Transactional Annotations: Spring vs. JTA – 事务性注解 Spring vs. JTA

最后修改: 2020年 5月 12日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll discuss the differences between org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional and javax.transaction.Transactional annotations.


We’ll start with an overview of their configuration properties. Then, we’ll discuss what types of components each can be applied to, and in which circumstances we can use one or the other.


2. Configuration Differences


Spring’s Transactional annotation comes with additional configuration compared to its JTA counterpart:


  • Isolation – Spring offers transaction-scoped isolation through the isolation property; however, in JTA, this feature is available only at a connection level
  • Propagation – available in both libraries, through the propagation property in Spring, and the value property in Java EE; Spring offers Nested as an additional propagation type
  • Read-Only – available only in Spring through the readOnly property
  • Timeout – available only in Spring through the timeout property
  • Rollback – both annotations offer rollback management; JTA provides the rollbackOn and dontRollbackOn properties, while Spring has rollbackFor and noRollbackFor, plus two additional properties: rollbackForClassName and noRollbackForClassName

2.1. Spring Transactional Annotation Configuration

2.1.Spring Transactional 注释配置

As an example, let’s use and configure the Spring Transactional annotation on a simple car service:


import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;

  isolation = Isolation.READ_COMMITTED, 
  propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS, 
  readOnly = false, 
  timeout = 30)
public class CarService {

    private CarRepository carRepository;

      rollbackFor = IllegalArgumentException.class, 
      noRollbackFor = EntityExistsException.class,
      rollbackForClassName = "IllegalArgumentException", 
      noRollbackForClassName = "EntityExistsException")
    public Car save(Car car) {

2.3. JTA Transactional Annotation Configuration

2.3.JTA 事务型 注释配置

Let’s do the same for a simple rental service using the JTA Transactional annotation:

让我们对一个使用JTA Transactional注解的简单租赁服务做同样的处理。

import javax.transaction.Transactional;

public class RentalService {

    private CarRepository carRepository;

      rollbackOn = IllegalArgumentException.class, 
      dontRollbackOn = EntityExistsException.class)
    public Car rent(Car car) {

3. Applicability and Interchangeability


JTA Transactional annotation applies to CDI-managed beans and classes defined as managed beans by the Java EE specification, whereas Spring’s Transactional annotation applies only to Spring beans.

JTA的Transactional注解适用于CDI管理的Bean和被Java EE规范定义为管理Bean的类,而Spring的Transactional注解仅适用于Spring Bean。

It’s also worth noting that support for JTA 1.2 was introduced in Spring Framework 4.0. Thus, we can use the JTA Transactional annotation in Spring applications. However, the other way around is not possible since we can’t use Spring annotations outside the Spring context.

还值得注意的是,Spring Framework 4.0中引入了对JTA 1.2的支持。因此,我们可以在Spring应用程序中使用JTA的Transactional注解。然而,反过来就不可能了,因为我们不能在Spring上下文之外使用Spring注解。

4. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we discussed the differences between Transactional annotations from Spring and JTA, and when we can use one or another.

在本教程中,我们讨论了来自Spring和JTA的Transactional annotations之间的区别,以及我们何时可以使用其中之一。

As always, the code from this tutorial is available over on GitHub.
