JUnit Custom Display Name Generator API – JUnit自定义显示名称生成器API

最后修改: 2019年 7月 13日


1. Overview


JUnit 5 has good support for customizing test class and test method names. In this quick tutorial, we’ll see how we can use JUnit 5 custom display name generators via the @DisplayNameGeneration annotation.

JUnit 5对自定义测试类和测试方法名称有很好的支持。在这个快速教程中,我们将看到如何通过@DisplayNameGeneration注解使用JUnit 5自定义显示名称生成器。

2. Display Name Generation


We can configure custom display name generators via the @DisplayNameGeneration annotation. However, it’s good to be aware that the @DisplayName annotation always takes precedence over any display name generator.

我们可以通过@DisplayNameGeneration注解来配置自定义显示名称生成器。然而,最好注意的是,@DisplayName 注解总是优先于任何显示名称生成器。

To start with, JUnit 5 provides a DisplayNameGenerator.ReplaceUnderscores class that replaces any underscores in names with spaces. Let’s take a look at an example:

首先,JUnit 5提供了一个DisplayNameGenerator.ReplaceUnderscores类,它将名称中的任何下划线替换为空格。让我们来看看一个例子。

class ReplaceUnderscoresGeneratorUnitTest {

    class when_doing_something {

        void then_something_should_happen() {

        @DisplayName("@DisplayName takes precedence over generation")
        void override_generator() {

Now, when we run the test we can see the display name generation made the test output more readable:


└─ ReplaceUnderscoresGeneratorUnitTest ✓
   └─ when doing something ✓
      ├─ then something should happen() ✓
      └─ @DisplayName takes precedence over generation ✓

3. Custom Display Name Generator


In order to write a custom display name generator, we have to write a class that implements the methods in the DisplayNameGenerator interface. The interface has methods for generating the name for a class, a nested class, and a method.


3.1. Camel Case Replacement


Let’s start with a simple display name generator that replaces camel case names with readable sentences. To begin with, we can extend the DisplayNameGenerator.Standard class:


    static class ReplaceCamelCase extends DisplayNameGenerator.Standard {
        public String generateDisplayNameForClass(Class<?> testClass) {
            return replaceCamelCase(super.generateDisplayNameForClass(testClass));

        public String generateDisplayNameForNestedClass(Class<?> nestedClass) {
            return replaceCamelCase(super.generateDisplayNameForNestedClass(nestedClass));

        public String generateDisplayNameForMethod(Class<?> testClass, Method testMethod) {
            return this.replaceCamelCase(testMethod.getName()) + 

        String replaceCamelCase(String camelCase) {
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i=1; i<camelCase.length(); i++) {
                if (Character.isUpperCase(camelCase.charAt(i))) {
                    result.append(' ');
                } else {
            return result.toString();

In the above example, we can see the methods that generate different parts of the display name.


Let’s write a test for our generator:


class DisplayNameGeneratorUnitTest {

    void camelCaseName() {

Next, when running the test, we can see that the camel case names have been replaced with readable sentences:


└─ Display name generator unit test ✓
   └─ camel case name() ✓

3.2. Indicative Sentences


So far, we’ve discussed very simple use cases. However, we can get more creative:


    static class IndicativeSentences extends ReplaceCamelCase {
        public String generateDisplayNameForNestedClass(Class<?> nestedClass) {
            return super.generateDisplayNameForNestedClass(nestedClass) + "...";

        public String generateDisplayNameForMethod(Class<?> testClass, Method testMethod) {
            return replaceCamelCase(testClass.getSimpleName() + " " + testMethod.getName()) + ".";

The idea here is to create indicative sentences from the nested class and test method. In other words, the nested class name will be prepended to the test method name:


class DisplayNameGeneratorUnitTest {

    class ANumberIsFizz {
        void ifItIsDivisibleByThree() {

        @ParameterizedTest(name = "Number {0} is fizz.")
        @ValueSource(ints = { 3, 12, 18 })
        void ifItIsOneOfTheFollowingNumbers(int number) {

    class ANumberIsBuzz {
        void ifItIsDivisibleByFive() {

        @ParameterizedTest(name = "Number {0} is buzz.")
        @ValueSource(ints = { 5, 10, 20 })
        void ifItIsOneOfTheFollowingNumbers(int number) {

Looking at the example, we use the nested class as a context for the test method. To better illustrate the results, let’s run the test:


└─ Display name generator unit test ✓
   ├─ A number is buzz... ✓
   │  ├─ A number is buzz if it is one of the following numbers. ✓
   │  │  ├─ Number 5 is buzz. ✓
   │  │  ├─ Number 10 is buzz. ✓
   │  │  └─ Number 20 is buzz. ✓
   │  └─ A number is buzz if it is divisible by five. ✓
   └─ A number is fizz... ✓
      ├─ A number is fizz if it is one of the following numbers. ✓
      │  ├─ Number 3 is fizz. ✓
      │  ├─ Number 12 is fizz. ✓
      │  └─ Number 18 is fizz. ✓
      └─ A number is fizz if it is divisible by three. ✓

As we can see, the generator combined the nested class and test method names to create indicative sentences.


4. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we saw how to use the @DisplayNameGeneration annotation to generate display names for our tests. Furthermore, we wrote our own DisplayNameGenerator to customize the display name generation.


As usual, the examples used in this article can be found in the GitHub project.
