Remote Code Execution with XStream – 用XStream进行远程代码执行

最后修改: 2019年 7月 13日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll dissect a Remote Code Execution attack against the XStream XML serialization library. This exploit falls into the untrusted deserialization category of attacks.

在本教程中,我们将剖析针对XStream XML序列化库的远程代码执行攻击。这个攻击属于不受信任的反序列化类攻击。

We’ll learn when XStream is vulnerable to this attack, how the attack works, and how to prevent such attacks.


2. XStream Basics


Before describing the attack, let’s review some XStream basics. XStream is an XML serialization library that translates between Java types and XML. Consider a simple Person class:


public class Person {
    private String first;
    private String last;

    // standard getters and setters

Let’s see how XStream can write some Person instance to XML:


XStream xstream = new XStream();
String xml = xstream.toXML(person);

Likewise, XStream can read XML into an instance of Person:


XStream xstream = new XStream();
xstream.alias("person", Person.class);
String xml = "<person><first>John</first><last>Smith</last></person>";
Person person = (Person) xstream.fromXML(xml);

In both cases, XStream uses Java reflection to translate the Person type to and from XML. The attack takes place during reading XML. When reading XML, XStream instantiates Java classes using reflection.

在这两种情况下,XStream使用Java反射来将Person类型翻译成XML,并从XML中翻译出来。攻击发生在读取 XML 时。在读取 XML 时,XStream 使用反射来实例化 Java 类。

The classes XStream instantiates are determined by the names of the XML elements it parses.


Because we configured XStream to be aware of the Person type, XStream instantiates a new Person when it parses XML elements named “person”.

因为我们将XStream配置为知道Person类型,XStream在解析名为 “person “的XML元素时,会实例化一个新的Person

In addition to user-defined types like Person, XStream recognizes core Java types out of the box. For example, XStream can read a Map from XML:


String xml = "" 
    + "<map>" 
    + "  <element>" 
    + "    <string>foo</string>" 
    + "    <int>10</int>" 
    + "  </element>" 
    + "</map>";
XStream xStream = new XStream();
Map<String, Integer> map = (Map<String, Integer>) xStream.fromXML(xml);

We’ll see how XStream’s ability to read XML representing core Java types will be helpful in the remote code execution exploit.


3. How the Attack Works


Remote code execution attacks occur when attackers provide input which is ultimately interpreted as code. In this case, attackers exploit XStream’s deserialization strategy by providing attack code as XML.


With the right composition of classes, XStream ultimately runs the attack code through Java reflection.


Let’s build an example attack.


3.1. Include Attack Code in a ProcessBuilder


Our attack aims to start a new desktop calculator process. On macOS, this is “/Applications/”. On Windows, this is “calc.exe”. To do so, we’ll trick XStream into running a new process using a ProcessBuilder. Recall the Java code to start a new process:

我们的攻击旨在启动一个新的桌面计算器进程。在macOS上,它是”/Applications/”。在Windows上,它是 “calc.exe”。要做到这一点,我们将使用ProcessBuilder欺骗XStream运行一个新进程。回顾一下Java代码来启动一个新的进程

new ProcessBuilder().command("executable-name-here").start();

When reading XML, XStream only invokes constructors and sets fields. Therefore, the attacker does not have a straightforward way to invoke the ProcessBuilder.start() method.


However, clever attackers can use the right composition of classes to ultimately execute the ProcessBuilder‘s start() method.


Security researcher Dinis Cruz shows us in their blog post how they use the Comparable interface to invoke the attack code in the copy constructor of the sorted collection TreeSet. We’ll summarize the approach here.

安全研究员Dinis Cruz在他们的博文中向我们展示了他们如何使用Comparable接口在排序集合TreeSet.的复制构造函数中调用攻击代码。我们将在此总结一下该方法。

3.2. Create a Comparable Dynamic Proxy


Recall that the attacker needs to create a ProcessBuilder and invoke its start() method. In order to do so, we’ll create an instance of Comparable whose compare method invokes the ProcessBuilder‘s start() method.


Fortunately, Java Dynamic Proxies allow us to create an instance of Comparable dynamically.


