Determine File Creation Date in Java – 在Java中确定文件创建日期

最后修改: 2019年 6月 14日


1. Overview


JDK 7 introduced the ability to get a file’s creation date.

JDK 7引入了获取文件创建日期的功能。

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how we can access it through java.nio.


2. Files.getAttribute


One way to get a file’s creation date is to use the method Files.getAttribute with a given Path:


try {
    FileTime creationTime = (FileTime) Files.getAttribute(path, "creationTime");
} catch (IOException ex) {
    // handle exception

The type of creationTime is FileTime, but due to the fact that the method returns Object, we have to cast it.


FileTime holds the date value as a timestamp attribute. For instance, it can be converted to Instant with the toInstant() method.

FileTime将日期值作为一个时间戳属性。例如,它可以通过 toInstant()方法被转换为Instant

If the file system doesn’t store the file’s creation date, then the method will return null.


3. Files.readAttributes


Another way to get a creation date is with Files.readAttributes which, for a given Path, returns all the basic attributes of a file at once:


try {
    BasicFileAttributes attr = Files.readAttributes(path, BasicFileAttributes.class);
    FileTime fileTime = attr.creationTime();
} catch (IOException ex) {
    // handle exception

The method returns a BasicFileAttributes, which we can use to obtain a file’s basic attributes. The method creationTime()  returns creation date of file as FileTime.

该方法返回一个BasicFileAttributes,,我们可以用它来获得一个文件的基本属性。方法creationTime() FileTime返回文件的创建日期。

This time, if the file system doesn’t store the date of creating a file, then the method will return last modified date. If the last modified date is not stored as well, then the epoch (01.01.1970) will be returned.


4. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we’ve learned how to determine the file creation date in Java. Specifically, we learned that we can do it with Files.getAttribute and Files.readAttributes.


As always, the code for examples is available over on GitHub.
