1. Overview
In this tutorial, we’re going to take a look at conditional test execution with annotations in JUnit 5.
在本教程中,我们将看看在JUnit 5中使用注释的条件测试执行。
These annotations are from the JUnit Jupiter library’s condition package and allow us to specify different types of conditions under which our tests should or should not run.
这些注释来自JUnit Jupiter 库的condition包,允许我们指定不同类型的条件,在这些条件下我们的测试应该或不应该运行。
2. Operating System Conditions
Sometimes, we need to change our test scenarios depending on the operating systems (OS) they’re running on. In these cases, the @EnabledOnOs annotation comes in handy.
The usage of @EnabledOnOs is simple – we just need to give it a value for the OS type. Furthermore, it also accepts an array argument for when we want to target multiple operating systems.
For example, let’s say we want to enable a test to run only on Windows and macOS:
@EnabledOnOs({OS.WINDOWS, OS.MAC})
public void shouldRunBothWindowsAndMac() {
Now, in contrast to the @EnabledOnOs, there is @DisabledOnOs. As the name implies, it disables tests according to the OS type argument:
public void shouldNotRunAtLinux() {
3. Java Runtime Environment Conditions
We can also target our tests to run on specific JRE versions using the @EnableOnJre and @DisableOnJre annotations. These annotations also accept an array to enable or disable multiple Java versions:
@EnabledOnJre({JRE.JAVA_10, JRE.JAVA_11})
public void shouldOnlyRunOnJava10And11() {
As of JUnit 5.6, we can use @EnabledForJreRange to enable a test for a specific range of Java versions:
从JUnit 5.6开始,我们可以使用@EnabledForJreRange来为特定范围的Java版本启用测试。
@EnabledForJreRange(min = JRE.JAVA_8, max = JRE.JAVA_13)
public void shouldOnlyRunOnJava8UntilJava13() {
// this test will only run on Java 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13.
By default the min value is JAVA_8 and the max value is the maximum possible JRE version. There is also a @DisabledForJreRange to disable a test for a specific range of Java versions:
@DisabledForJreRange(min = JRE.JAVA_14, max = JRE.JAVA_15)
public void shouldNotBeRunOnJava14AndJava15() {
// this won't run on Java 14 and 15.
Moreover, if we want to disable our tests running with Java versions other than 8, 9, 10, and 11, we can use the JRE.OTHER enum property:
此外,如果我们想禁止我们的测试在8、9、10和11以外的Java版本下运行,我们可以使用JRE.OTHER enum属性。
public void thisTestOnlyRunsWithUpToDateJREs() {
// this test will only run on Java 8, 9, 10, and 11.
4. System Property Conditions
Now, if we want to enable our tests based on JVM system properties, we can use the @EnabledIfSystemProperty annotation.
To use it, we must provide named and matches arguments. The named argument is used to specify an exact system property. The matches is used for defining the pattern of property value with a regular expression.
For instance, let’s say we want to enable a test to run only when the virtual machine vendor name starts with “Oracle”:
例如,假设我们想让一个测试只在虚拟机供应商名称以 “Oracle “开头时运行。
@EnabledIfSystemProperty(named = "java.vm.vendor", matches = "Oracle.*")
public void onlyIfVendorNameStartsWithOracle() {
Likewise, we have the @DisabledIfSystemProperty to disable tests based on JVM system properties. To demonstrate this annotation, let’s take a look at an example:
@DisabledIfSystemProperty(named = "file.separator", matches = "[/]")
public void disabledIfFileSeperatorIsSlash() {
5. Environment Variable Conditions
We can also specify environment variable conditions for our tests with @EnabledIfEnvironmentVariable and @DisabledIfEnvironmentVariable annotations.
And, just like the annotations for system property conditions, these annotations take two arguments — named and matches — for specifying the environment variable name and regular expression to match against environment variable values:
而且,就像系统属性条件的注解一样,这些注解需要两个参数 – named和matches –,用于指定环境变量名称和正则表达式以匹配环境变量值。
@EnabledIfEnvironmentVariable(named = "GDMSESSION", matches = "ubuntu")
public void onlyRunOnUbuntuServer() {
@DisabledIfEnvironmentVariable(named = "LC_TIME", matches = ".*UTF-8.")
public void shouldNotRunWhenTimeIsNotUTF8() {
Furthermore, we can consult one of our other tutorials to learn more about system properties and system environment variables.
