1. Introduction
Use external configuration properties is quite a common pattern.
And, one of the most common questions is the ability to change the behavior of our application in multiple environments – such as development, test, and production – without having to change the deployment artifact.
In this tutorial, we’ll focus on how you can load properties from JSON files in a Spring Boot application.
在本教程中,我们将重点讨论如何在Spring Boot应用程序中从JSON文件加载属性。
2. Loading Properties in Spring Boot
2.在Spring Boot中加载属性
Spring and Spring Boot have strong support for loading external configurations – you can find a great overview of the basics in this article.
Spring和Spring Boot对加载外部配置有强大的支持 – 您可以在这篇文章中找到关于基础知识的精彩概述。
Since this support mainly focuses on .properties and .yml files – working with JSON typically needs extra configuration.
由于这种支持主要集中在.properties和.yml文件上 – 使用JSON工作通常需要额外的配置。
We’ll assume that the basic features are well known – and will focus on JSON specific aspects, here.
3. Load Properties via Command Line
We can provide JSON data in the command line in three predefined formats.
First, we can set the environment variable SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON in a UNIX shell:
$ SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON='{"environment":{"name":"production"}}' java -jar app.jar
The provided data will be populated into the Spring Environment. With this example, we’ll get a property environment.name with the value “production”.
提供的数据将被填充到Spring Environment中。在这个例子中,我们将得到一个属性environment.name,值为 “production”。
Also, we can load our JSON as a System property, for example:
$ java -Dspring.application.json='{"environment":{"name":"production"}}' -jar app.jar
The last option is to use a simple command line argument:
$ java -jar app.jar --spring.application.json='{"environment":{"name":"production"}}'
With the last two approaches, the spring.application.json property will be populated with the given data as unparsed String.
使用后两种方法, spring.application.json属性将以未解析的String形式填充给定数据。
These are the most simple options to load JSON data into our application. The drawback of this minimalistic approach is the lack of scalability.
Loading huge amount of data in the command line can be cumbersome and error-prone.
4. Load Properties via PropertySource Annotation
Spring Boot provides a powerful ecosystem to create configuration classes through annotations.
Spring Boot提供了一个强大的生态系统,通过注解创建配置类。
First of all, we define a configuration class with some simple members:
public class JsonProperties {
private int port;
private boolean resend;
private String host;
// getters and setters
We can provide the data in the standard JSON format in an external file (let’s name it configprops.json):
"host" : "mailer@mail.com",
"port" : 9090,
"resend" : true
Now we have to connect our JSON file to the configuration class:
@PropertySource(value = "classpath:configprops.json")
public class JsonProperties {
// same code as before
We have a loose coupling between the class and the JSON file. This connection is based on strings and variable names. Therefore we don’t have a compile-time check but we can verify the bindings with tests.
Because the fields should be populated by the framework, we need to use an integration test.
For a minimalistic setup, we can define the main entry point of the application:
@ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = { JsonProperties.class})
public class ConfigPropertiesDemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new SpringApplicationBuilder(ConfigPropertiesDemoApplication.class).run();
Now we can create our integration test:
classes = ConfigPropertiesDemoApplication.class)
public class JsonPropertiesIntegrationTest {
private JsonProperties jsonProperties;
public void whenPropertiesLoadedViaJsonPropertySource_thenLoadFlatValues() {
assertEquals("mailer@mail.com", jsonProperties.getHost());
assertEquals(9090, jsonProperties.getPort());
As a result, this test will generate an error. Even loading the ApplicationContext will fail with the following cause:
Failed to convert from type [java.lang.String]
to type [boolean] for value 'true,'
The loading mechanism successfully connects the class with the JSON file through the PropertySource annotation. But the value for the resend property is evaluated as “true,” (with a comma), which cannot be converted to a boolean.
加载机制通过PropertySource注解成功地将该类与JSON文件连接起来。但是resend属性的值被评估为”true,” (有一个逗号),这不能被转换为布尔值。
Therefore, we have to inject a JSON parser into the loading mechanism. Fortunately, Spring Boot comes with the Jackson library and we can use it through PropertySourceFactory.
因此,我们必须在加载机制中注入一个JSON解析器。幸运的是,Spring Boot自带Jackson库,我们可以通过PropertySourceFactory使用它。
5. Using PropertySourceFactory to Parse JSON
We have to provide a custom PropertySourceFactory with the capability of parsing JSON data:
public class JsonPropertySourceFactory
implements PropertySourceFactory {
public PropertySource<?> createPropertySource(
String name, EncodedResource resource)
throws IOException {
Map readValue = new ObjectMapper()
.readValue(resource.getInputStream(), Map.class);
return new MapPropertySource("json-property", readValue);
We can provide this factory to load our configuration class. For that, we have to reference the factory from the PropertySource annotation:
value = "classpath:configprops.json",
factory = JsonPropertySourceFactory.class)
public class JsonProperties {
// same code as before
As a result, our test will pass. Furthermore, this property source factory will happily parse list values also.
So now we can extend our configuration class with a list member (and with the corresponding getters and setters):
private List<String> topics;
// getter and setter
We can provide the input values in the JSON file:
// same fields as before
"topics" : ["spring", "boot"]
We can easily test the binding of list values with a new test case:
public void whenPropertiesLoadedViaJsonPropertySource_thenLoadListValues() {
Matchers.is(Arrays.asList("spring", "boot")));
5.1. Nested Structures
Dealing with nested JSON structures isn’t an easy task. As the more robust solution, the Jackson library’s mapper will map the nested data into a Map.
