Spring WebClient and OAuth2 Support – Spring WebClient和OAuth2支持

最后修改: 2019年 1月 13日


1. Overview


Spring Security 5 provides OAuth2 support for Spring Webflux’s non-blocking WebClient class.

Spring Security 5为Spring Webflux的非阻塞式WebClient类提供OAuth2支持。

In this tutorial, we’ll analyze the different approaches to accessing secured resources using this class. We’ll also look under the hood to understand how Spring handles the OAuth2 authorization process.


2. Setting up the Scenario


In line with the OAuth2 specification, apart from our Client, which is the focus subject of this tutorial, we naturally need an Authorization Server and Resource Server. 


We can use well-known authorization providers, like Google or Github. To better understand the role of the OAuth2 Client, we can also use our own servers, with an implementation available here. We won’t go over the full configuration, since it’s not the topic of this tutorial, so it’s enough knowing that:


  • the Authorization Server will be:
    • running on port 8081
    • exposing the /oauth/authorize, /oauth/token and oauth/check_token endpoints to carry out the desired functionality
    • configured with sample users (e.g. john/123) and a single OAuth client (fooClientIdPassword/secret)
  • the Resource Server will be separated from the Authentication Server and will be:
    • running on port 8082
    • serving a simple Foo object secured resource accessible using the /foos/{id} endpoint

Note: it’s important to understand that several Spring projects are offering different OAuth-related features and implementations. We can see what each library provides in this Spring Projects matrix.


The WebClient and all the reactive Webflux related functionality is part of the Spring Security 5 project. Therefore, we’ll mainly be using this framework throughout this tutorial.

WebClient和所有反应式Webflux相关的功能是Spring Security 5项目的一部分。因此,我们将在本教程中主要使用这个框架。

3. Spring Security 5 Under the Hood

3.Spring的安全 5 在引擎盖下

In order to fully understand the examples we’ll be discussing, it’s good to know how Spring Security manages the OAuth2 features internally.

为了充分理解我们将要讨论的例子,了解Spring Security如何在内部管理OAuth2功能是很好的。

This framework offers the capabilities to:


  • rely on an OAuth2 provider account to login users into the application
  • configure our service as an OAuth2 Client
  • manage the authorization procedures for us
  • refresh tokens automatically
  • store the credentials if necessary

Some of the fundamental concepts of the Spring Security’s OAuth2 world are described in the following diagram:

Spring Security的OAuth2世界的一些基本概念在下图中描述。

websecurity webclient oauth2

3.1. Providers

3.1. 提供者

Spring defines the OAuth2 Provider role responsible for exposing OAuth 2.0 protected resources.

Spring定义了负责暴露OAuth 2.0保护资源的OAuth2 Provider角色。

In our example, our Authentication Service will be the one offering the Provider capabilities.


3.2. Client Registrations


ClientRegistration is an entity containing all the relevant information of a specific client registered in an OAuth2 (or an OpenID) provider.


In our scenario, it’ll be the client registered in the Authentication Server, identified by the bael-client-id id.

在我们的方案中,它将是在认证服务器中注册的客户,由bael-client-id id识别。

3.3. Authorized Clients


Once the end-user (aka the Resource Owner) grants permissions to the client to access its resources, an OAuth2AuthorizedClient entity is created.


It’ll be responsible for associating access tokens to client registrations and resource owners (represented by Principal objects).


3.4. Repositories


Furthermore, Spring Security also offers repository classes to access the entities mentioned above.

此外,Spring Security还提供存储库类来访问上述实体。

Particularly, the ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository and the ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository classes are used in reactive stacks, and they use the in-memory storage by default.


Spring Boot 2.x creates beans of these repository classes and adds them automatically to the context.

Spring Boot 2.x创建了这些资源库类的Bean,并将其自动添加到上下文中。

3.5. Security Web Filter Chain


One of the key concepts in Spring Security 5 is the reactive SecurityWebFilterChain entity.

Spring Security 5的一个关键概念是反应式的SecurityWebFilterChain实体。

As its name indicates, it represents a chained collection of WebFilter objects.