Furthermore, Java’s EventHandler class provides the attacker with a configurable InvocationHandler implementation. The attacker configures the EventHandler to invoke the ProcessBuilder‘s start() method.


Putting these components together, we have an XStream XML representation for the Comparable proxy:

把这些组件放在一起,我们就有了Comparable代理的XStream XML表示。

    <handler class="java.beans.EventHandler">
        <target class="java.lang.ProcessBuilder">

3.3. Force a Comparison Using the Comparable Dynamic Proxy


To force a comparison with our Comparable proxy, we’ll build a sorted collection. Let’s build a TreeSet collection that compares two Comparable instances: a String and our proxy.


We’ll use TreeSet‘s copy constructor to build this collection. Finally, we have the XStream XML representation for a new TreeSet containing our proxy and a String:

我们将使用TreeSet的复制构造函数来建立这个集合。最后,我们有一个新的TreeSet的XStream XML表示,其中包含我们的代理和一个String

        <handler class="java.beans.EventHandler">
            <target class="java.lang.ProcessBuilder">

Ultimately, the attack occurs when XStream reads this XML. While the developer expects XStream to read a Person, it instead executes the attack:


String sortedSortAttack = // XML from above
XStream xstream = new XStream();
Person person = (Person) xstream.fromXML(sortedSortAttack);

3.4. Attack Summary


Let’s summarize the reflective calls that XStream makes when it deserializes this XML


  1. XStream invokes the TreeSet copy constructor with a Collection containing a String “foo” and our Comparable proxy.
  2. The TreeSet constructor calls our Comparable proxy’s compareTo method in order to determine the order of the items in the sorted set.
  3. Our Comparable dynamic proxy delegates all method calls to the EventHandler.
  4. The EventHandler is configured to invoke the start() method of the ProcessBuilder it composes.
  5. The ProcessBuilder forks a new process running the command the attacker wishes to execute.

4. When Is XStream Vulnerable?


XStream can be vulnerable to this remote code execution attack when the attacker controls the XML it reads.


For instance, consider a REST API that accepts XML input. If this REST API uses XStream to read XML request bodies, then it may be vulnerable to a remote code execution attack because attackers control the content of the XML sent to the API.

例如,考虑一个接受XML输入的REST API。如果这个REST API使用XStream来读取XML请求体,那么它可能容易受到远程代码执行攻击,因为攻击者控制了发送到API的XML的内容。

On the other hand, an application that only uses XStream to read trusted XML has a much smaller attack surface.


For example, consider an application that only uses XStream to read XML configuration files set by an application administrator. This application is not exposed to XStream remote code execution because attackers are not in control of the XML the application reads (the admin is).


5. Hardening XStream Against Remote Code Execution Attacks


Fortunately, XStream introduced a security framework in version 1.4.7. We can use the security framework to harden our example against remote code execution attacks. The security framework allows us to configure XStream with a whitelist of types it is allowed to instantiate.

幸运的是,XStream在1.4.7版本中引入了安全框架。我们可以使用安全框架来加强我们的例子,以防止远程代码执行攻击。安全框架允许我们用一个允许实例化的类型白名单来配置 XStream。

This list will only include basic types and our Person class:


XStream xstream = new XStream();
xstream.allowTypes(new Class<?>[] { Person.class });

Additionally, XStream users may consider hardening their systems using a Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP) agent. RASP agents use bytecode instrumentation at run time to automatically detect and block attacks. This technique is less error-prone than manually building a whitelist of types.

此外,XStream 用户可以考虑使用运行时应用程序自我保护(RASP)代理来加固其系统。RASP 代理在运行时使用bytecode instrumentation来自动检测和阻止攻击。这种技术比手动构建类型白名单的错误率要低。

6. Conclusion


In this article, we learned how to perform a remote code execution attack on an application that uses XStream to read XML. Because attacks like this exist, XStream must be hardened when it is used to read XML from untrusted sources.


The exploit exists because XStream uses reflection to instantiate Java classes identified by the attacker’s XML.


As always, the code for the examples can be found over on GitHub.