So we can add a Map member to our JsonProperties class with getters and setters:
private LinkedHashMap<String, ?> sender;
// getter and setter
In the JSON file we can provide a nested data structure for this field:
// same fields as before
"sender" : {
"name": "sender",
"address": "street"
Now we can access the nested data through the map:
public void whenPropertiesLoadedViaJsonPropertySource_thenNestedLoadedAsMap() {
assertEquals("sender", jsonProperties.getSender().get("name"));
assertEquals("street", jsonProperties.getSender().get("address"));
6. Using a Custom ContextInitializer
If we’d like to have more control over the loading of properties, we can use custom ContextInitializers.
This manual approach is more tedious. But, as a result, we’ll have full control of loading and parsing the data.
We’ll use the same JSON data as before, but we’ll load into a different configuration class:
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "custom")
public class CustomJsonProperties {
private String host;
private int port;
private boolean resend;
// getters and setters
Note that we don’t use the PropertySource annotation anymore. But inside the ConfigurationProperties annotation, we defined a prefix.
In the next section, we’ll investigate how we can load the properties into the ‘custom’ namespace.
6.1. Load Properties into a Custom Namespace
To provide the input for the properties class above, we’ll load the data from the JSON file and after parsing we’ll populate the Spring Environment with MapPropertySources:
为了给上述属性类提供输入,我们将从JSON文件中加载数据,在解析之后,我们将用MapPropertySources:填充Spring Environment。
public class JsonPropertyContextInitializer
implements ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext> {
private static String CUSTOM_PREFIX = "custom.";
public void
initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext configurableApplicationContext) {
try {
Resource resource = configurableApplicationContext
Map readValue = new ObjectMapper()
.readValue(resource.getInputStream(), Map.class);
Set<Map.Entry> set = readValue.entrySet();
List<MapPropertySource> propertySources = set.stream()
.map(entry-> new MapPropertySource(
CUSTOM_PREFIX + entry.getKey(),
CUSTOM_PREFIX + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()
for (PropertySource propertySource : propertySources) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
As we can see, it requires a bit of quite complex code, but this is the price of flexibility. In the above code, we can specify our own parser and decide what to do with each entry.
In this demonstration, we just put the properties into a custom namespace.
To use this initializer we have to wire it to the application. For production use, we can add this in the SpringApplicationBuilder:
@ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = { JsonProperties.class,
CustomJsonProperties.class })
public class ConfigPropertiesDemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new SpringApplicationBuilder(ConfigPropertiesDemoApplication.class)
.initializers(new JsonPropertyContextInitializer())
Also, note that the CustomJsonProperties class has been added to the basePackageClasses.
For our test environment, we can provide our custom initializer inside of the ContextConfiguration annotation:
@ContextConfiguration(classes = ConfigPropertiesDemoApplication.class,
initializers = JsonPropertyContextInitializer.class)
public class JsonPropertiesIntegrationTest {
// same code as before
After auto-wiring our CustomJsonProperties class, we can test the data binding from the custom namespace:
public void whenLoadedIntoEnvironment_thenFlatValuesPopulated() {
assertEquals("mailer@mail.com", customJsonProperties.getHost());
assertEquals(9090, customJsonProperties.getPort());
6.2. Flattening Nested Structures
The Spring framework provides a powerful mechanism to bind the properties into objects members. The foundation of this feature is the name prefixes in the properties.
If we extend our custom ApplicationInitializer to convert the Map values into a namespace structure, then the framework can load our nested data structure directly into a corresponding object.
The enhanced CustomJsonProperties class:
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "custom")
public class CustomJsonProperties {
// same code as before
private Person sender;
public static class Person {
private String name;
private String address;
// getters and setters for Person class
// getters and setters for sender member
The enhanced ApplicationContextInitializer:
public class JsonPropertyContextInitializer
implements ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext> {
private final static String CUSTOM_PREFIX = "custom.";
public void
initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext configurableApplicationContext) {
try {
Resource resource = configurableApplicationContext
Map readValue = new ObjectMapper()
.readValue(resource.getInputStream(), Map.class);
Set<Map.Entry> set = readValue.entrySet();
List<MapPropertySource> propertySources = convertEntrySet(set, Optional.empty());
for (PropertySource propertySource : propertySources) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private static List<MapPropertySource>
convertEntrySet(Set<Map.Entry> entrySet, Optional<String> parentKey) {
return entrySet.stream()
.map((Map.Entry e) -> convertToPropertySourceList(e, parentKey))
private static List<MapPropertySource>
convertToPropertySourceList(Map.Entry e, Optional<String> parentKey) {
String key = parentKey.map(s -> s + ".")
.orElse("") + (String) e.getKey();
Object value = e.getValue();
return covertToPropertySourceList(key, value);
private static List<MapPropertySource>
covertToPropertySourceList(String key, Object value) {
if (value instanceof LinkedHashMap) {
LinkedHashMap map = (LinkedHashMap) value;
Set<Map.Entry> entrySet = map.entrySet();
return convertEntrySet(entrySet, Optional.ofNullable(key));
String finalKey = CUSTOM_PREFIX + key;
return Collections.singletonList(
new MapPropertySource(finalKey,
Collections.singletonMap(finalKey, value)));
As a result, our nested JSON data structure will be loaded into a configuration object:
public void whenLoadedIntoEnvironment_thenValuesLoadedIntoClassObject() {
assertEquals("sender", customJsonProperties.getSender()
assertEquals("street", customJsonProperties.getSender()
7. Conclusion
The Spring Boot framework provides a simple approach to load external JSON data through the command line. In case of need, we can load JSON data through properly configured PropertySourceFactory.
Spring Boot框架提供了一个简单的方法来通过命令行加载外部JSON数据。在需要的情况下,我们可以通过正确配置的PropertySourceFactory加载JSON数据。
Although, loading nested properties is solvable but requires extra care.
As always, the code is available over on GitHub.