Download a File From an URL in Java – 在Java中从一个URL中下载一个文件

最后修改: 2018年 5月 30日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll see several methods that we can use to download a file.


We’ll cover examples ranging from the basic usage of Java IO to the NIO package as well as some common libraries like AsyncHttpClient and Apache Commons IO.

我们将涵盖从Java IO的基本用法到NIO包,以及一些常见的库,如AsyncHttpClient和Apache Commons IO的例子。

Finally, we’ll talk about how we can resume a download if our connection fails before the whole file is read.


2. Using Java IO

2.使用Java IO

The most basic API we can use to download a file is Java IO. We can use the URL class to open a connection to the file we want to download.

我们可以用来下载文件的最基本的API是Java IO>。我们可以使用URL类来打开一个连接到我们要下载的文件。

To effectively read the file, we’ll use the openStream() method to obtain an InputStream:


BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new URL(FILE_URL).openStream())

When reading from an InputStream, it’s recommended to wrap it in a BufferedInputStream to increase the performance.


The performance increase comes from buffering. When reading one byte at a time using the read() method, each method call implies a system call to the underlying file system. When the JVM invokes the read() system call, the program execution context switches from user mode to kernel mode and back.


This context switch is expensive from a performance perspective. When we read a large number of bytes, the application performance will be poor, due to a large number of context switches involved.


For writing the bytes read from the URL to our local file, we’ll use the write() method from the FileOutputStream class:


try (BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new URL(FILE_URL).openStream());
  FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(FILE_NAME)) {
    byte dataBuffer[] = new byte[1024];
    int bytesRead;
    while ((bytesRead =, 0, 1024)) != -1) {
        fileOutputStream.write(dataBuffer, 0, bytesRead);
} catch (IOException e) {
    // handle exception

When using a BufferedInputStream, the read() method will read as many bytes as we set for the buffer size. In our example, we’re already doing this by reading blocks of 1024 bytes at a time, so BufferedInputStream isn’t necessary.


The example above is very verbose, but luckily, as of Java 7, we have the Files class that contains helper methods for handling IO operations.

上面的例子非常冗长,但幸运的是,从Java 7开始,我们有Files类,它包含处理IO操作的辅助方法。

We can use the Files.copy() method to read all the bytes from an InputStream and copy them to a local file:


InputStream in = new URL(FILE_URL).openStream();
Files.copy(in, Paths.get(FILE_NAME), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);

Our code works well but can be improved. Its main drawback is the fact that the bytes are buffered into memory.


Fortunately, Java offers us the NIO package that has methods to transfer bytes directly between two Channels without buffering.


We’ll go into detail in the next section.


3. Using NIO


The Java NIO package offers the possibility to transfer bytes between two Channels without buffering them into the application memory.

Java NIO包提供了在两个通道之间传输字节的可能性,而无需将其缓冲到应用程序内存中。

To read the file from our URL, we’ll create a new ReadableByteChannel from the URL stream:


ReadableByteChannel readableByteChannel = Channels.newChannel(url.openStream());

The bytes read from the ReadableByteChannel will be transferred to a FileChannel corresponding to the file that will be downloaded:


FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(FILE_NAME);
FileChannel fileChannel = fileOutputStream.getChannel();

We’ll use the transferFrom() method from the ReadableByteChannel class to download the bytes from the given URL to our FileChannel:


  .transferFrom(readableByteChannel, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);

The transferTo() and transferFrom() methods are more efficient than simply reading from a stream using a buffer. Depending on the underlying operating system, the data can be transferred directly from the filesystem cache to our file without copying any bytes into the application memory.


On Linux and UNIX systems, these methods use the zero-copy technique that reduces the number of context switches between the kernel mode and user mode.


4. Using Libraries


We’ve seen in the examples above how to download content from an URL just by using the Java core functionality.


We also can leverage the functionality of existing libraries to ease our work, when performance tweaks aren’t needed.


For example, in a real-world scenario, we’d need our download code to be asynchronous.


We could wrap all the logic into a Callable, or we could use an existing library for this.


4.1. AsyncHttpClient


AsyncHttpClient is a popular library for executing asynchronous HTTP requests using the Netty framework. We can use it to execute a GET request to the file URL and get the file content.


