JPA Annotation for the PostgreSQL TEXT Type – 用于PostgreSQL TEXT类型的JPA注解

最后修改: 2019年 10月 23日


1. Introduction


In this quick tutorial, we’ll explain how to manage the PostgreSQL TEXT type using the annotations defined by the JPA specification.

在这个快速教程中,我们将解释如何使用JPA规范所定义的注释来管理PostgreSQL TEXT类型

2. The TEXT Type in PostgreSQL


When working with PostgresSQL we may, periodically, need to store a string with an arbitrary length.


For this, PostgreSQL provides three character types:


  • CHAR(n)
  • VARCHAR(n)
  • TEXT

Unfortunately, the TEXT type is not part of the types that are managed by the SQL standard. This means that if we want to use JPA annotations in our persistence entities, we may have a problem.


This is because the JPA specification makes use of the SQL standard. Consequently, it doesn’t define a simple way to handle this type of object using, for example, a @Text annotation.


Luckily, we have a couple of possibilities for managing the TEXT data type for a PostgreSQL database:


  • We can use the @Lob annotation
  • Alternatively, we can also use the @Column annotation, combined with the columnDefinition attribute

Let’s now take a look at the two solutions beginning with the @Lob annotation.


3. @Lob


As the name suggests, a lob is a large object. In database terms, lob columns are used to store very long texts or binary files.


We can choose from two kinds of lobs:


  • CLOB – a character lob used to store texts
  • BLOB – a binary lob that can be used to store binary data

We can use the JPA @Lob annotation to map large fields to large database object types.


When we use the @Lob record on a String type attribute, the JPA specification says that the persistence provider should use a large character type object to store the value of the attribute. Consequently, PostgreSQL can translate a character lob into a TEXT type.


Let’s suppose we have a simple Exam entity object, with a description field, which could have an arbitrary length:


public class Exam {

    private Long id;

    private String description;

Using the @Lob annotation on the description field, we instruct Hibernate to manage this field using the PostgreSQL TEXT type.

使用描述字段上的@Lob注解,我们指示Hibernate使用PostgreSQL TEXT类型来管理这个字段。

4. @Column


Another option for managing the TEXT type is to use the @Column annotation, together with the columnDefinition property.


Let’s use the same Exam entity object again but this time we’ll add a TEXT field, which could be of an arbitrary length:


public class Exam {

    private Long id;
    private String description;
    private String text;


In this example, we use the annotation @Column(columnDefinition=”TEXT”). Using the columnDefinition attribute allows us to specify the SQL fragment which will be used when constructing the data column for this type.


5. Bringing It All Together


In this section, we’ll write a simple unit test to verify our solution is working:


public void givenExam_whenSaveExam_thenReturnExpectedExam() {
    Exam exam = new Exam();
    exam.setDescription("This is a description. Sometimes the description can be very very long! ");
    exam.setText("This is a text. Sometimes the text can be very very long!");

    exam =;

    assertEquals(examRepository.find(exam.getId()), exam);

In this example, we begin by creating a new Exam object and persisting it to our database.  We then retrieve the Exam object from the database and compare the result with the original exam we created.

在这个例子中,我们首先创建一个新的Exam对象并将其持久化到数据库中。 然后我们从数据库中检索Exam对象,并将其结果与我们创建的原始考试进行比较。

To demonstrate the point, if we quickly modify the description field on our Exam entity:


@Column(length = 20)
private String description;

When we run our test again we’ll see an error:


ERROR o.h.e.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper - Value too long for column "TEXT VARCHAR(20)"

6. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we covered two approaches for using JPA annotations with the PostgreSQL TEXT type.

在本教程中,我们介绍了两种在PostgreSQL TEXT类型中使用JPA注释的方法。

We began by explaining what the TEXT type is used for and then we saw how we can use the JPA annotations @Lob and @Column to save String objects using the TEXT type defined by PostgreSQL.

我们首先解释了TEXT类型的用途,然后我们看到了如何使用JPA注解@Lob@Column 来使用PostgreSQL定义的TEXT类型保存String对象。

As always, the full source code of the article is available over on GitHub.
