1. Overview
In this tutorial – we’ll learn how to get the size of a folder in Java – using Java 6, 7 and the new Java 8 as well Guava and Apache Common IO.
在本教程中,我们将学习如何在Java中获取文件夹的大小 – 使用Java 6、7和新的Java 8以及Guava和Apache Common IO。
Finally – we will also get a human-readable representation of the directory size.
2. With Java
Let’s start with a simple example of calculating the size of a folder – using the sum of its contents:
private long getFolderSize(File folder) {
long length = 0;
File[] files = folder.listFiles();
int count = files.length;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (files[i].isFile()) {
length += files[i].length();
else {
length += getFolderSize(files[i]);
return length;
We can test our method getFolderSize() as in the following example:
public void whenGetFolderSizeRecursive_thenCorrect() {
long expectedSize = 12607;
File folder = new File("src/test/resources");
long size = getFolderSize(folder);
assertEquals(expectedSize, size);
Note: listFiles() is used to list the contents of the given folder.
3. With Java 7
3.使用Java 7
Next – let’s see how to use Java 7 to get the folder size. In the following example – we use Files.walkFileTree() to traverse all files in the folder to sum their sizes:
接下来–让我们看看如何使用Java 7来获取文件夹的大小。在下面的例子中–我们使用Files.walkFileTree()来遍历文件夹中的所有文件,以总结其大小。
public void whenGetFolderSizeUsingJava7_thenCorrect() throws IOException {
long expectedSize = 12607;
AtomicLong size = new AtomicLong(0);
Path folder = Paths.get("src/test/resources");
Files.walkFileTree(folder, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs)
throws IOException {
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
assertEquals(expectedSize, size.longValue());
Note how we’re leveraging the filesystem tree traversal capabilities here and making use of the visitor pattern to help us visit and calculate the sizes of each file and subfolder.
4. With Java 8
4.使用Java 8
Now – let’s see how to get the folder size using Java 8, stream operations and lambdas. In the following example – we use Files.walk() to traverse all files in the folder to sum their size:
现在–让我们看看如何使用Java 8、流操作和lambdas获得文件夹的大小。在下面的例子中–我们使用Files.walk()来遍历文件夹中的所有文件,以总结它们的大小。
public void whenGetFolderSizeUsingJava8_thenCorrect() throws IOException {
long expectedSize = 12607;
Path folder = Paths.get("src/test/resources");
long size = Files.walk(folder)
.filter(p -> p.toFile().isFile())
.mapToLong(p -> p.toFile().length())
assertEquals(expectedSize, size);
Note: mapToLong() is used to generate a LongStream by applying the length function in each element – after which we can sum and get a final result.
5. With Apache Commons IO
5.使用Apache Commons IO
Next – let’s see how to get the folder size using Apache Commons IO. In the following example – we simply use FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory() to get the folder size:
接下来–让我们看看如何使用Apache Commons IO获得文件夹的大小。在下面的例子中,我们简单地使用FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory()来获取文件夹的大小。
public void whenGetFolderSizeUsingApacheCommonsIO_thenCorrect() {
long expectedSize = 12607;
File folder = new File("src/test/resources");
long size = FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory(folder);
assertEquals(expectedSize, size);
Note that this to the point utility method implements a simple Java 6 solution under the hood.
请注意,这个到点子上的实用方法实现了一个简单的Java 6解决方案。
Also, note that the library also provides a FileUtils.sizeOfDirectoryAsBigInteger() method that deals with security restricted directories better.
6. With Guava
Now – let’s see how to calculate the size of a folder using Guava. In the following example – we use Files.fileTreeTraverser() to traverse all files in the folder to sum their size:
@Test public void whenGetFolderSizeUsingGuava_thenCorrect() {
long expectedSize = 12607;
File folder = new File("src/test/resources");
Iterable<File> files = Files.fileTraverser().breadthFirst(folder);
long size = StreamSupport.stream(files.spliterator(), false) .filter(f -> f.isFile())
assertEquals(expectedSize, size);
7. Human Readable Size
Finally – let’s see how to get a more user readable representation of the folder size – not just a size in bytes:
public void whenGetReadableSize_thenCorrect() {
File folder = new File("src/test/resources");
long size = getFolderSize(folder);
String[] units = new String[] { "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB" };
int unitIndex = (int) (Math.log10(size) / 3);
double unitValue = 1 << (unitIndex * 10);
String readableSize = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.#")
.format(size / unitValue) + " "
+ units[unitIndex];
assertEquals("12.3 KB", readableSize);
Note: We used DecimalFormat(“#,##0,#”) to round the result into one decimal place.
8. Notes
Here are some notes about folder size calculation:
- Both Files.walk() and Files.walkFileTree() will throw a SecurityException if the security manager denies access to the starting file.
- The infinite loop may occur if the folder contains symbolic links.
9. Conclusion
In this quick tutorial, we illustrated examples of using different Java versions, Apache Commons IO and Guava to calculate the size of a directory in the file system.
在这个快速教程中,我们举例说明了使用不同的Java版本、Apache Commons IO和Guava来计算文件系统中一个目录的大小。
The implementation of these examples can be found in the GitHub project – this is a Maven-based project, so it should be easy to import and run as it is.