1. Overview
String formatting and generating text output often comes up during programming. In many cases, there is a need to add a new line to a string to format the output.
Let’s discuss how to use newline characters.
2. Adding Newline Characters in a String
Operating systems have special characters denoting the start of a new line. For example, in Linux a new line is denoted by “\n”, also called a Line Feed. In Windows, a new line is denoted using “\r\n”, sometimes called a Carriage Return and Line Feed, or CRLF.
操作系统有一些特殊的字符来表示新行的开始。例如,在Linux中,新的一行由”\n”表示,也称为Line Feed。在Windows中,新的一行是用”\r\n”表示的,有时被称为回车和换行,或CRLF。
Adding a new line in Java is as simple as including “\n” , “\r”, or “\r\n” at the end of our string.
在Java中添加一个新行,就像在我们的字符串末尾加入”\n”、”\r”或”\r\n “那么简单。在我们的字符串的末尾。
2.1. Using CRLF Line-Breaks
For this example, we want to create a paragraph using two lines of text. Specifically, we want line2 to appear in a new line after line1.
For a Unix/Linux/New Mac-based OS we can use “\n”:
对于基于Unix/Linux/New Mac的操作系统,我们可以使用”\n”:。
String line1 = "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.";
String line2 = "Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.";
String rhyme = line1 + "\n" + line2;
If we are on a Windows-based OS, we can use “\r\n”:
rhyme = line1 + "\r\n" + line2;
For an old Mac-based OS, we can use “\r”:
rhyme = line1 + "\r" + line2;
We’ve demonstrated three methods of adding a new line, but unfortunately, they’re platform dependent.
2.2. Using Platform Independent Line Separators
We can use system defined constants when we want our code to be platform independent.
For example, using System.lineSeparator() for giving a line separator:
rhyme = line1 + System.lineSeparator() + line2;
Or we could also use System.getProperty(“line.separator”):
rhyme = line1 + System.getProperty("line.separator") + line2;
2.3. Using Platform Independent Newline Characters
Although line separators provide platform independence, they force us to concatenate our strings.
If we are using something like System.out.printf or String.format, then the platform independent newline character, %n, can be used directly within a string:
rhyme = "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.%nHumpty Dumpty had a great fall.";
This is the same as including System.lineSeparator() within our string, but we don’t need to divide the string into multiple parts.
3. Adding Newline Characters in an HTML Page
Suppose we are creating a string that is part of an HTML page. In that case, we can add an HTML break tag <br>.
We can also use Unicode characters “& #13;” (Carriage Return) and “& #10;” (Line Feed). Although these characters work, they don’t work exactly like we might expect them to across all platforms. Instead, it is better to use <br> for line breaks.
我们还可以使用Unicode字符“& #13;” (回车)和“& #10;” (换行)。尽管这些字符可以工作,但它们并不完全像我们期望的那样在所有平台上工作。相反,最好使用<br>来换行。
Additionally, we can use “\n” in some HTML elements to break a line.
Overall, these are the three methods of breaking a line in HTML. We can decide which one to use depending on the HTML tag we are using.
3.1. HTML Break Tag
3.1. HTML断裂标签
We can use HTML break tag <br> to break a line:
rhyme = line1 + "<br>" + line2;
The <br> tag for breaking a line works in almost all HTML elements like <body>, <p>, <pre>, etc. However, note that it does not work in the <textarea> tag.
3.2. Newline Character
We can use ‘\n’ to break a line if text is enclosed in <pre> or <textarea> tag:
rhyme = line1 + "\n" + line2;
3.3. Unicode Characters
Finally, we can use Unicode characters “& #13;” (Carriage Return) and “& #10;” (Line Feed) to break a line. For example, in the <textarea> tag we can use either of these:
最后,我们可以使用Unicode字符“& #13;” (回车)和“& #10;” (换行)来断开一个行。例如,在<textarea>标签中,我们可以使用其中任何一个。
rhyme = line1 + "
" + line2;
rhyme = line1 + "
" + line2;
For the <pre> tag, both of the lines below will work:
rhyme = line1 + "
" + line2;
rhyme = line1 + "
" + line2;
4. The Difference Between \n and \r
4.The Difference Between ñ and \r(区别)
\r and \n are characters denoted with ASCII values of 13 (CR) and 10 (LF), respectively. They both represent a break between two lines, but operating systems use them differently.
和/n是分别用ASCII值13(CR)和10(LF)表示的字符。它们 都代表两行之间的断开,但操作系统对它们的使用有所不同。
On Windows, a sequence of two characters is used to start a new line, CR immediately followed by LF. Conversely, on Unix-like systems, only LF is used.
When writing Java applications, we must pay attention to the line break characters we use because the applications will behave differently depending on the operating system they will run on.
The safest and most cross-compatible option is to use System.lineSeparator(). This way, we won’t have to take the operating system into account.
5. Conclusion
In this article, we discussed how to add newline characters to a string in Java.
We also saw how to write platform independent code for a new line using System.lineSeparator() and System.getProperty(“line.separator”).
Finally, we wrapped up with how to add a new line in case we are generating an HTML page.
The full implementation of this article can be found over on GitHub.