1. Overview
In this tutorial, we’ll learn about HTTP caching. We’ll also look at various ways to implement this mechanism between a client and a Spring MVC application.
在本教程中,我们将学习HTTP缓存的知识。我们还将研究在客户端和Spring MVC应用之间实现这一机制的各种方法。
2. Introducing HTTP Caching
When we open a web page on a browser, it usually downloads a lot of resources from the webserver:
For instance, in this example, a browser needs to download three resources for one /login page. It’s common for a browser to make multiple HTTP requests for every web page. Now, if we request such pages very frequently, it causes a lot of network traffic and takes longer to serve these pages.
To reduce network load, the HTTP protocol allows browsers to cache some of these resources. If enabled, browsers can save a copy of a resource in the local cache. As a result, browsers can serve these pages from the local storage instead of requesting it over the network:
A web server can direct the browser to cache a particular resource by adding a Cache-Control header in the response.
Since the resources are cached as a local copy, there is a risk of serving stale content from the browser. Therefore, web servers usually add an expiration time in the Cache-Control header.
In the following sections, we’ll add this header in a response from the Spring MVC controller. Later, we’ll also see Spring APIs to validate the cached resources based on the expiration time.
在下面的章节中,我们将在Spring MVC控制器的响应中添加这个头。稍后,我们还将看到Spring的API根据过期时间来验证缓存资源。
3. Cache-Control in Controller’s Response
3.1. Using ResponseEntity
The most straightforward way to do this is to use the CacheControl builder class provided by Spring:
最直接的方法是 使用Spring提供的CacheControlbuilder类。
public ResponseEntity<String> hello(@PathVariable String name) {
CacheControl cacheControl = CacheControl.maxAge(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
return ResponseEntity.ok()
.body("Hello " + name);
This will add a Cache-Control header in the response:
void whenHome_thenReturnCacheHeader() throws Exception {
.string("Cache-Control","max-age=60, must-revalidate, no-transform"));
3.2. Using HttpServletResponse
Often, the controllers need to return the view name from the handler method. However, the ResponseEntity class doesn’t allow us to return the view name and deal with the request body at the same time.
通常,控制器需要从处理方法中返回视图名称。然而, ResponseEntity类不允许我们同时返回视图名称和处理请求体。
Alternatively, for such controllers we can set the Cache-Control header in the HttpServletResponse directly:
@GetMapping(value = "/home/{name}")
public String home(@PathVariable String name, final HttpServletResponse response) {
response.addHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=60, must-revalidate, no-transform");
return "home";
This will also add a Cache-Control header in the HTTP response similar to the last section:
void whenHome_thenReturnCacheHeader() throws Exception {
.string("Cache-Control","max-age=60, must-revalidate, no-transform"))
4. Cache-Control for Static Resources
Generally, our Spring MVC application serves a lot of static resources like HTML, CSS and JS files. Since such files consume a lot of network bandwidth, so it’s important for browsers to cache them. We’ll again enable this with the Cache-Control header in the response.
一般来说,我们的Spring MVC应用程序保存了大量的静态资源,如HTML、CSS和JS文件。由于这类文件会消耗大量的网络带宽,所以浏览器对它们进行缓存是非常重要的。我们将再次用响应中的Cache-Control头来启用。
Spring allows us to control this caching behavior in resource mapping:
public void addResourceHandlers(final ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
.setCacheControl(CacheControl.maxAge(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
This ensures that all resources defined under /resources are returned with a Cache-Control header in the response.
5. Cache-Control in Interceptors
We can use interceptors in our Spring MVC application to do some pre- and post-processing for every request. This is another placeholder where we can control the caching behavior of the application.
我们可以在Spring MVC应用程序中使用拦截器来为每个请求做一些前后处理。这是另一个占位符,我们可以控制应用程序的缓存行为。
Now instead of implementing a custom interceptor, we’ll use the WebContentInterceptor provided by Spring:
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
WebContentInterceptor interceptor = new WebContentInterceptor();
interceptor.addCacheMapping(CacheControl.maxAge(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.mustRevalidate(), "/login/*");
Here, we registered the WebContentInterceptor and added the Cache-Control header similar to the last few sections. Notably, we can add different Cache-Control headers for different URL patterns.
In the above example, for all requests starting with /login, we’ll add this header:
void whenInterceptor_thenReturnCacheHeader() throws Exception {
.string("Cache-Control","max-age=60, must-revalidate, no-transform"));
6. Cache Validation in Spring MVC
6.Spring MVC中的缓存验证
So far, we’ve discussed various ways of including a Cache-Control header in the response. This indicates the clients or browsers to cache the resources based on configuration properties like max-age.
It’s generally a good idea to add a cache expiry time with each resource. As a result, browsers can avoid serving expired resources from the cache.
Although browsers should always check for expiry, it may not be necessary to re-fetch the resource every time. If a browser can validate that a resource hasn’t changed on the server, it can continue to serve the cached version of it. And for this purpose, HTTP provides us with two response headers:
- Etag – an HTTP response header that stores a unique hash value to determine whether a cached resource has changed on the server – a corresponding If-None-Match request header must carry the last Etag value
- LastModified – an HTTP response header that stores a unit of time when the resource was last updated – a corresponding If-Unmodified-Since request header must carry the last modified date
We can use either of these headers to check if an expired resource needs to be re-fetched. After validating the headers, the server can either re-send the resource or send a 304 HTTP code to signify no change. For the latter scenario, browsers can continue to use the cached resource.
我们可以使用这些头信息中的任何一个来检查过期的资源是否需要重新获取。在验证了这些头信息之后,服务器可以重新发送资源或者发送304 HTTP代码来表示没有变化。对于后一种情况,浏览器可以继续使用缓存的资源。
The LastModified header can only store time intervals up to seconds precision. This can be a limitation in cases where a shorter expiry is required. For this reason, it’s recommended to use Etag instead. Since Etag header stores a hash value, it’s possible to create a unique hash up to more finer intervals like nanoseconds.
That said, let’s check out what it looks like to use LastModified.
Spring provides some utility methods to check if the request contains an expiration header or not:
@GetMapping(value = "/productInfo/{name}")
public ResponseEntity<String> validate(@PathVariable String name, WebRequest request) {
ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of("GMT");
long lastModifiedTimestamp = LocalDateTime.of(2020, 02, 4, 19, 57, 45)
if (request.checkNotModified(lastModifiedTimestamp)) {
return ResponseEntity.status(304).build();
return ResponseEntity.ok().body("Hello " + name);
Spring provides the checkNotModified() method to check if a resource has been modified since the last request:
void whenValidate_thenReturnCacheHeader() throws Exception {
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.add(IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, "Tue, 04 Feb 2020 19:57:25 GMT");
7. Conclusion
In this article, we learned about HTTP caching by using the Cache-Control response header in Spring MVC. We can either add the header in the controller’s response using the ResponseEntity class or through resource mapping for static resources.
在这篇文章中,我们通过在Spring MVC中使用Cache-Control响应头了解了HTTP缓存。我们可以使用ResponseEntity类在控制器的响应中添加该头,也可以通过静态资源的资源映射。
We can also add this header for particular URL patterns using Spring interceptors.
As always, the code is available over on GitHub.