1. Introduction
Java 11 introduced a No-Op Garbage Collector called Epsilon, which promises the lowest GC overhead possible.
Java 11 引入了名为 Epsilon 的No-Op 垃圾收集器,它承诺将 GC 的开销降至最低。
In this short tutorial, we’ll explore how Epsilon works, and we’ll mention the common use cases.
2. Quick Hands-On
Let’s start with getting our hands dirty, and take Epsilon GC for a spin!
让我们从动手做起,带着Epsilon GC去转一转吧!
We’ll first need an application, which creates garbage:
class MemoryPolluter {
static final int MEGABYTE_IN_BYTES = 1024 * 1024;
static final int ITERATION_COUNT = 1024 * 10;
static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Starting pollution");
for (int i = 0; i < ITERATION_COUNT; i++) {
byte[] array = new byte[MEGABYTE_IN_BYTES];
This code creates one-megabyte-arrays in a loop. Since we repeat the loop 10240 times, it means we allocate 10 gigabytes of memory, which is probably higher than the available maximum heap size.
We also provided some helper prints to see when the application terminates.
To enable Epsilon GC, we need to pass the following VM arguments:
为了启用Epsilon GC,我们需要传递以下虚拟机参数:。
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseEpsilonGC
And when we run the application, we get the following error:
Starting pollution
Terminating due to java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
However, when we run the same application with the standard VM options, it completes fine:
Starting pollution
Why did the first run fail? It seems like even the most basic garbage collectors could clean up the child’s play that we just demonstrated!
So, let’s take a look at the concepts behind Epsilon GC to understand what just happened.
因此,让我们看看Epsilon GC背后的概念,以了解刚才发生的事情。
3. How Epsilon GC Works
3.Epsilon GC如何工作
Epsilon is a no-op garbage collector.
JEP 318 explains that “[Epsilon] … handles memory allocation but does not implement any actual memory reclamation mechanism. Once the available Java heap is exhausted, the JVM will shut down.”
JEP 318解释说:”[Epsilon] …处理内存分配,但不实现任何实际的内存回收机制。一旦可用的Java堆被耗尽,JVM将关闭。“
So, this explains why our application terminated with an OutOfMemoryError.
But, it raises the question: Why do we need to have a garbage collector, that doesn’t collect any garbage?
There are some cases when we know that the available heap will be enough, so we don’t want the JVM to use resources to run GC tasks.
Some examples of such cases (also from the related JEP):
- Performance testing
- Memory pressure testing
- VM interface testing
- Extremely short lived jobs
- Last-drop latency improvements
- Last-drop throughput improvements
4. Conclusion
In this short article, we learned about Epsilon, a no-op GC available in Java 11. We learned about the implications of using it and reviewed some cases where it may be handy.
在这篇短文中,我们了解了Epsilon,一个在Java 11中可用的no-op GC。我们了解了使用它的意义,并回顾了一些它可能很方便的情况。
As usual, the examples are available over on GitHub.