1. Overview
In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to make a path variable optional in Spring. First, we’ll describe how Spring binds @PathVariable parameters in a handler method. Then, we’ll show different ways of making a path variable optional in different Spring versions.
For a quick overview of path variables, please read our Spring MVC article.
有关路径变量的快速概述,请阅读我们的 Spring MVC 文章。
2. How Spring Binds @PathVariable Parameters
By default, Spring will try to bind all parameters annotated with @PathVariable in a handler method with the corresponding variables in the URI template. If Spring fails, it’ll not deliver our request to that handler method.
For instance, consider the following getArticle method that attempts (unsuccessfully) to make the id path variable optional:
@RequestMapping(value = {"/article", "/article/{id}"})
public Article getArticle(@PathVariable(name = "id") Integer articleId) {
if (articleId != null) {
} else {
Here, the getArticle method is supposed to serve requests to both /article and /article/{id}. Spring will try to bind the articleId parameter to the id path variable if present.
For instance, sending a request to /article/123 sets the value of articleId to 123.
On the other hand, if we send a request to /article, Spring return status code 500 due to the following exception:
Missing URI template variable 'id' for method parameter of type Integer
This was because Spring couldn’t set a value for the articleId parameter as id was missing.
So, we need some way to tell Spring to ignore binding a specific @PathVariable parameter if it has no corresponding path variable, as we’ll see in the following sections.
3. Making Path Variables Optional
3.1. Using the required Attribute of @PathVariable
3.1.使用 @PathVariable 的 required 属性
Since Spring 4.3.3, the @PathVariable annotation defines the boolean attribute required for us to indicate if a path variable is mandatory to a handler method.
从Spring 4.3.3开始,@PathVariable注解定义了布尔属性required,以便我们表明路径变量对处理方法是否是强制性的。
For example, the following version of getArticle uses the required attribute:
@RequestMapping(value = {"/article", "/article/{id}"})
public Article getArticle(@PathVariable(required = false) Integer articleId) {
if (articleId != null) {
} else {
Since the required attribute is false, Spring will not complain if the id path variable is not sent in the request. That is, Spring will set articleId to id if it’s sent, or null otherwise.
On the other hand, if required was true, Spring would throw an exception in case id was missing.
3.2. Using an Optional Parameter Type
The following implementation shows how Spring 4.1, along with JDK 8’s Optional class, offers another way to make articleId optional:
下面的实现展示了Spring 4.1以及JDK 8的Optional类如何提供另一种使articleId可选的方法。
@RequestMapping(value = {"/article", "/article/{id}"}")
public Article getArticle(@PathVariable Optional<Integer> optionalArticleId) {
if (optionalArticleId.isPresent()) {
Integer articleId = optionalArticleId.get();
} else {
Here, Spring creates the Optional<Integer> instance, optionalArticleId, to hold the value of id. If id is present, optionalArticleId will wrap its value, otherwise, optionalArticleId will wrap a null value. Then, we can use Optional‘s isPresent(), get(), or orElse() methods to work with the value.
3.3. Using a Map Parameter Type
Another way to define an optional path variable that is available since Spring 3.2 is with a Map for @PathVariable parameters:
另一种定义可选路径变量的方式是用@PathVariable参数的Map来定义,这种方式从Spring 3.2开始可用。
@RequestMapping(value = {"/article", "/article/{id}"})
public Article getArticle(@PathVariable Map<String, String> pathVarsMap) {
String articleId = pathVarsMap.get("id");
if (articleId != null) {
Integer articleIdAsInt = Integer.valueOf(articleId);
} else {
In this example, the Map<String, String> pathVarsMap parameter collects all path variables that are in the URI as a key/value pairs. Then, we can get a specific path variable using the get() method.
在这个例子中,Map<String, String> pathVarsMap参数收集了URI中的所有路径变量,作为一个键/值对。然后,我们可以使用get()方法获得一个特定的路径变量。
Note that because Spring extracts the value of a path variable as a String, we used the Integer.valueOf() method to convert it to Integer.
3.4. Using Two Handler Methods
In case we were using a legacy Spring version, we can split the getArticle handler method into two methods.
The first method will handle requests to /article/{id}:
@RequestMapping(value = "/article/{id}")
public Article getArticle(@PathVariable(name = "id") Integer articleId) {
While the second method will handle requests to /article:
@RequestMapping(value = "/article")
public Article getDefaultArticle() {
4. Conclusion
To sum up, we’ve discussed how to make a path variable optional in different Spring versions.
As usual, the complete code for this article is available over on GitHub.