DispatcherServlet and web.xml in Spring Boot – Spring Boot中的DispatcherServlet和web.xml

最后修改: 2020年 11月 13日


1. Overview


The DispatcherServlet is the front controller in Spring web applications. It’s used to create web applications and REST services in Spring MVC. In a traditional Spring web application, this servlet is defined in the web.xml file.

DispatcherServlet是Spring Web应用程序中的前台控制器。它被用来在Spring MVC中创建Web应用和REST服务。在传统的Spring Web应用中,这个Servlet被定义在web.xml文件中。

In this tutorial, we’ll migrate code from a web.xml file to DispatcherServlet in a Spring Boot application. Also, we’ll map Filter, Servlet, and Listener classes from web.xml to the Spring Boot application.

在本教程中,我们将把代码从web.xml文件迁移到Spring Boot应用程序中的DispatcherServlet。此外,我们将把FilterServletListener类从web.xml映射到Spring Boot应用程序中。

2. Maven Dependency


First, we have to add the spring-boot-starter-web Maven dependency to our pom.xml file:

首先,我们必须将spring-boot-starter-web Maven依赖性添加到我们的pom.xml文件。


3. DispatcherServlet


DispatcherServlet receives all of the HTTP requests and delegates them to controller classes.


Before the Servlet 3.x specification, DispatcherServlet would be registered in the web.xml file for a Spring MVC application. Since the Servlet 3.x specification, we can register servlets programmatically using ServletContainerInitializer.

在Servlet 3.x规范之前,DispatcherServlet将在Spring MVC应用程序的web.xml文件中注册。自从Servlet 3.x规范之后,我们可以使用ServletContainerInitializer以编程方式注册Servlet。

Let’s see a DispatcherServlet example configuration in the web.xml file:




Spring Boot provides the spring-boot-starter-web library for developing web applications using Spring MVC. One of the main features of Spring Boot is autoconfiguration. The Spring Boot autoconfiguration registers and configures the DispatcherServlet automatically. Therefore, we don’t need to register the DispatcherServlet manually.

Spring Boot提供了spring-boot-starter-web库,用于使用Spring MVC开发Web应用。Spring Boot的主要功能之一是自动配置。Spring Boot的自动配置会自动注册和配置DispatcherServlet。因此,我们不需要手动注册DispatcherServlet

By default, the spring-boot-starter-web starter configures DispatcherServlet to the URL pattern “/”. So, we don’t need to complete any additional configuration for the above DispatcherServlet example in the web.xml file. However, we can customize the URL pattern using server.servlet.* in the application.properties file:



With these customizations, DispatcherServlet is configured to handle the URL pattern /baeldung and the root contextPath will be /demo. Thus, DispatcherServlet listens at http://localhost:8080/demo/baeldung/.


4. Application Configuration


Spring MVC web applications use the web.xml file as a deployment descriptor file. Also, it defines mappings between URL paths and the servlets in the web.xml file.

Spring MVC Web应用程序使用web.xml文件作为部署描述符文件。此外,它还定义了URL路径和web.xml文件中的servlets之间的映射关系。

This is no longer the case with Spring Boot. If we need a special filter, we can register it in a Java class configuration. The web.xml file includes filters, servlets, and listeners.

在Spring Boot中,情况不再是这样了。如果我们需要一个特殊的过滤器,我们可以在Java类配置中注册它。web.xml文件包括过滤器、Servlet和监听器。

When we want to migrate from a traditional Spring MVC to a modern Spring Boot application, how can we port our web.xml to a new Spring Boot application? In Spring Boot applications, we can add these concepts in several ways.

当我们想从传统的Spring MVC迁移到现代的Spring Boot应用程序时,如何将我们的web.xml移植到新的Spring Boot应用程序?在Spring Boot应用程序中,我们可以通过几种方式添加这些概念。

4.1. Registering a Filter


Let’s create a filter by implementing the Filter interface:


public class CustomFilter implements Filter {

    Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomFilter.class);

    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {


    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)
      throws IOException, ServletException {
        logger.info("CustomFilter is invoked");
        chain.doFilter(request, response);

    // other methods 

Without Spring Boot, we would configure our CustomFilter in the web.xml file:

如果没有Spring Boot,我们会在web.xml文件中配置我们的CustomFilter



In order for Spring Boot to be able to recognize a filter, we just needed to define it as a bean with the @Component annotation.

为了让Spring Boot能够识别过滤器,我们只需要把它定义为带有@Component注解的bean。

4.2. Registering a Servlet


Let’s define a servlet by extending the HttpServlet class:


public class CustomServlet extends HttpServlet {

    Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomServlet.class);

    protected void doGet(
        HttpServletRequest req,
        HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
            logger.info("CustomServlet doGet() method is invoked");
            super.doGet(req, resp);

    protected void doPost(
        HttpServletRequest req,
        HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
            logger.info("CustomServlet doPost() method is invoked");
            super.doPost(req, resp);

Without Spring Boot, we would configure our CustomServlet in the web.xml file:

如果没有Spring Boot,我们会在web.xml文件中配置我们的CustomServlet



In a Spring Boot application, the servlet is registered either as a Spring @Bean or by scanning the @WebServlet annotated classes with an embedded container.

在Spring Boot应用程序中,servlet被注册为Spring @Bean或通过扫描带有嵌入式容器的@WebServlet注释的类。

With the Spring @Bean approach, we can use the ServletRegistrationBean class to register the servlet.


So, we’ll define CustomServlet as a bean with the ServletRegistrationBean class:


public ServletRegistrationBean customServletBean() {
    ServletRegistrationBean bean = new ServletRegistrationBean(new CustomServlet(), "/servlet");
    return bean;

4.3. Registering a Listener


Let’s define a listener by extending the ServletContextListener class:


public class CustomListener implements ServletContextListener {

    Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomListener.class);

    public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {
        logger.info("CustomListener is initialized");

    public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce) {
        logger.info("CustomListener is destroyed");

Without Spring Boot, we would configure our CustomListener in the web.xml file:

如果没有Spring Boot,我们会在web.xml文件中配置我们的CustomListener


To define a listener in a Spring Boot application, we can use either the @Bean or @WebListener annotations.

要在Spring Boot应用程序中定义一个监听器,我们可以使用@Bean@WebListener注解。

With the Spring @Bean approach, we can use the ServletListenerRegistrationBean class to register the Listener.

通过Spring @Bean方法,我们可以使用ServletListenerRegistrationBean类来注册Listener

So, let’s define CustomListener as a bean with the ServletListenerRegistrationBean class:


public ServletListenerRegistrationBean<ServletContextListener> customListenerBean() {
    ServletListenerRegistrationBean<ServletContextListener> bean = new ServletListenerRegistrationBean();
    bean.setListener(new CustomListener());
    return bean;

Upon starting our application, we can check the log output to see confirmation that the listener has been successfully initialized:


2020-09-28 08:50:30.872 INFO 19612 --- [main] c.baeldung.demo.listener.CustomListener: CustomListener is initialized

5. Conclusion


In this quick tutorial, we saw how to define DispatcherServlet and web.xml elements including filter, servlet, and listener in a Spring Boot application. And, as always, the source code for the above example can be found over on GitHub.

在这个快速教程中,我们看到了如何在Spring Boot应用程序中定义DispatcherServletweb.xml元素,包括filterservletlistener。而且,像往常一样,上述示例的源代码可以在GitHub上找到over