Spring Security Custom Logout Handler – Spring Security自定义注销处理程序

最后修改: 2020年 4月 26日


1. Overview


The Spring Security framework provides very flexible and powerful support for authentication. Together with user identification, we’ll typically want to handle user logout events and, in some cases, add some custom logout behavior. One such use case could be for invalidating a user cache or closing authenticated sessions.

Spring Security框架为认证提供了非常灵活和强大的支持。与用户识别一起,我们通常希望处理用户注销事件,并在某些情况下,添加一些自定义注销行为。一个这样的用例可能是为了使用户缓存无效或关闭已认证的会话。

For this very purpose, Spring provides the LogoutHandler interface, and in this tutorial, we’ll take a look at how to implement our own custom logout handler.


2. Handling Logout Requests


Every web application that logs users in must log them out someday. Spring Security handlers usually control the logout process. Basically, we have two ways of handling logout. As we’re going to see, one of them is implementing the LogoutHandler interface.

每个登录用户的Web应用程序都必须在某一天将其注销。Spring Security处理程序通常控制注销过程。基本上,我们有两种处理注销的方式。正如我们将要看到的,其中一种是实现LogoutHandler接口。

2.1. LogoutHandler Interface

2.1.LogoutHandler 接口

The LogoutHandler interface has the following definition:


public interface LogoutHandler {
    void logout(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,Authentication authentication);

It is possible to add as many logout handlers as we need to our application. The one requirement for the implementation is that no exceptions are thrown. This is because handler actions must not break the application state on logout.


For example, one of the handlers may do some cache cleanup, and its method must complete successfully. In the tutorial example, we’ll show exactly this use case.


2.2. LogoutSuccessHandler Interface


On the other hand, we can use exceptions to control the user logout strategy. For this, we have the LogoutSuccessHandler interface and the onLogoutSuccess method. This method may raise an exception to set user redirection to an appropriate destination.


Furthermore, it’s not possible to add multiple handlers when using a LogoutSuccessHandler type, so there is only one possible implementation for the application. Generally speaking, it turns out that it’s the last point of the logout strategy.


3. LogoutHandler Interface in Practice


Now, let’s create a simple web application to demonstrate the logout handling process. We’ll implement some simple caching logic to retrieve user data to avoid unnecessary hits on the database.


Let’s start with the application.properties file, which contains the database connection properties for our sample application:



3.1. Web Application Setup


Next, we’ll add a simple User entity that we’ll use for login purposes and data retrieval. As we can see, the User class maps to the users table in our database:


@Table(name = "users")
public class User {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Integer id;

    @Column(unique = true)
    private String login;

    private String password;

    private String role;

    private String language;

    // standard setters and getters

For the caching purposes of our application, we’ll implement a cache service that uses a ConcurrentHashMap internally to store users:


public class UserCache {
    private EntityManager entityManager;

    private final ConcurrentMap<String, User> store = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(256);

Using this service, we can retrieve a user by user name (login) from the database and store it internally in our map:


public User getByUserName(String userName) {
    return store.computeIfAbsent(userName, k -> 
      entityManager.createQuery("from User where login=:login", User.class)
        .setParameter("login", k)

Furthermore, it is possible to evict the user from the store. As we’ll see later, this will be the main action that we’ll invoke from our logout handler:


public void evictUser(String userName) {

To retrieve user data and language information we’ll use a standard Spring Controller:

为了检索用户数据和语言信息,我们将使用一个标准的Spring Controller

@RequestMapping(path = "/user")
public class UserController {

    private final UserCache userCache;

    public UserController(UserCache userCache) {
        this.userCache = userCache;

    @GetMapping(path = "/language")
    public String getLanguage() {
        String userName = UserUtils.getAuthenticatedUserName();
        User user = userCache.getByUserName(userName);
        return user.getLanguage();

3.2. Web Security Configuration


There are two simple actions we’ll focus on in the application — login and logout. First, we need to set up our MVC configuration class to allow users to authenticate using Basic HTTP Auth:

在应用程序中,有两个简单的动作我们要重点关注–登录和注销。首先,我们需要设置我们的MVC配置类,允许用户使用Basic HTTP Auth进行认证。

public class MvcConfiguration {

    private CustomLogoutHandler logoutHandler;

    public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
                    .antMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/user/**")
                    .logoutSuccessHandler(new HttpStatusReturningLogoutSuccessHandler(HttpStatus.OK))
        return http.build();

    // further configuration

The important part to note from the above configuration is the addLogoutHandler method. We pass and trigger our CustomLogoutHandler at the end of logout processing. The remaining settings fine-tune the HTTP Basic Auth.

从上述配置中需要注意的重要部分是addLogoutHandler方法。我们在注销处理结束时传递并触发我们的CustomLogoutHandler。其余的设置对HTTP Basic Auth进行了微调。

3.3. Custom Logout Handler


Finally, and most importantly, we’ll write our custom logout handler that handles the necessary user cache cleanup:


public class CustomLogoutHandler implements LogoutHandler {

    private final UserCache userCache;

    public CustomLogoutHandler(UserCache userCache) {
        this.userCache = userCache;

    public void logout(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, 
      Authentication authentication) {
        String userName = UserUtils.getAuthenticatedUserName();

As we can see, we override the logout method and simply evict the given user from the user cache.


4. Integration Testing


Let’s now test the functionality. To begin with, we need to verify that the cache works as intended — that is, it loads authorized users into its internal store:


public void whenLogin_thenUseUserCache() {

    ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.withBasicAuth("user", "pass")
        .getForEntity(getLanguageUrl(), String.class);



    HttpHeaders requestHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
    requestHeaders.add("Cookie", response.getHeaders()

    response = restTemplate.exchange(getLanguageUrl(), HttpMethod.GET, 
      new HttpEntity<String>(requestHeaders), String.class);

    response = restTemplate.exchange(getLogoutUrl(), HttpMethod.GET, 
      new HttpEntity<String>(requestHeaders), String.class);

Let’s decompose the steps to understand what we’ve done::


  • First, we check that the cache is empty
  • Next, we authenticate a user via the withBasicAuth method
  • Now we can verify the user data and language value retrieved
  • Consequently, we can verify that the user must now be in the cache
  • Again, we check the user data by hitting the language endpoint and using a session cookie
  • Finally, we verify logging out the user

In our second test, we’ll verify that the user cache is cleaned when we logout. This is the moment when our logout handler will be invoked:


public void whenLogout_thenCacheIsEmpty() {

    ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.withBasicAuth("user", "pass")
        .getForEntity(getLanguageUrl(), String.class);



    HttpHeaders requestHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
    requestHeaders.add("Cookie", response.getHeaders()

    response = restTemplate.exchange(getLogoutUrl(), HttpMethod.GET, 
      new HttpEntity<String>(requestHeaders), String.class);


    response = restTemplate.exchange(getLanguageUrl(), HttpMethod.GET, 
      new HttpEntity<String>(requestHeaders), String.class);

Again, step by step:


  • As before, we begin by checking that the cache is empty
  • Then we authenticate a user and check the user is in the cache
  • Next, we perform a logout and check that the user has been removed from the cache
  • Finally, an attempt to hit the language endpoint results with 401 HTTP unauthorized response code

5. Conclusion


It this tutorial, we learned how to implement a custom logout handler for evicting users from a user cache using Spring’s LogoutHandler interface.


As always, the full source code of the article is available over on GitHub.
