1. Overview
In this quick tutorial, we’ll discuss how we can check if a class is abstract or not in Java by using the Reflection API.
2. Example Class and Interface
To demonstrate this, we’ll create an AbstractExample class and an InterfaceExample interface:
public abstract class AbstractExample {
public abstract LocalDate getLocalDate();
public abstract LocalTime getLocalTime();
public interface InterfaceExample {
3. The Modifier#isAbstract Method
We can check if a class is abstract or not by using the Modifier#isAbstract method from the Reflection API:
我们可以通过使用Reflection API中的Modifier#isAbstract方法来检查一个类是否是抽象。
void givenAbstractClass_whenCheckModifierIsAbstract_thenTrue() throws Exception {
Class<AbstractExample> clazz = AbstractExample.class;
In the example above, we first obtain the instance of the class we want to test. Once we have the class reference, we can call the Modifier#isAbstract method. As we’d expect, it returns true if the class is abstract, and otherwise, it returns false.
在上面的例子中,我们首先获得我们要测试的类的实例。一旦我们有了类的引用,我们就可以调用 Modifier#isAbstract方法。正如我们所期望的,如果该类是抽象的,它将返回true,否则将返回false。
It’s worthwhile to mention that an interface class is abstract as well. We can verify it by a test method:
void givenInterface_whenCheckModifierIsAbstract_thenTrue() {
Class<InterfaceExample> clazz = InterfaceExample.class;
If we execute the test method above, it’ll pass.
The Reflection API provides an isInterface() method as well. If we want to check if a given class is abstract but not an interface, we can combine the two methods:
Reflection API也提供了一个isInterface()方法。如果我们想检查一个给定的类是否是抽象的,但不是接口,我们可以结合这两个方法。
void givenAbstractClass_whenCheckIsAbstractClass_thenTrue() {
Class<AbstractExample> clazz = AbstractExample.class;
int mod = clazz.getModifiers();
Assertions.assertTrue(Modifier.isAbstract(mod) && !Modifier.isInterface(mod));
Let’s also validate that a concrete class returns the appropriate results:
void givenConcreteClass_whenCheckIsAbstractClass_thenFalse() {
Class<Date> clazz = Date.class;
int mod = clazz.getModifiers();
Assertions.assertFalse(Modifier.isAbstract(mod) && !Modifier.isInterface(mod));
4. Conclusion
In this tutorial, we’ve seen how we can check if a class is abstract or not.
Further, we’ve addressed how to check if a class is an abstract class but not an interface through an example.
As always, the complete code for this example is available over on GitHub.