The Difference Between CDI and EJB Singleton – CDI和EJB Singleton的区别

最后修改: 2019年 5月 20日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll take a closer look at two types of singletons available in Jakarta EE. We’ll explain and demonstrate the differences and see the usages suitable for each one.

在本教程中,我们将仔细研究Jakarta EE中可用的两种类型的singletons。我们将解释和演示它们的区别,并看看适合每一种类型的用途。

First, let’s see what singletons are all about before getting into the details.


2. Singleton Design Pattern


Recall that a common way to implement Singleton Pattern is with a static instance and private constructor:


public final class Singleton {
    private static final Singleton instance = new Singleton();

    private Singleton() {}

    public static Singleton getInstance() {
        return instance;

But, alas, this isn’t really object-oriented. And it has some multi-threading issues.


CDI and EJB containers give us an object-oriented alternative, though.


3. CDI Singleton


With CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection), we can easily create singletons using the @Singleton annotation. This annotation is a part of the javax.inject package. It instructs the container to instantiate the singleton once and passes its reference to other objects during the injection.

通过CDI(Contexts and Dependency Injection),我们可以使用@Singleton注解轻松创建单子。这个注解是javax.injection包的一部分。它指示容器将单子实例化一次,并在注入期间将其引用传递给其他对象。

As we can see, singleton implementation with CDI is very simple:


public class CarServiceSingleton {
    // ...

Our class simulates a car service shop. We have a lot of instances of various Cars, but they all use the same shop for servicing. Therefore, Singleton is a good fit.


We can verify it is the same instance with a simple JUnit test that asks the context for the class twice. Note that we’ve got a getBean helper method here for readability:


public void givenASingleton_whenGetBeanIsCalledTwice_thenTheSameInstanceIsReturned() {       
    CarServiceSingleton one = getBean(CarServiceSingleton.class);
    CarServiceSingleton two = getBean(CarServiceSingleton.class);
    assertTrue(one == two);

Because of the @Singleton annotation, the container will return the same reference both times. If we try this with a plain managed bean, however, the container will provide a different instance each time.

由于@Singleton注解的存在,容器将两次返回相同的引用。然而,如果我们用普通的托管 Bean 来尝试这样做,那么容器每次都将提供一个不同的实例。

And while this works the same for either javax.inject.Singleton or javax.ejb.Singleton, there’s a key difference between these two.


4. EJB Singleton

4.EJB Singleton

To create an EJB singleton we use the @Singleton annotation from the javax.ejb package. This way we create a Singleton Session Bean.

为了创建EJB单子,我们使用@Singleton注解,来自javax.ejb包。这样我们就创建了一个Singleton Session Bean

We can test this implementation the same way we tested the CDI implementation in the previous example, and the result will be the same. EJB singletons, as expected, provide the single instance of the class.


However, EJB Singletons also provide additional functionality in the form of container-managed concurrency control.

然而,EJB Singletons还以容器管理的并发控制的形式提供额外的功能。

When we use this type of implementation, the EJB container ensures that every public method of the class is accessed by a single thread at a time. If multiple threads try to access the same method, only one thread gets to use it while others wait for their turn.


We can verify this behavior with a simple test. We’ll introduce a service queue simulation for our singleton classes:


private static int serviceQueue;

public int service(Car car) {
    return serviceQueue;

serviceQueue is implemented as a plain static integer which increases when a car “enters” the service and decreased when it “leaves”. If proper locking is provided by the container, this variable should be equal to zero before and after the service, and equal to one during the service.

serviceQueue被实现为一个普通的静态整数,当汽车 “进入 “服务时它会增加,当汽车 “离开 “时它会减少。如果容器提供了适当的锁定,这个变量在服务前后都应该等于0,在服务期间等于1。

We can check that behavior with a simple test:


public void whenEjb_thenLockingIsProvided() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                int serviceQueue = carServiceEjbSingleton.service(new Car("Speedster xyz"));
                assertEquals(0, serviceQueue);

This test starts 10 parallel threads. Each thread instantiates a car and tries to service it. After the service, it asserts that the value of the serviceQueue is back to zero.


If we, for instance, execute a similar test on the CDI singleton, our test will fail.


5. Conclusion


In this article, we went through two types of singleton implementations available in Jakarta EE. We saw their advantages and disadvantages and we also demonstrated how and when to use each one.

在这篇文章中,我们浏览了Jakarta EE中的两种类型的单子实现。我们看到了它们的优点和缺点,我们还演示了如何以及何时使用每一种。

And, as always, the complete source code is available over on GitHub.