6. Script-Based Conditions
6.1. Deprecation Notice
Script-based condition APIs and their implementations were deprecated in JUnit 5.5 and removed from JUnit 5.6. In order to achieve the same result, it’s highly recommended to use a combination of built-in conditions or create a custom implementation of ExecutionCondition.
基于脚本的条件API及其实现在JUnit 5.5中被弃用,并从JUnit 5.6中删除。为了达到同样的效果,强烈建议使用内置条件的组合或创建ExecutionCondition.的自定义实现。
6.2. Conditions
Prior to JUnit 5.6, we can specify our test’s running conditions by writing scripts within @EnabledIf and @DisabledIf annotations.
在JUnit 5.6之前,我们可以通过在@EnabledIf和@DisabledIf注解中编写脚本来指定我们测试的运行条件。
These annotations accept three arguments:
- value – contains the actual script to run.
- engine (optional) – specifies the scripting engine to use; the default is Oracle Nashorn.
- reason (optional) – for logging purposes, specifies the message JUnit should print if our test fails.
So, let’s see a simple example where we specify only a one-line script, without additional arguments on the annotation:
@EnabledIf("'FR' == systemProperty.get('user.country')")
public void onlyFrenchPeopleWillRunThisMethod() {
Also, the usage of @DisabledIf is exactly the same:
public void shouldNotRunOnMacOS() {
Furthermore, we can write multi-line scripts with the value argument.
此外,我们可以用value argument编写多行脚本。
Let’s write a brief example to check the month’s name before running the test.
We’ll define a sentence for reason with supported placeholders:
- {annotation} – the string for representing annotation instance.
- {script} – the script text that evaluated inside value argument.
- {result} – the string for representing the return value of the evaluated script.
For this instance, we will have a multi-line script in the value argument and values for engine and reason:
@EnabledIf(value = {
"var thisMonth = LocalDate.now().getMonth().name()",
"var february = Month.FEBRUARY.name()",
engine = "nashorn",
reason = "On {annotation}, with script: {script}, result is: {result}")
public void onlyRunsInFebruary() {
We can use several script bindings when writing our scripts:
- systemEnvironment – to access system environment variables.
- systemProperty – to access system property variables.
- junitConfigurationParameter – to access configuration parameters.
- junitDisplayName – test or container display name.
- junitTags – to access tags on tests or container.
- anotherUniqueId – to get the unique id of test or container.
Finally, let’s look at another example to see how to use scripts with bindings:
@DisabledIf("systemEnvironment.get('XPC_SERVICE_NAME') != null" +
"&& systemEnvironment.get('XPC_SERVICE_NAME').contains('intellij')")
public void notValidForIntelliJ() {
//this method will not run on intelliJ
Moreover, please consult one of our other tutorials to learn more about @EnabledIf and @DisabledIf annotations.
此外,请参考我们的其他教程,以了解更多关于 @EnabledIf和 @DisabledIf注释的内容。
7. Creating Custom Conditional Annotations
A very powerful feature that comes with JUnit 5 is the ability to create custom annotations. We can define custom conditional annotations by using a combination of existing conditional annotations.
JUnit 5附带的一个非常强大的功能是创建自定义注释的能力。我们可以通过使用现有条件注释的组合来定义自定义条件注释。
For instance, suppose we want to define all our tests to run for specific OS types with specific JRE versions. We can write a custom annotation for this:
@EnabledOnJre({JRE.JAVA_9, JRE.JAVA_10, JRE.JAVA_11})
@interface ThisTestWillOnlyRunAtLinuxAndMacWithJava9Or10Or11 {
public void someSuperTestMethodHere() {
// this method will run with Java9, 10, 11 and Linux or macOS.
Furthermore, we can use script-based annotations to create a custom annotation:
@DisabledIf("Math.random() >= 0.5")
@interface CoinToss {
public void gamble() {
// this method run run roughly 50% of the time
8. Conclusion
In this article, we learned about conditional test execution with annotations in JUnit 5. Also, we walked through some examples of their usage.
在这篇文章中,我们了解了JUnit 5中使用注解的条件测试执行。此外,我们还浏览了一些使用的例子。
Next, we saw how to create custom conditional annotations.
To learn more about this topic, we can consult JUnit’s documentation about conditional test execution with annotations.
As usual, all the example code for this article can be found over on GitHub.