Overview and Need for DelegatingFilterProxy in Spring – Spring中DelegatingFilterProxy的概述和必要性

最后修改: 2018年 8月 29日


1. Overview


The DelegatingFilterProxy is a servlet filter that allows passing control to Filter classes that have access to the Spring application context. Spring Security relies on this technique heavily.

DelegatingFilterProxy是一个servlet过滤器,它允许将控制权传递给能够访问Spring应用上下文的Filter类。Spring Security在很大程度上依赖于这种技术。

In this tutorial, we’ll cover it in detail.


2. DelegatingFilterProxy


The Javadoc for DelegatingFilterProxy states that it’s a


Proxy for a standard Servlet Filter, delegating to a Spring-managed bean that implements the Filter interface.


When using servlet filters, we obviously need to declare them as a filter-class in our Java-config or web.xml, otherwise, the servlet container will ignore them. Spring’s DelegatingFilterProxy provides the link between web.xml and the application context.


2.1. Internal Working of DelegatingFilterProxy


Let’s have a look at how DelegatingFilterProxy transfers control to our Spring bean.

让我们看看DelegatingFilterProxy如何将控制权转移到我们的Spring Bean。

During initialization, DelegatingFilterProxy fetches the filter-name and retrieves the bean with that name from Spring Application Context. This bean must be of Type javax.Servlet.Filter, i.e. a “normal” servlet filter. Incoming requests will then be passed to this filter bean.

在初始化期间,DelegatingFilterProxy会获取过滤器名称,并从Spring应用上下文中检索具有该名称的Bean。这个Bean必须是javax.Servlet.Filter类型,即一个 “正常 “的Servlet过滤器。然后,传入的请求将被传递给这个过滤器Bean。

In short, DelegatingFilterProxy’s doFilter() method will delegate all calls to a Spring bean, enabling us to use all Spring features within our filter bean.

简而言之,DelegatingFilterProxy的doFilter()方法将把所有调用委托给Spring Bean,使我们能够在我们的过滤器bean中使用所有Spring功能。

If we’re using Java-based configuration, our filter registration in ApplicationInitializer will be defined as:


protected javax.servlet.Filter[] getServletFilters() {
    DelegatingFilterProxy delegateFilterProxy = new DelegatingFilterProxy();
    return new Filter[]{delegateFilterProxy};

If we use XML, then, in the web.xml file:



This means that any request can be made to pass through the filter defined as Spring bean with the name applicationFilter.

这意味着任何请求都可以通过定义为Spring Bean的过滤器,名称为applicationFilter

2.2. Need for DelegatingFilterProxy


DelegatingFilterProxy is a class in Spring’s Web module. It provides features for making HTTP calls pass through filters before reaching the actual destination. With the help of DelegatingFilterProxy, a class implementing the javax.Servlet.Filter interface can be wired into the filter chain.


As an example, Spring Security makes use of DelegatingFilterProxy to so it can take advantage of Spring’s dependency injection features and lifecycle interfaces for security filters.

例如,Spring Security使用了DelegatingFilterProxyto,因此它可以利用Spring的依赖注入功能和安全过滤器的生命周期接口。

DelegatingFilterProxy also leverages invoking specific or multiple filters as per Request URI paths by providing the configuration in Spring’s application context or in web.xml.


3. Creating a Custom Filter


As described above, DelegatingFilterProxy is a servlet filter itself which delegates to a specific Spring-managed bean that implements the Filter Interface.


In the next few sections, we’ll create a custom filter and configure it using Java & XML-based configuration.


3.1. Filter Class


We’re going to create a simple filter that logs request information before the request proceeds further.


Let’s first create a custom filter class:


public class CustomFilter implements Filter {

    private static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomFilter.class);

    public void init(FilterConfig config) throws ServletException {
        // initialize something

    public void doFilter(
      ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, 
      FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
        HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) request;
        LOGGER.info("Request Info : " + req);
        chain.doFilter(request, response);

    public void destroy() {
        // cleanup code, if necessary

CustomFilter implements javax.Servlet.Filter. This class has a @Component annotation to register as Spring bean in the application context. This way, the DelegatingFilterProxy class can find our filter class while initializing the filter chain.

CustomFilter实现了javax.Servlet.Filter。这个类有一个@Component注解,以便在应用上下文中注册为Spring Bean。这样,DelegatingFilterProxy类可以在初始化过滤器链时找到我们的过滤器类。

Note that the name of the Spring bean must be the same as the value in the filter-name provided during the registration of the custom filter in ApplicationInitializer class or in web.xml later because the DelegatingFilterProxy class will look for the filter bean with the exact same name in the application context.

注意Spring Bean的名称必须与在ApplicationInitializer类中或之后的web.xml中注册自定义过滤器时提供的filter-name中的值相同因为DelegatingFilterProxy类将在应用程序上下文中寻找具有完全相同名称的过滤器bean。

If it can’t find a bean with this name, it will raise an exception at application startup.


3.2. Configuring the Filter via Java Configuration


To register a custom filter using Java configuration, we need to override the getServletFilters() method of AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer:


public class ApplicationInitializer 
  extends AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer {
    // some other methods here
    protected javax.servlet.Filter[] getServletFilters() {
        DelegatingFilterProxy delegateFilterProxy = new DelegatingFilterProxy();
        return new Filter[]{delegateFilterProxy};

3.3. Configuring the Filter via web.xml 


Let’s see how the filter configuration in web.xml looks like:



The filter-class argument is of type DelegatingFilterProxy and not the filter class we created. If we run this code and hit any URL, then doFilter() method of the CustomFilter will get executed and display the request info details in the log file.


4. Conclusion


In this article, we’ve covered how DelegatingFilterProxy works and how to use it.


Spring Security make extensive use of DelegatingFilterProxy for securing the web API calls and resources from unauthorized access.

Spring Security广泛使用DelegatingFilterProxy,以确保Web API调用和资源的安全,防止未经授权的访问。

The source code is available over on GitHub.
