtherWallet =
  new HttpService(""));

The third option shows how to add in a third-party provider (thereby connecting with their Ethereum node). But we also have the option to leave our provider option empty. In that case, the default port will be used (8545) on localhost instead.


5. Essential Web3 Methods


Now that we know how to initialize our app to communicate with the Ethereum blockchain, let’s look at a few, core, ways to interact with the Ethereum blockchain.


It’s a good policy to wrap your Web3 methods with a CompleteableFuture to handle the asynchronous nature of JSON-RPC requests made to your configured Ethereum node.


5.1. Current Block Number


We can, for example, return the current block number:


public EthBlockNumber getBlockNumber() {
    EthBlockNumber result = new EthBlockNumber();
    result = this.web3j.ethBlockNumber()
    return result;

5.2. Account


To get the account of a specified address:


public EthAccounts getEthAccounts() {
    EthAccounts result = new EthAccounts();
    result = this.web3j.ethAccounts()
    return result;

5.3. Number of Account Transactions


To get the number of transactions of a given address:


public EthGetTransactionCount getTransactionCount() {
    EthGetTransactionCount result = new EthGetTransactionCount();
    result = this.web3j.ethGetTransactionCount(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, 
    return result;

5.4. Account Balance


And finally, to get the current balance of an address or wallet:


public EthGetBalance getEthBalance() {
    EthGetBalance result = new EthGetBalance();
    return result;

6. Working With Contracts in Web3j


Once we’ve compiled our Solidity contract using Truffle, we can work with our compiled Application Binary Interfaces (ABI) using the standalone Web3j command line tool available here or as a free-standing zip here.

一旦我们使用 Truffle 编译了我们的 Solidity 合约,我们就可以使用独立的 Web3j 命令行工具这里或作为独立的 zip这里来处理我们编译的应用程序二进制接口ABI)。

6.1. CLI Magic


We can then automatically generate our Java Smart Contract Wrappers (essentially a POJO exposing the smart contract ABI) using the following command:


$ web3j truffle generate [--javaTypes|--solidityTypes] 
  -o /path/to/src/main/java -p

Running the following command in the root of the project:


web3j truffle generate dev_truffle/build/contracts/Example.json 
  -o src/main/java/com/baeldung/web3/contract -p com.baeldung

generated our Example class:


public class Example extends Contract {
    private static final String BINARY = "0x60606040523415600e576...";

6.2. Java POJO’s

6.2. Java的POJO

Now that we have our Smart Contract Wrapper, we can create a wallet programmatically and then deploy our contract to that address:


WalletUtils.generateNewWalletFile("PASSWORD", new File("/path/to/destination"), true);
Credentials credentials = WalletUtils.loadCredentials("PASSWORD", "/path/to/walletfile");

6.3. Deploy a Contract


We can deploy our contract like so:


Example contract = Example.deploy(this.web3j,

And then get the address:


contractAddress = contract.getContractAddress();

6.4. Sending Transactions


To send a Transaction using the Functions of our Contract we  can initialize a Web3j Function with a List of input values and a List of output parameters:


List inputParams = new ArrayList();
List outputParams = new ArrayList();
Function function = new Function("fuctionName", inputParams, outputParams);
String encodedFunction = FunctionEncoder.encode(function);

We can then initialize our Transaction with necessary gas (used to execute of the Transaction) and nonce parameters:


BigInteger nonce = BigInteger.valueOf(100);
BigInteger gasprice = BigInteger.valueOf(100);
BigInteger gaslimit = BigInteger.valueOf(100);

Transaction transaction = Transaction
    nonce, gasprice, gaslimit, "TO_ADDRESS", encodedFunction);

EthSendTransaction transactionResponse = web3j.ethSendTransaction(transaction).sendAsync().get();
transactionHash = transactionResponse.getTransactionHash();

For a full list of smart contract functionalities see the official docs.


7. Conclusion


That’s it! We’ve set up a Java Spring MVC app with Web3j – it’s Blockchain time!

这就是了!我们已经用Web3j建立了一个Java Spring MVC应用–区块链时间到了!。

As always, the code examples used in this article are available over on GitHub.
