1. Introduction
String-based values and operations are quite common in everyday development, and any Java developer must be able to handle them.
In this tutorial, we’ll provide a quick cheat sheet of common String operations.
Additionally, we’ll shed some light on the differences between equals and “==” and between StringUtils#isBlank and #isEmpty.
2. Transforming a Char into a String
A char represents one character in Java. But in most cases, we need a String.
So let’s start off with transforming chars into Strings:
String toStringWithConcatenation(final char c) {
return String.valueOf(c);
3. Appending Strings
Another frequently needed operation is appending strings with other values, like a char:
String appendWithConcatenation(final String prefix, final char c) {
return prefix + c;
We can append other basic types with a StringBuilder as well:
String appendWithStringBuilder(final String prefix, final char c) {
return new StringBuilder(prefix).append(c).toString();
4. Getting a Character by Index
If we need to extract one character out of a string, the API provides everything we want:
char getCharacterByIndex(final String text, final int index) {
return text.charAt(index);
Since a String uses a char[] as a backing data structure, the index starts at zero.
由于String使用char[] 作为支撑数据结构,索引从零开始。
5. Handling ASCII Values
We can easily switch between a char and its numerical representation (ASCII) by casting:
int asciiValue(final char character) {
return (int) character;
char fromAsciiValue(final int value) {
Assert.isTrue(value >= 0 && value < 65536, "value is not a valid character");
return (char) value;
Of course, since an int is 4 unsigned bytes and a char is 2 unsigned bytes, we need to check to make sure that we are working with legal character values.
6. Removing All Whitespace
Sometimes we need to get rid of some characters, most commonly whitespace. A good way is to use the replaceAll method with a regular expression:
有时我们需要去掉一些字符,最常见的是空白。一个好的方法是使用replaceAll方法和regular expression:。
String removeWhiteSpace(final String text) {
return text.replaceAll("\\s+", "");
7. Joining Collections to a String
Another common use case is when we have some kind of Collection and want to create a string out of it:
<T> String fromCollection(final Collection<T> collection) {
return collection.stream().map(Objects::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
Notice that the Collectors.joining allows specifying the prefix or the suffix.
8. Splitting a String
Or on the other hand, we can split a string by a delimiter using the split method:
String[] splitByRegExPipe(final String text) {
return text.split("\\|");
Again, we’re using a regular expression here, this time to split by a pipe. Since we want to use a special character, we have to escape it.
Another possibility is to use the Pattern class:
String[] splitByPatternPipe(final String text) {
return text.split(Pattern.quote("|"));
9. Processing All Characters as a Stream
In the case of detailed processing, we can transform a string to an IntStream:
IntStream getStream(final String text) {
return text.chars();
10. Reference Equality and Value Equality
Although strings look like a primitive type, they are not.
虽然字符串看起来像一个primitive 类型,但它们不是。
Therefore, we have to distinguish between reference equality and value equality. Reference equality always implies value equality, but in general not the other way around. The first, we check with the ‘==’ operation and the latter, with the equals method:
因此,我们必须区分引用平等和价值平等。引用平等总是意味着价值平等,但一般情况下不是反过来的。 前者,我们用’==’操作检查,后者,用equals方法检查。
public void whenUsingEquals_thenWeCheckForTheSameValue() {
assertTrue("Values are equal", new String("Test").equals("Test"));
public void whenUsingEqualsSign_thenWeCheckForReferenceEquality() {
assertFalse("References are not equal", new String("Test") == "Test");
Notice that literals are interned in the string pool. Therefore the compiler can at times optimize them to the same reference:
public void whenTheCompileCanBuildUpAString_thenWeGetTheSameReference() {
assertTrue("Literals are concatenated by the compiler", "Test" == "Te"+"st");
11. Blank String vs. Empty String
There is a subtle difference between isBlank and isEmpty.
A string is empty if it’s null or has length zero. Whereas a string is blank if it’s null or contains only whitespace characters:
public void whenUsingIsEmpty_thenWeCheckForNullorLengthZero() {
assertTrue("null is empty", isEmpty(null));
assertTrue("nothing is empty", isEmpty(""));
assertFalse("whitespace is not empty", isEmpty(" "));
assertFalse("whitespace is not empty", isEmpty("\n"));
assertFalse("whitespace is not empty", isEmpty("\t"));
assertFalse("text is not empty", isEmpty("Anything!"));
public void whenUsingIsBlank_thenWeCheckForNullorOnlyContainingWhitespace() {
assertTrue("null is blank", isBlank(null));
assertTrue("nothing is blank", isBlank(""));
assertTrue("whitespace is blank", isBlank("\t\t \t\n\r"));
assertFalse("test is not blank", isBlank("Anything!"));
12. Conclusion
Strings are a core type in all kinds of applications. In this tutorial, we learned some key operations in common scenarios.
Furthermore, we gave directions to more detailed references.
Finally, the full code with all examples is available in our GitHub repository.