Hibernate 5 Bootstrapping API – Hibernate 5 Bootstrapping API

最后修改: 2018年 12月 28日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll explore the new mechanism by which we can initialize and start a Hibernate SessionFactory. We’ll especially focus on the new native bootstrapping process as it was redesigned in version 5.0.

在本教程中,我们将探索新的机制,通过该机制我们可以初始化和启动Hibernate SessionFactory。我们将特别关注新的本地引导过程,因为它在5.0版本中被重新设计。

Prior to version 5.0, applications had to use the Configuration class to bootstrap the SessionFactory. This approach is now deprecated, as the Hibernate documentation recommends using the new API based on the ServiceRegistry.


Simply put, building a SessionFactory is all about having a ServiceRegistry implementation that holds the Services needed by Hibernate during both startup and runtime.


2. Maven Dependencies


Before we start exploring the new bootstrapping process, we need to add the hibernate-core jar file to the project classpath. In a Maven based project, we just need to declare this dependency in the pom.xml file:

在我们开始探索新的引导过程之前,我们需要将hibernate-core jar文件添加到项目classpath中。在基于Maven的项目中,我们只需要在pom.xml文件中声明这一依赖关系。


As Hibernate is a JPA provider, this will also include the JPA API dependency transitively.

由于Hibernate是一个JPA提供者,这也将包括JPA API的依赖性。

We also need the JDBC driver of the database that we’re working with. In this example, we’ll use an embedded H2 database:



Feel free to check the latest versions of hibernate-core and H2 driver on Maven Central.


3. Bootstrapping API

3.Bootstrapping API

Bootstrapping refers to the process of building and initializing a SessionFactory.


To achieve this purpose, we need to have a ServiceRegistry that holds the Services needed by Hibernate. From this registry, we can build a Metadata object that represents the application’s domain model and its mapping to the database.


Let’s explore these major objects in greater detail.


3.1. Service


Before we dig into the ServiceRegistry concept, we first need to understand what a Service is. In Hibernate 5.0, a Service is a type of functionality represented by the interface with the same name:

在我们深入探讨ServiceRegistry概念之前,我们首先需要了解什么是Service在Hibernate 5.0中,Service是一种由同名接口代表的功能类型。


By default, Hibernate provides implementations for the most common Services, and they are sufficient in most cases. Otherwise, we can build our own Services to either modify original Hibernate functionalities or add new ones.


In the next subsection, we’ll show how Hibernate makes these Services available through a lightweight container called ServiceRegistry.


3.2. ServiceRegistry


The first step in building a SessionFactory is to create a ServiceRegistry. This allows holding various Services that provide functionalities needed by Hibernate and is based on the Java SPI functionality.

构建SessionFactory的第一步是创建ServiceRegistry。这允许持有各种Services,它们提供Hibernate所需的功能,并且基于Java SPI功能。

Technically speaking, we can see the ServiceRegistry as a lightweight Dependency Injection tool where beans are only of type Service.


There are two types of ServiceRegistry and they are hierarchical. The first is the BootstrapServiceRegistry, which has no parent and holds these three required services:

有两种类型的ServiceRegistry,它们是分层的 第一种是BootstrapServiceRegistry,它没有父级,持有这三种必要的服务

  • ClassLoaderService: allows Hibernate to interact with the ClassLoader of the various runtime environments
  • IntegratorService: controls the discovery and management of the Integrator service allowing third-party applications to integrate with Hibernate
  • StrategySelector: resolves implementations of various strategy contracts

To build a BootstrapServiceRegistry implementation, we use the BootstrapServiceRegistryBuilder factory class, which allows customizing these three services in a type-safe manner:


BootstrapServiceRegistry bootstrapServiceRegistry = new BootstrapServiceRegistryBuilder()

The second ServiceRegistry is the StandardServiceRegistry, which builds on the previous BootstrapServiceRegistry and holds the three Services mentioned above. Additionally, it contains various other Services needed by Hibernate, listed in the StandardServiceInitiators class.

第二个ServiceRegistryStandardServiceRegistry,它建立在之前的BootstrapServiceRegistry之上,并持有上面提到的三个Services。此外,它还包含 Hibernate 所需的其他各种服务,这些服务在 StandardServiceInitiators 类中列出。

Like the previous registry, we use the StandardServiceRegistryBuilder to create an instance of the StandardServiceRegistry:


StandardServiceRegistryBuilder standardServiceRegistry =
  new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder();

Under the hood, the StandardServiceRegistryBuilder creates and uses an instance of BootstrapServiceRegistry. We can also use an overloaded constructor to pass an already created instance:


BootstrapServiceRegistry bootstrapServiceRegistry = 
  new BootstrapServiceRegistryBuilder().build();
StandardServiceRegistryBuilder standardServiceRegistryBuilder = 
  new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder(bootstrapServiceRegistry);

We use this builder to load a configuration from a resource file, such as the default hibernate.cfg.xml, and finally, we invoke the build() method to get an instance of the StandardServiceRegistry.


StandardServiceRegistry standardServiceRegistry = standardServiceRegistryBuilder

3.3. Metadata


Having configured all the Services needed by instantiating a ServiceRegistry either of type BootstrapServiceRegistry or StandardServiceRegistry, we now need to provide the representation of the application’s domain model and its database mapping.


The MetadataSources class is responsible for this:


MetadataSources metadataSources = new MetadataSources(standardServiceRegistry);

Next, we get an instance of Metadata, which we’ll use in the last step:


Metadata metadata = metadataSources.buildMetadata();

3.4. SessionFactory


The last step is to create the SessionFactory from the previously created Metadata:


SessionFactory sessionFactory = metadata.buildSessionFactory();

We can now open a Session and start persisting and reading entities:


Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Movie movie = new Movie(100L);
session.createQuery("FROM Movie").list();

4. Conclusion


In this article, we explored the steps needed to build a SessionFactory. Although the process seems complex, we can summarize it in three major steps: we first created an instance of StandardServiceRegistry, then we built a Metadata object, and finally, we built the SessionFactory.


The full code for these examples can be found over on Github.