When we enable the OAuth2 features in our application, Spring Security adds two filters to the chain:

当我们在应用程序中启用OAuth2功能时,Spring Security会在链上添加两个过滤器。

  1. One filter responds to authorization requests (the /oauth2/authorization/{registrationId} URI) or throws a ClientAuthorizationRequiredException. It contains a reference to the ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository, and it’s in charge of creating the authorization request to redirect the user-agent.
  2. The second filter differs depending on which feature we’re adding (OAuth2 Client capabilities or the OAuth2 Login functionality). In both cases, the main responsibility of this filter is to create the OAuth2AuthorizedClient instance and store it using the ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository.

3.6. Web Client

3.6 网络客户端

The web client will be configured with an ExchangeFilterFunction containing references to the repositories.


It’ll use them to obtain the access token to add it automatically to the request.


4. Spring Security 5 Support – the Client Credentials Flow

4.Spring Security 5支持 – 客户端证书流程

Spring Security allows us to configure our application as an OAuth2 Client.

Spring Security允许我们将我们的应用程序配置为OAuth2客户端。

In this article, we’ll use a WebClient instance to retrieve resources using the ‘Client Credentials’ grant type, and then using the ‘Authorization Code’ flow.

在本文中,我们将使用一个WebClient 实例,使用 “客户凭证”授予类型检索资源,然后使用 “授权代码 “流程。

The first thing we’ll have to do is configure the client registration and the provider that we’ll use to obtain the access token.


4.1. Client and Provider Configurations


As we saw in the OAuth2 Login article, we can either configure it programmatically, or rely on the Spring Boot auto-configuration by using properties to define our registration:

正如我们在OAuth2登录文章中所看到的那样,我们可以通过编程来配置它,或者通过使用属性来定义我们的注册来依赖Spring Boot的自动配置。



These are all the configurations we need to retrieve the resource using the client_credentials flow.


4.2. Using the WebClient


We use this grant type in machine-to-machine communications where there’s no end-user interacting with our application.


For example, let’s imagine we have a cron job trying to obtain a secured resource using a WebClient in our application:


private WebClient webClient;

@Scheduled(fixedRate = 5000)
public void logResourceServiceResponse() {

        -> "Retrieved using Client Credentials Grant Type: " + string)

4.3. Configuring the WebClient


Next, we’ll set the webClient instance that we autowired in our scheduled task:


WebClient webClient(ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrations) {
    ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction oauth =
      new ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(
        new UnAuthenticatedServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository());
    return WebClient.builder()

As we previously mentioned, the client registration repository is automatically created and added to the context by Spring Boot.

正如我们之前提到的,客户注册库是由Spring Boot自动创建并添加到上下文中的。

The next thing to note here is that we’re using an UnAuthenticatedServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository instance. This is because no end-user will take part in the process, since it’s a machine-to-machine communication. Finally, like we stated, we’ll be using the bael client registration by default.


Otherwise, we have to specify it by the time we define the request in the cron job:

否则,我们必须在cron job中定义请求时指定它。

  // ...

4.4. Testing


If we run our application with the DEBUG logging level enabled, we’ll be able to see the calls that Spring Security is doing for us:

如果我们在运行应用程序时启用DEBUG日志级别,我们就能看到Spring Security为我们进行的调用。

  HTTP POST http://localhost:8085/oauth/token
  Decoded [{access_token=89cf72cd-183e-48a8-9d08-661584db4310,
  HTTP GET http://localhost:8084/retrieve-resource
  Decoded "This is the resource!"
  We retrieved the following resource using Client Credentials Grant Type: This is the resource!

We’ll also notice that the second time the task runs, the application requests the resource without asking for a token first, since the last one hasn’t expired.


5. Spring Security 5 Support – Implementation Using the Authorization Code Flow

5.Spring Security 5支持 – 使用授权代码流实现

This grant type is usually used in cases where less-trusted third-party applications need to access resources.


5.1. Client and Provider Configurations


In order to execute the OAuth2 process using the Authorization Code flow, we’ll need to define several more properties for our client registration and the provider:




Apart from the properties we used in the previous section, this time we also need to include:


  • an endpoint to authenticate on the Authentication Server
  • the URL of an endpoint containing user information
  • the URL of an endpoint in our application to which the user-agent will be redirected after authenticating

Of course, for well-known providers, the first two points don’t need to be specified.