First, we need to create an HTTP client:


AsyncHttpClient client = Dsl.asyncHttpClient();

The downloaded content will be placed into a FileOutputStream:


FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(FILE_NAME);

Next, we create an HTTP GET request and register an AsyncCompletionHandler handler to process the downloaded content:

接下来,我们创建一个HTTP GET请求,并注册一个AsyncCompletionHandler处理器来处理下载的内容。

client.prepareGet(FILE_URL).execute(new AsyncCompletionHandler<FileOutputStream>() {

    public State onBodyPartReceived(HttpResponseBodyPart bodyPart) 
      throws Exception {
        return State.CONTINUE;

    public FileOutputStream onCompleted(Response response) 
      throws Exception {
        return stream;

Notice that we’ve overridden the onBodyPartReceived() method. The default implementation accumulates the HTTP chunks received into an ArrayList. This could lead to high memory consumption, or an OutOfMemory exception when trying to download a large file.


Instead of accumulating each HttpResponseBodyPart into memory, we use a FileChannel to write the bytes to our local file directly. We’ll use the getBodyByteBuffer() method to access the body part content through a ByteBuffer.


ByteBuffers have the advantage that the memory is allocated outside of the JVM heap, so it doesn’t affect our application memory.


4.2. Apache Commons IO

4.2.Apache Commons IO

Another highly used library for IO operation is Apache Commons IO. We can see from the Javadoc that there’s a utility class named FileUtils that we use for general file manipulation tasks.

另一个高度使用的IO操作库是Apache Commons IO。我们可以从Javadoc中看到,有一个名为FileUtils的实用类,我们用它来完成一般的文件操作任务。

To download a file from an URL, we can use this one-liner:


  new URL(FILE_URL), 
  new File(FILE_NAME), 

From a performance standpoint, this code is the same as the one from Section 2.


The underlying code uses the same concepts of reading in a loop some bytes from an InputStream and writing them to an OutputStream.


One difference is that here the URLConnection class is used to control the connection time-outs so that the download doesn’t block for a large amount of time:


URLConnection connection = source.openConnection();

5. Resumable Download


Considering internet connections fail from time to time, it’s useful to be able to resume a download, instead of downloading the file again from byte zero.


Let’s rewrite the first example from earlier to add this functionality.


The first thing to know is that we can read the size of a file from a given URL without actually downloading it by using the HTTP HEAD method:

首先要知道的是,我们可以通过使用HTTP HEAD方法从一个给定的URL读取文件的大小,而不需要实际下载

URL url = new URL(FILE_URL);
HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
long removeFileSize = httpConnection.getContentLengthLong();

Now that we have the total content size of the file, we can check whether our file is partially downloaded.


If so, we’ll resume the download from the last byte recorded on disk:


long existingFileSize = outputFile.length();
if (existingFileSize < fileLength) {
      "bytes=" + existingFileSize + "-" + fileLength

Here we’ve configured the URLConnection to request the file bytes in a specific range. The range will start from the last downloaded byte and will end at the byte corresponding to the size of the remote file.


Another common way to use the Range header is for downloading a file in chunks by setting different byte ranges. For example, to download 2 KB file, we can use the range 0 – 1024 and 1024 – 2048.


Another subtle difference from the code in Section 2 is that the FileOutputStream is opened with the append parameter set to true:


OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(FILE_NAME, true);

After we’ve made this change, the rest of the code is identical to the one from Section 2.


6. Conclusion


We’ve seen in this article several ways to download a file from an URL in Java.


The most common implementation is to buffer the bytes when performing the read/write operations. This implementation is safe to use even for large files because we don’t load the whole file into memory.


We’ve also seen how to implement a zero-copy download using Java NIO Channels. This is useful because it minimized the number of context switches done when reading and writing bytes, and by using direct buffers, the bytes are not loaded into the application memory.

我们还看到了如何使用Java NIOChannels实现零拷贝下载。这很有用,因为它最大限度地减少了读写字节时的上下文切换次数,而且通过使用直接缓冲区,字节不会被加载到应用程序内存中。

Also, because downloading a file is usually done over HTTP, we’ve shown how to achieve this using the AsyncHttpClient library.


The source code for the article is available over on GitHub.
