1. Overview
Groovy extends the Map API in Java to provide methods for operations such as filtering, searching and sorting. It also provides a variety of shorthand ways to create and manipulate maps.
Groovy在Java中扩展了Map API,以提供过滤、搜索和排序等操作的方法。它还提供了多种速记方法来创建和操作地图。
In this tutorial, we’ll look at the Groovy way of working with maps.
2. Creating Groovy Maps
2.创建Groovy Maps
We can use the map literal syntax [k:v] for creating maps. Basically, it allows us to instantiate a map and define entries in one line.
我们可以使用map字面语法[k:v] 来创建map。基本上,它允许我们在一行中实例化一个map并定义条目。
An empty map can be created using:
def emptyMap = [:]
Similarly, a map with values can be instantiated using:
def map = [name: "Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York"]
Notice that the keys aren’t surrounded by quotes, and by default, Groovy creates an instance of java.util.LinkedHashMap. We can override this default behavior by using the as operator.
3. Adding Items
Let’s start by defining a map:
def map = [name:"Jerry"]
We can add a key to the map:
map["age"] = 42
However, another more Javascript-like way is using property notation (the dot operator):
map.city = "New York"
In other words, Groovy supports the access of key-value pairs in a bean like fashion.
We can also use variables instead of literals as keys while adding new items to the map:
def hobbyLiteral = "hobby"
def hobbyMap = [(hobbyLiteral): "Singing"]
assertTrue(hobbyMap.hobby == "Singing")
assertTrue(hobbyMap[hobbyLiteral] == "Singing")
First, we have to create a new variable which stores the key hobby. Then we use this variable enclosed in parenthesis with the map literal syntax to create another map.
首先,我们必须创建一个新的变量,存储键hobby.,然后我们使用这个被括号包围的变量和map literal语法来创建另一个map。
4. Retrieving Items
The literal syntax or the property notation can be used to get items from a map.
For a map defined as:
def map = [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York", hobby:"Singing"]
We can get the value corresponding to the key name:
assertTrue(map["name"] == "Jerry")
assertTrue(map.name == "Jerry")
5. Removing Items
We can remove any entry from a map based on a key using the remove() method, but sometimes we may need to remove multiple entries from a map. We can do this by using the minus() method.
The minus() method accepts a Map and returns a new Map after removing all the entries of the given map from the underlying map:
def map = [1:20, a:30, 2:42, 4:34, ba:67, 6:39, 7:49]
def minusMap = map.minus([2:42, 4:34]);
assertTrue(minusMap == [1:20, a:30, ba:67, 6:39, 7:49])
Next, we can also remove entries based on a condition. We can achieve this using the removeAll() method:
minusMap.removeAll{it -> it.key instanceof String}
assertTrue(minusMap == [1:20, 6:39, 7:49])
Inversely, to retain all entries which satisfy a condition, we can use the retainAll() method:
minusMap.retainAll{it -> it.value % 2 == 0}
assertTrue(minusMap == [1:20])
6. Iterating Through Entries
We can iterate through entries using the each() and eachWithIndex() methods.
我们可以使用each() 和eachWithIndex()方法对条目进行迭代。
The each() method provides implicit parameters, like entry, key, and value, which correspond to the current Entry.
The eachWithIndex() method also provides an index in addition to Entry. Both the methods accept a Closure as an argument.
In the next example, we’ll iterate through each Entry. The Closure passed to the each() method gets the key-value pair from the implicit parameter entry and prints it:
map.each{entry -> println "$entry.key: $entry.value"}
Next, we’ll use the eachWithIndex() method to print the current index along with other values:
map.eachWithIndex{entry, i -> println "$i $entry.key: $entry.value"}
It’s also possible to ask the key, value, and index be supplied separately:
map.eachWithIndex{key, value, i -> println "$i $key: $value"}
7. Filtering
We can use the find(), findAll(), and grep() methods to filter and search for map entries based on keys and values.
Let’s start by defining a map to execute these methods on:
def map = [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York", hobby:"Singing"]
First, we’ll look at the find() method, which accepts a Closure and returns the first Entry that matches the Closure condition:
assertTrue(map.find{it.value == "New York"}.key == "city")
Similarly, findAll also accepts a Closure, but returns a Map with all the key-value pairs that satisfy the condition in the Closure:
assertTrue(map.findAll{it.value == "New York"} == [city : "New York"])
If we’d prefer to use a List though, we can use grep instead of findAll:
map.grep{it.value == "New York"}.each{it -> assertTrue(it.key == "city" && it.value == "New York")}
We first used grep to find entries that have the value New York. Then, to demonstrate the return type is List, we’ll iterate through the result of grep(). For each Entry in the list which is available in the implicit parameter, we’ll check if its the expected result.
