Configure the Heap Size When Starting a Spring Boot Application – 启动Spring Boot应用程序时配置堆的大小

最后修改: 2021年 2月 15日


1. Introduction


In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to configure the heap size when we start a Spring Boot application. We’ll be configuring the -Xms and -Xmx settings, which correspond to starting and maximum heap size.

在本教程中,我们将学习如何在启动 Spring Boot 应用程序时配置 堆大小。我们将配置-Xms-Xmx设置,它们对应于起始和最大堆大小。

Then, we’ll use Maven first to configure the heap size when starting the application using mvn on the command-line. We’ll also look at how we can set those values using the Maven plugin. Next, we’ll package our application into a jar file and run it with JVM parameters provided to the java -jar command.

然后,我们将首先使用Maven,在命令行上使用mvn启动应用程序时配置堆的大小。我们还将看看如何使用Maven插件设置这些值。接下来,我们将把应用程序打包成jar文件,并使用java -jar命令提供的JVM参数来运行它。

Finally, we’ll create a .conf file that sets JAVA_OPTS and run our application as a service using the Linux System V Init technique.

最后,我们将创建一个.conf文件,设置JAVA_OPTS使用Linux System V Init技术将我们的应用程序作为服务运行

2. Running from Maven


2.1. Passing JVM Parameters


Let’s start by creating a simple REST controller that returns some basic memory information that we can use for verifying our settings:


public MemoryStats getMemoryStatistics() {
    MemoryStats stats = new MemoryStats();
    return stats;

Let’s run it as-is using mvn spring-boot:run to get a baseline. Once our application starts, we can use curl to call our REST controller:

让我们使用mvn spring-boot:run按原样运行它,以获得一个基线。一旦我们的应用程序启动,我们可以使用curl来调用我们的REST控制器。

curl http://localhost:8080/memory-status

Our results will vary depending on our machine, but will look something like this:



For Spring Boot 2.x, we can pass arguments to our application using

对于Spring Boot 2.x,我们可以使用-Dspring-boot.run向我们的应用程序传递参数>。

Let’s pass starting and maximum heap size to our application with


mvn spring-boot:run"-Xms2048m -Xmx4096m"

Now, when we hit our endpoint, we should see our specified heap settings:



2.2. Using the Maven Plugin


We can avoid having to provide parameters each time we run our application by configuring the spring-boot-maven-plugin in our pom.xml file:


Let’s configure the plugin to set our desired heap sizes:



Now, we can run our application using just mvn spring-boot:run and see our specified JVM arguments in use when we ping our endpoint:

现在,我们可以使用mvn spring-boot:run来运行我们的应用程序,并在ping我们的端点时看到我们指定的JVM参数在使用。


Any JVM arguments we configure in our plugin will take precedence over any supplied when running from Maven using


3. Running with java -jar

3.用java -jar运行

If we’re running our application from a jar file, we can provide JVM arguments to the java command.


First, we must specify the packaging as jar in our Maven file:



Then, we can package our application into a jar file:


mvn clean package

Now that we have our jar file, we can run it with java -jar and override the heap configuration:

现在我们有了jar文件,我们可以用java -jar运行它并覆盖堆配置。

java -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -jar target/spring-boot-runtime-2.jar

Let’s curl our endpoint to check the memory values:



4. Using a .conf File


Finally, we’ll learn how to use a .conf file to set our heap size on an application run as a Linux service.


Let’s start by creating a file with the same name as our application jar file and the .conf extension: spring-boot-runtime-2.conf.


We can place this in a folder under resources for now and add our heap configuration to JAVA_OPTS:


JAVA_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx1024m"

Next, we’re going to modify our Maven build to copy the spring-boot-runtime-2.conf file into our target folder next to our jar file:



We also need to set executable to true to run our application as a service.


We can package our jar file and copy our .conf file over using Maven:


mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage

Let’s create our init.d service:


sudo ln -s /path/to/spring-boot-runtime-2.jar /etc/init.d/spring-boot-runtime-2

Now, let’s start our application:


sudo /etc/init.d/spring-boot-runtime-2 start

Then, when we hit our endpoint, we should see that our JAVA_OPT values specified in the .conf file are respected:



5. Conclusion


In this short tutorial, we examined how to override the Java heap settings for three common ways of running Spring Boot applications. We started with Maven, both modifying the values at the command line and also by setting them in the Spring Boot Maven plugin.

在这个简短的教程中,我们研究了如何为运行Spring Boot应用程序的三种常见方式覆盖Java堆设置。我们从Maven开始,既在命令行中修改数值,也在Spring Boot Maven插件中设置。

Next, we ran our application jar file using java -jar and passing in JVM arguments.

接下来,我们使用java -jar和传入JVM参数来运行我们的应用程序jar文件。

Finally, we looked at one possible production level solution by setting a .conf file alongside our fat jar and creating a System V init service for running our application.

最后,我们看了一个可能的生产级解决方案,即在我们的胖子jar旁边设置一个.conf文件,并创建一个System V init服务来运行我们的应用程序。

There are other solutions for creating services and daemons out of a Spring Boot fat jar, and many provide specific ways of overriding JVM arguments.

还有其他解决方案,用于从Spring Boot胖子jar中创建服务和守护程序,而且许多解决方案提供了覆盖JVM参数的具体方法。

As always, the example code is available over on GitHub.