The redirect endpoint is created automatically by Spring Security.

重定向端点是由Spring Security自动创建的。

By default, the URL configured for it is /[action]/oauth2/code/[registrationId], with only authorize and login actions permitted (in order to avoid an infinite loop).


This endpoint is in charge of:


  • receiving the authentication code as a query param
  • using it to obtain an access token
  • creating the Authorized Client instance
  • redirecting the user-agent back to the original endpoint

5.2. HTTP Security Configurations


Next, we’ll need to configure the SecurityWebFilterChain.


The most common scenario is using Spring Security’s OAuth2 Login capabilities to authenticate users and give them access to our endpoints and resources.

最常见的情况是使用Spring Security的OAuth2登录功能来验证用户,让他们访问我们的端点和资源。

If that’s our case, then just including the oauth2Login directive in the ServerHttpSecurity definition will be enough for our application to work as an OAuth2 Client too:


public SecurityWebFilterChain springSecurityFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
    return http.build();

5.3. Configuring the WebClient


Now it’s time to put our WebClient instance in place:


WebClient webClient(
  ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrations,
  ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository authorizedClients) {
    ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction oauth =
      new ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(
    return WebClient.builder()

This time we’re injecting both the client registration repository and the authorized client repository from the context.


We’re also enabling the setDefaultOAuth2AuthorizedClient option. With this, the framework will try to obtain the client information from the current Authentication object managed in Spring Security.

我们还启用了setDefaultOAuth2AuthorizedClient选项。有了这个选项,框架将尝试从Spring Security管理的当前Authentication对象中获取客户端信息。

We have to take into account that with it, all HTTP requests will include the access token, which might not be the desired behavior.


Later we’ll analyze alternatives that will indicate the client that a specific WebClient transaction will use.


5.4. Using the WebClient


The Authorization Code requires a user-agent that can work out redirections (e.g., a browser) to execute the procedure.


Therefore, we can make use of this grant type when the user is interacting with our application, usually calling an HTTP endpoint:


public class ClientRestController {

    WebClient webClient;

    Mono<String> useOauthWithAuthCode() {
        Mono<String> retrievedResource = webClient.get()
        return retrievedResource.map(string ->
          "We retrieved the following resource using Oauth: " + string);

5.5. Testing


Finally, we’ll call the endpoint and analyze what’s going on by checking the log entries.


After we call the endpoint, the application verifies that we’re not yet authenticated in the application:


o.s.w.s.adapter.HttpWebHandlerAdapter: HTTP GET "/auth-code"
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: /oauth2/authorization/bael

The application redirects to the Authorization Service’s endpoint to authenticate using the credentials existing in the Provider’s registries (in our case, we’ll use the bael-user/bael-password):


HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: http://localhost:8085/oauth/authorize

After authenticating, the user-agent is sent back to the Redirect URI, along with the code as a query param, and the state value that was first sent (to avoid CSRF attacks):


o.s.w.s.adapter.HttpWebHandlerAdapter:HTTP GET "/login/oauth2/code/bael?code=...&state=...

The application then uses the code to obtain an access token:


o.s.w.r.f.client.ExchangeFunctions:HTTP POST http://localhost:8085/oauth/token

It obtains users information:


o.s.w.r.f.client.ExchangeFunctions:HTTP GET http://localhost:8084/user

And it redirects the user-agent to the original endpoint:


HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: /auth-code

Finally, our WebClient instance can request the secured resource successfully:


o.s.w.r.f.client.ExchangeFunctions:HTTP GET http://localhost:8084/retrieve-resource
o.s.w.r.f.client.ExchangeFunctions:Response 200 OK
o.s.core.codec.StringDecoder :Decoded "This is the resource!"

6. An Alternative – Client Registration in the Call


Earlier, we learned that using the setDefaultOAuth2AuthorizedClient implies that the application will include the access token in any call we realize with the client.


If we remove this command from the configuration, we’ll need to specify the client registration explicitly by the time we define the request.


One way, of course, is by using the clientRegistrationId, as we did before when working in the client credentials flow.


