1. Overview
In this tutorial, we’ll go over how to use Jackson JSON Views to serialize/deserialize objects, customize the views and finally – how to start integrating with Spring.
在本教程中,我们将讨论如何使用Jackson JSON视图来序列化/反序列化对象,自定义视图,最后–如何开始与Spring集成。
2. Serialize Using JSON Views
First – let’s go through a simple example – serialize an object with @JsonView.
Here is our view:
public class Views {
public static class Public {
And the “User” entity:
public class User {
public int id;
public String name;
Now let’s serialize a “User” instance using our view:
public void whenUseJsonViewToSerialize_thenCorrect()
throws JsonProcessingException {
User user = new User(1, "John");
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String result = mapper
assertThat(result, containsString("John"));
assertThat(result, not(containsString("1")));
Note how, because we’re serializing with a specific view active, we’re seeing only the right fields being serialized.
It’s also important to understand, that – by default – all properties not explicitly marked as being part of a view, are serialized. We are disabling that behavior with the handy DEFAULT_VIEW_INCLUSION feature.
3. Use Multiple JSON Views
Next – let’s see how to use multiple JSON Views – each has different fields as in the following example:
Here we have to views where Internal extends Public, with the internal view extending the public one:
public class Views {
public static class Public {
public static class Internal extends Public {
And here is our entity “Item” where only the fields id and name are included in the Public view:
public class Item {
public int id;
public String itemName;
public String ownerName;
If we use the Public view to serialize – only id and name will be serialized to JSON:
public void whenUsePublicView_thenOnlyPublicSerialized()
throws JsonProcessingException {
Item item = new Item(2, "book", "John");
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String result = mapper
assertThat(result, containsString("book"));
assertThat(result, containsString("2"));
assertThat(result, not(containsString("John")));
But if we use the Internal view to perform the serialization, all fields will be part of the JSON output:
public void whenUseInternalView_thenAllSerialized()
throws JsonProcessingException {
Item item = new Item(2, "book", "John");
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String result = mapper
assertThat(result, containsString("book"));
assertThat(result, containsString("2"));
assertThat(result, containsString("John"));
4. Deserialize Using JSON Views
Now – let’s see how to use JSON Views to deserialize objects – specifically, a User instance:
public void whenUseJsonViewToDeserialize_thenCorrect()
throws IOException {
String json = "{"id":1,"name":"John"}";
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
User user = mapper
assertEquals(1, user.getId());
assertEquals("John", user.getName());
Note how we’re using the readerWithView() API to create an ObjectReader using the given view.
注意我们是如何使用readerWithView() API来创建一个使用给定视图的ObjectReader。
5. Customize JSON Views
Next – let’s see how to customize JSON Views. In the next example – we want to make the User “name” UpperCase in the serialization result.
接下来 – 让我们看看如何定制JSON视图。在下一个例子中–我们想让序列化结果中的User “name” 大写。
We will use BeanPropertyWriter and BeanSerializerModifier to customize our JSON view. First – here is the BeanPropertyWriter UpperCasingWriter to transform the User name to upper case:
我们将使用BeanPropertyWriter和BeanSerializerModifier来定制我们的JSON视图。首先–这里是BeanPropertyWriter UpperCasingWriter,将User name转换成大写。
public class UpperCasingWriter extends BeanPropertyWriter {
BeanPropertyWriter _writer;
public UpperCasingWriter(BeanPropertyWriter w) {
_writer = w;
public void serializeAsField(Object bean, JsonGenerator gen,
SerializerProvider prov) throws Exception {
String value = ((User) bean).name;
value = (value == null) ? "" : value.toUpperCase();
gen.writeStringField("name", value);
And here is the BeanSerializerModifier to set the User name BeanPropertyWriter with our custom UpperCasingWriter:
public class MyBeanSerializerModifier extends BeanSerializerModifier{
public List<BeanPropertyWriter> changeProperties(
SerializationConfig config, BeanDescription beanDesc,
List<BeanPropertyWriter> beanProperties) {
for (int i = 0; i < beanProperties.size(); i++) {
BeanPropertyWriter writer = beanProperties.get(i);
if (writer.getName() == "name") {
beanProperties.set(i, new UpperCasingWriter(writer));
return beanProperties;
Now – let’s serialize a User instance using the modified Serializer:
public void whenUseCustomJsonViewToSerialize_thenCorrect()
throws JsonProcessingException {
User user = new User(1, "John");
SerializerFactory serializerFactory = BeanSerializerFactory.instance
.withSerializerModifier(new MyBeanSerializerModifier());
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String result = mapper
assertThat(result, containsString("JOHN"));
assertThat(result, containsString("1"));
6. Using JSON Views With Spring
Finally – let’s take a quick look at using JSON views with the Spring Framework. We can leverage the @JsonView annotation to customize our JSON response at the API level.
最后,让我们快速了解一下使用JSON视图与Spring Framework的情况。我们可以利用@JsonView注解,在API层面定制我们的JSON响应。
In the following example – we used the Public view to respond:
public Item getItemPublic(@PathVariable int id) {
return ItemManager.getById(id);
The response is:
And when we used the Internal view as follows:
public Item getItemInternal(@PathVariable int id) {
return ItemManager.getById(id);
That was the response:
If you want to dive deeper into using the views with Spring 4.1, you should check out the Jackson improvements in Spring 4.1.
如果您想更深入地了解使用Spring 4.1的视图,您应该查看Spring 4.1中的Jackson改进。
7. Conclusion
In this quick tutorial, we had a look at the Jackson JSON views and the @JsonView annotation. We showed how to use JSON Views to have fine-grained control over our serialize/deserialize process – using a single or multiple views.
The complete code for this tutorial can be found over on GitHub.
本教程的完整代码可在 GitHub 上找到。