Next, to find out if all the items in a map satisfy a condition, we can use every, which returns a boolean.
Let’s check if all the values in the map are of type String:
assertTrue(map.every{it -> it.value instanceof String} == false)
Similarly, we can use any to determine if any items in the map match a condition:
assertTrue(map.any{it -> it.value instanceof String} == true)
8. Transforming and Collecting
At times, we may want to transform the entries in a map into new values. Using the collect() and collectEntries() methods, it’s possible to transform and collect entries into a Collection or Map, respectively.
Let’s look at some examples. Given a map of employee ids and employees:
def map = [
1: [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York"],
2: [name:"Long", age: 25, city: "New York"],
3: [name:"Dustin", age: 29, city: "New York"],
4: [name:"Dustin", age: 34, city: "New York"]]
We can collect the names of all the employees into a list using collect():
def names = map.collect{entry -> entry.value.name}
assertTrue(names == ["Jerry", "Long", "Dustin", "Dustin"])
Then, if we’re interested in a unique set of names, we can specify the collection by passing a Collection object:
def uniqueNames = map.collect([] as HashSet){entry -> entry.value.name}
assertTrue(uniqueNames == ["Jerry", "Long", "Dustin"] as Set)
If we want to change the employee names in the map from lowercase to uppercase, we can use collectEntries. This method returns a map of transformed values:
def idNames = map.collectEntries{key, value -> [key, value.name]}
assertTrue(idNames == [1:"Jerry", 2:"Long", 3:"Dustin", 4:"Dustin"])
Finally, it’s also possible to use collect methods in conjunction with the find and findAll methods to transform the filtered results:
最后,也可以使用 collect方法与find和findAll方法结合起来来转换过滤后的结果。
def below30Names = map.findAll{it.value.age < 30}.collect{key, value -> value.name}
assertTrue(below30Names == ["Long", "Dustin"])
Here, we’ll find all employees between ages 20-30, and collect them into a map.
9. Grouping
Sometimes, we may want to group some items of a map into submaps based on a condition.
The groupBy() method returns a map of maps, and each map contains key-value pairs that evaluate to the same result for the given condition:
def map = [1:20, 2: 40, 3: 11, 4: 93]
def subMap = map.groupBy{it.value % 2}
assertTrue(subMap == [0:[1:20, 2:40], 1:[3:11, 4:93]])
Another way of creating submaps is by using subMap(). It’s different than groupBy() in that it only allows for grouping based on the keys:
def keySubMap = map.subMap([1,2])
assertTrue(keySubMap == [1:20, 2:40])
In this case, the entries for keys 1 and 2 are returned in the new map, and all the other entries are discarded.
10. Sorting
Usually when sorting, we may want to sort the entries in a map based on key or value or both. Groovy provides a sort() method that can be used for this purpose.
Given a map:
def map = [ab:20, a: 40, cb: 11, ba: 93]
If sorting needs to be done on key, we’ll use the no-args sort() method, which is based on natural ordering:
如果需要对键进行排序,我们将使用no-args sort()方法,它是基于自然排序的。
def naturallyOrderedMap = map.sort()
assertTrue([a:40, ab:20, ba:93, cb:11] == naturallyOrderedMap)
Or we can use the sort(Comparator) method to provide comparison logic:
def compSortedMap = map.sort({k1, k2 -> k1 <=> k2} as Comparator)
assertTrue([a:40, ab:20, ba:93, cb:11] == compSortedMap)
Next, to sort on either key, values, or both, we can supply a Closure condition to sort():
def cloSortedMap = map.sort({it1, it2 -> it1.value <=> it1.value})
assertTrue([cb:11, ab:20, a:40, ba:93] == cloSortedMap)
11. Conclusion
In this article, we learned how to create Maps in Groovy. Then we looked at different ways that we can add, retrieve and remove items from a map.
Finally, we covered Groovy’s out of the box methods for performing common operations, such as filtering, searching, transforming, and sorting.
As always, the examples covered in this article can be found over on GitHub.