Since we associated the Principal with authorized clients, we can obtain the OAuth2AuthorizedClient instance using the @RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient annotation:


Mono<String> useOauthWithAuthCodeAndAnnotation(
  @RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient("bael") OAuth2AuthorizedClient authorizedClient) {
    Mono<String> retrievedResource = webClient.get()
    return retrievedResource.map(string -> 
      "Resource: " + string 
        + " - Principal associated: " + authorizedClient.getPrincipalName() 
        + " - Token will expire at: " + authorizedClient.getAccessToken()

7. Avoiding the OAuth2 Login Features


As we noted, the most common scenario is relying on the OAuth2 authorization provider to login users in our application.


But what if we want to avoid this, yet still be able to access secured resources using the OAuth2 protocol? Then we’ll need to make some changes in our configuration.


For starters, and just to be clear across the board, we can use the authorize action instead of the login one when defining the redirect URI property:

首先,为了全面了解情况,在定义重定向URI属性时,我们可以使用authorize action而不是login one。


We can also drop the user-related properties, since we won’t be using them to create the Principal in our application.


Now we’ll configure the SecurityWebFilterChain without including the oauth2Login command, and instead we’ll include the oauth2Client one.


Even though we don’t want to rely on the OAuth2 Login, we still want to authenticate users before accessing our endpoint. For this reason, we’ll also include the formLogin directive here:


public SecurityWebFilterChain springSecurityFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
    return http.build();

Now let’s run the application, and check out what happens when we use the /auth-code-annotated endpoint.

现在让我们运行应用程序,并检查一下当我们使用/auth-code-annotated 端点时会发生什么。

We’ll first have to log in to our application using the form login.


Then the application will redirect us to the Authorization Service login to grant access to our resources.


Note: after doing this, we should be redirected back to the original endpoint that we called. However, Spring Security seems to be redirecting back to the root path “/” instead, which appears to be a bug. The following requests after the one triggering the OAuth2 dance will run successfully.

注意:这样做之后,我们应该被重定向到我们调用的原始端点。然而,Spring Security似乎会重定向到根路径”/”,这似乎是一个错误。在触发OAuth2舞蹈的请求之后,以下请求将成功运行。

We can see in the endpoint response that the authorized client this time is associated with a principal named bael-client-id instead of the bael-user, named after the user configured in the Authentication Service.


8. Spring Framework Support – Manual Approach


Out of the box, Spring 5 provides just one OAuth2-related service method to add a Bearer token header to the request easily. It’s the HttpHeaders#setBearerAuth method.

开箱即用,Spring 5只提供了一个与OAuth2相关的服务方法,可以轻松地在请求中添加一个Bearer token头。这就是HttpHeaders#setBearerAuth 方法。

We’ll now look at an example to demonstrate what it would take to obtain our secured resource by performing an OAuth2 dance manually.


Simply put, we’ll need to chain two HTTP requests, one to get an authentication token from the Authorization Server, and the other to obtain the resource using this token:


WebClient client;

public Mono<String> obtainSecuredResource() {
    String encodedClientData = 
    Mono<String> resource = client.post()
      .header("Authorization", "Basic " + encodedClientData)
      .body(BodyInserters.fromFormData("grant_type", "client_credentials"))
      .flatMap(tokenResponse -> {
          String accessTokenValue = tokenResponse.get("access_token")
          return client.get()
            .headers(h -> h.setBearerAuth(accessTokenValue))
    return resource.map(res ->
      "Retrieved the resource using a manual approach: " + res);

This example should help us understand how cumbersome it can be to leverage a request following the OAuth2 specification, and show us how the setBearerAuth method is used.


In a real-life scenario, we’d let Spring Security take care of all the hard work for us in a transparent manner, as we did in previous sections.

在现实生活中,我们会让Spring Security以透明的方式为我们处理所有的艰苦工作,正如我们在前几节所做的那样。

9. Conclusion


In this article, we learned how to set up our application as an OAuth2 Client, and more specifically, how we can configure and use the WebClient to retrieve a secured resource in a full-reactive stack.


Then we analyzed how Spring Security 5 OAuth2 mechanisms operate under the hood to comply with the OAuth2 specification.

然后我们分析了Spring Security 5 OAuth2机制是如何在引擎盖下运行以符合OAuth2规范的。

As always, the full example is available over on Github.
