1. Overview
In this tutorial, we’ll look at how we can use the DeferredResult class in Spring MVC to perform asynchronous request processing.
在本教程中,我们将探讨如何在Spring MVC中使用DeferredResult类来执行异步请求处理。
Asynchronous support was introduced in Servlet 3.0 and, simply put, it allows processing an HTTP request in another thread than the request receiver thread.
异步支持是在Servlet 3.0中引入的,简单地说,它允许在另一个线程中处理一个HTTP请求,而不是请求接收线程。
DeferredResult, available from Spring 3.2 onwards, assists in offloading a long-running computation from an http-worker thread to a separate thread.
DeferredResult,从Spring 3.2开始可用,有助于将一个长期运行的计算从一个http工作线程卸载到一个单独的线程。
Although the other thread will take some resources for computation, the worker threads are not blocked in the meantime and can handle incoming client requests.
The async request processing model is very useful as it helps scale an application well during high loads, especially for IO intensive operations.
2. Setup
For our examples, we’ll use a Spring Boot application. For more details on how to bootstrap the application, refer to our previous article.
对于我们的例子,我们将使用一个Spring Boot应用程序。关于如何引导应用程序的更多细节,请参考我们之前的开始文章。
Next, we’ll demonstrate both synchronous and asynchronous communication using DeferredResult and also compare how asynchronous one scales better for high load and IO intensive use cases.
3. Blocking REST Service
Let’s start with developing a standard blocking REST service:
public ResponseEntity<?> handleReqSync(Model model) {
// ...
return ResponseEntity.ok("ok");
The problem here is that the request processing thread is blocked until the complete request is processed and the result is returned. In case of long-running computations, this is a sub-optimal solution.
To address this, we can make better use of container threads to handle client requests as we’ll see in the next section.
4. Non-Blocking REST Using DeferredResult
To avoid blocking, we’ll use callbacks-based programming model where instead of the actual result, we’ll return a DeferredResult to the servlet container.
public DeferredResult<ResponseEntity<?>> handleReqDefResult(Model model) {
LOG.info("Received async-deferredresult request");
DeferredResult<ResponseEntity<?>> output = new DeferredResult<>();
ForkJoinPool.commonPool().submit(() -> {
LOG.info("Processing in separate thread");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOG.info("servlet thread freed");
return output;
Request processing is done in a separate thread and once completed we invoke the setResult operation on the DeferredResult object.
Let’s look at the log output to check that our threads behave as expected:
[nio-8080-exec-6] com.baeldung.controller.AsyncDeferredResultController:
Received async-deferredresult request
[nio-8080-exec-6] com.baeldung.controller.AsyncDeferredResultController:
Servlet thread freed
[nio-8080-exec-6] java.lang.Thread : Processing in separate thread
Internally, the container thread is notified and the HTTP response is delivered to the client. The connection will remain open by the container(servlet 3.0 or later) until the response arrives or times out.
在内部,容器线程被通知,HTTP响应被传递给客户端。容器(servlet 3.0或更高版本)将保持连接开放,直到响应到达或超时。
5. DeferredResult Callbacks
5.DeferredResult Callbacks
We can register 3 types of callbacks with a DeferredResult: completion, timeout and error callbacks.
Let’s use the onCompletion() method to define a block of code that’s executed when an async request completes:
deferredResult.onCompletion(() -> LOG.info("Processing complete"));
Similarly, we can use onTimeout() to register custom code to invoke once timeout occurs. In order to limit request processing time, we can pass a timeout value during the DeferredResult object creation:
DeferredResult<ResponseEntity<?>> deferredResult = new DeferredResult<>(500l);
deferredResult.onTimeout(() ->
.body("Request timeout occurred.")));
In case of timeouts, we’re setting a different response status via timeout handler registered with DeferredResult.
Let’s trigger a timeout error by processing a request that takes more than the defined timeout values of 5 seconds:
ForkJoinPool.commonPool().submit(() -> {
LOG.info("Processing in separate thread");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Let’s look at the logs:
[nio-8080-exec-6] com.baeldung.controller.DeferredResultController:
servlet thread freed
[nio-8080-exec-6] java.lang.Thread: Processing in separate thread
[nio-8080-exec-6] com.baeldung.controller.DeferredResultController:
Request timeout occurred
There will be scenarios where long-running computation fails due to some error or exception. In this case, we can also register an onError() callback:
deferredResult.onError((Throwable t) -> {
.body("An error occurred."));
In case of an error, while computing the response, we’re setting a different response status and message body via this error handler.
6. Conclusion
In this quick article, we looked at how Spring MVC DeferredResult eases the creation of asynchronous endpoints.
在这篇快速文章中,我们看了Spring MVC DeferredResult如何简化异步端点的创建。
As usual, the complete source code is available over on Github.