Java Preview Features – Java预览功能

最后修改: 2020年 1月 15日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’re going to explore the motivation behind Java preview features, their difference compared to experimental features, and how to enable them with different tools.


2. Why Preview Features


As it’s probably clear to everyone by now, Java feature releases are delivered every six months. This means less waiting time for new Java features, but at the same time, it means also less time to react to feedback about new features.


This is Java we’re talking about here. It’s used to develop a huge number of production systems. As a result, even a small malfunction in one implementation or a poor feature design could turn out to be very costly.


There must be a way to ensure new features are stable. More importantly, they have to suit the needs of the community. But how?


Thanks to JEP-12, “review language and VM features” can be included in the deliveries. This way, the community can check out new features in real-life scenarios – surely not in production, however.

由于JEP-12,”审查语言和虚拟机功能 “可以包括在交付的产品中。这样,社区可以在真实的场景中检查新的功能–不过肯定不是在生产中。

Based on community feedback, a preview feature could be refined, possibly several times over multiple releases. Eventually, the feature may become permanent. But in some cases, the provided reviews could lead to withdrawing a preview feature entirely.


3. Preview Versus Experimental Features


Java preview features are completely specified and developed features that are going through evaluation. Therefore, they have just not reached the final state yet.

Java 预视功能是完全指定和开发的功能,正在经历评估。因此,它们只是还没有达到最终状态。

Because of their high quality, different JDK implementations must include all preview features planned within each Java delivery. However, a Java release still can’t support preview features from earlier releases.

由于质量高,不同的 JDK 实现必须包括每个 Java 交付中计划的所有预览功能。但是,一个Java版本仍然不能支持早期版本的预览功能

Preview features are essentially just a way to encourage the community to review and provide feedback. Moreover, not every Java feature must go through a preview stage in order to become final.


Here’s what JEP-12 has to say about preview features:


A preview language or VM feature is a new feature whose design, specification, and implementation are all complete, but which would benefit from a period of broad exposure and evaluation before either achieving final and permanent status in the Java SE Platform or else being refined or removed.

预览语言或虚拟机特性是一种新特性,其设计、规范和实现都已完成,但在获得Java SE平台的最终和永久地位之前,它将从一段广泛的曝光和评估中受益,否则将被完善或删除。

On the other hand, experimental features are far from complete. Their artifacts are clearly separated from the JDK artifacts.


Experimental features are unstable and, as such, they impose a risk upon the language. Consequently, different JDK implementations may include different sets of experimental features.


4. Using Preview Features


Preview features are disabled by default. To enable them, we must use the enable-preview argument, which enables all preview features at once.


The Java compiler, as well as the JVM, must be of the same Java version that includes the preview feature we want to use.


Let’s try to compile and run a piece of code that uses text blocks, a preview feature within JDK 13:

让我们试着编译和运行一段使用文本块的代码,这是JDK 13中的一个预览功能。

String query = """
    SELECT 'Hello World'

Of course, we need to make sure we’re using JDK 13 with our favorite IDE. We can, for instance, download the OpenJDK release 13 and add it to our IDE’s Java runtime.

当然,我们需要确保我们在我们最喜欢的IDE中使用JDK 13。例如,我们可以下载 OpenJDK release 13,并将其添加到我们 IDE 的 Java 运行时中。

4.1. With Eclipse


At first, Eclipse will mark the code with red, as it won’t compile. The error message will tell us to enable preview features in order to use text blocks.


We need to right-click on the project and select Properties from the pop-up menu. Next, we go to Java Compiler. Now, we can choose to enable preview features either for this specific project or for the entire workspace.

我们需要右击项目,从弹出菜单中选择属性。接下来,我们转到Java Compiler。现在,我们可以选择为这个特定的项目或为整个工作区启用预览功能。

Next, we have to uncheck Use default compliance settings, and only then can we check Enable preview features for Java 13:

接下来,我们必须取消勾选使用默认合规设置,然后才能勾选为Java 13启用预览功能

4.2. With IntelliJ IDEA

4.2.使用IntelliJ IDEA

As we’d expect, the code won’t compile in IntelliJ by default either, even with Java 13, and we’ll get an error message similar to the one we saw in Eclipse.

正如我们所期望的那样,代码在IntelliJ中也不会默认编译,即使是用Java 13,我们也会得到一个类似于我们在Eclipse中看到的错误信息。

We can enable preview features from Project Structure in the File menu. From Project, we need to select 13 (Preview) as the Project language level:

我们可以从File菜单中的Project Structure启用预览功能。从项目,我们需要选择13(预览)作为项目语言级别。

This should do it. However, if the error still persists, we have to manually add the compiler arguments to enable preview features. Assuming it’s a Maven project, the compiler plugin in the pom.xml should contain:



If required, we can enable preview features for other Maven plugins within their respective configurations in a similar way.


4.3. From Command Line


At compile time, the javac command needs two arguments — enable-preview and release:


javac --release 13 --enable-preview

Let’s recall that a JDK release N doesn’t support preview features of release N-1 or any previous releases. Therefore, we’ll get an error if we try to execute the previous command with JDK 14.

让我们回顾一下,JDK版本N不支持N-1版本或任何以前版本的预览功能。因此,如果我们试图用JDK 14执行前面的命令,我们会得到一个错误。

Long story short, the release argument must set N to the JDK release version of the compiler (and JVM) being used in order to enable preview features.


The release argument is just an extra guard to ensure code using preview features won’t be eagerly used in production.


At runtime, the java command only requires the enable-preview argument:


java --enable-preview ClassUsingTextBlocks

However, only code using the preview features of that specific JDK release would run.


5. Conclusion


In this article, we’ve introduced preview features in Java, why we have them, and how they differ from experimental features.


Then, using the text blocks preview feature in JDK 13, we explained step by step how to use preview features from Eclipse, IntelliJ, Maven, and the command line.

然后,利用JDK 13中的文本块预览功能,我们一步步解释了如何使用Eclipse、IntelliJ、Maven和命令行的预览功能。