1. Introduction
In this tutorial, we’ll show how to use the Kubernetes API from Java applications using its official client library.
在本教程中,我们将展示如何使用Kubernetes API从Java应用程序中使用其官方客户端库。
2. Why Use the Kubernetes API?
Nowadays, it is safe to say that Kubernetes became the de facto standard for managing containerized applications. It offers a rich API that allows us to deploy, scale and monitor applications and associated resources, such as storage, secrets, and environment variables. In fact, one way to think about this API is the distributed analog of the system calls available in a regular operating system.
Most of the time, our applications can ignore the fact that they’re running under Kubernetes. This is a good thing, as it allows us to develop them locally and, with a few commands and YAML incantations, quickly deploy them to multiple cloud providers with just minor changes.
However, there are some interesting use cases where we need to talk to the Kubernetes API to achieve specific functionality:
然而,有一些有趣的用例,我们需要与Kubernetes API对话,以实现特定的功能。
- Start an external program to perform some task and, later on, retrieve its completion status
- Dynamically create/modify some service in response to some customer request
- Create a custom monitoring dashboard for a solution running across multiple Kubernetes clusters, even across cloud providers
Granted, those use-cases are not that common but, thanks to its API, we’ll see that they’re quite straightforward to achieve.
Furthermore, since the Kubernetes API is an open specification, we can be quite confident that our code will run without any modifications on any certified implementation.
此外,由于Kubernetes API是一个开放的规范,我们可以很有信心,我们的代码将在没有任何修改的情况下运行在任何认证的实现上。
3. Local Development Environment
The very first thing we need to do before we move on to create an application is to get access to a functioning Kubernetes cluster. While we can either use a public cloud provider for this, a local environment usually provides more control on all the aspects of its setup.
There are a few lightweight distributions that are suitable for this task:
The actual setup steps are beyond the scope of this article but, whatever option you choose, just make sure kubectl runs fine before starting any development.
4. Maven Dependencies
First, let’s add the Kubernetes Java API dependency to our project’s pom.xml:
首先,让我们把Kubernetes Java API的依赖关系添加到我们项目的pom.xml。
The latest version of client-java can be downloaded from Maven Central.
5. Hello, Kubernetes
Now, let’s create a very simple Kubernetes application that will list the available nodes, along with some information about them.
Despite its simplicity, this application illustrates the necessary steps we must go through to connect to a running cluster and perform an API call. Regardless of which API we use in a real application, those steps will always be the same.
5.1. ApiClient Initialization
The ApiClient class one of the most important classes in the API since it contains all the logic to perform a call to the Kubernetes API server. The recommended way to create an instance of this class is using one of the available static methods from the Config class. In particular, the easiest way of doing that is using the defaultClient() method:
ApiClient类是API中最重要的类之一,因为它包含对Kubernetes API服务器进行调用的所有逻辑。创建该类实例的推荐方法是使用Config类中的一个可用静态方法。特别是,最简单的方法是使用defaultClient()方法。
ApiClient client = Config.defaultClient();
Using this method ensures that our code will work both remotely and in-cluster scenarios. Also, it will automatically follow the same steps used by the kubectl utility to locate the configuration file
- Config file defined by KUBECONFIG environment variable
- $HOME/.kube/config file
- Service account token under /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount
- Direct access to http://localhost:8080
The third step is the one that makes it possible for our app to run inside the cluster as part of any pod, as long the appropriate service account is made available to it.
Also, notice that if we have multiple contexts defined in the config file, this procedure will pick the “current” context, as defined using the kubectl config set-context command.
另外,请注意,如果我们在配置文件中定义了多个上下文,这个过程将选择 “当前 “的上下文,正如使用kubectl config set-context命令所定义的。
5.2. Creating an API Stub
Once we’ve got hold of an ApiClient instance, we can use it to create a stub for any of the available APIs. In our case, we’ll use the CoreV1Api class, which contains the method we need to list the available nodes:
CoreV1Api api = new CoreV1Api(client);
Here, we’re using the already existing ApiClient to create the API stub.
Notice that there’s also a no-args constructor available, but in general, we should refrain from using it. The reasoning for not using it is the fact that, internally, it will use a global ApiClient that must be previously set through Configuration.setDefaultApiClient(). This creates an implicit dependency on someone calling this method before using the stub, which, in turn, may lead to runtime errors and maintenance issues.
A better approach is to use any dependency injection framework to do this initial wiring, injecting the resulting stub wherever needed.
5.3. Calling a Kubernetes API
5.3.调用Kubernetes API
Finally, let’s get into the actual API call that returns the available nodes. The CoreApiV1 stub has a method that does precisely this, so this becomes trivial:
V1NodeList nodeList = api.listNode(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 10, false);
.forEach((node) -> System.out.println(node));
In our example, we pass null for most of the method’s parameters, as they’re optional. The last two parameters are relevant for all listXXX calls, as they specify the call timeout and whether this is a Watch call or not. Checking the method’s signature reveals the remaining arguments:
public V1NodeList listNode(
String pretty,
Boolean allowWatchBookmarks,
String _continue,
String fieldSelector,
String labelSelector,
Integer limit,
String resourceVersion,
String resourceVersionMatch,
Integer timeoutSeconds,
Boolean watch) {
// ... method implementation
For this quick intro, we’ll just ignore the paging, watch and filter arguments. The return value, in this case, is a POJO with a Java representation of the returned document. For this API call, the document contains a list of V1Node objects with several pieces of information about each node. Here’s a typical output produced on the console by this code:
class V1Node {
metadata: class V1ObjectMeta {
labels: {
// ... other labels omitted
name: rancher-template
resourceVersion: 29218
selfLink: null
uid: ac21e09b-e3be-49c3-9e3a-a9567b5c2836
// ... many fields omitted
status: class V1NodeStatus {
addresses: [class V1NodeAddress {
type: InternalIP
}, class V1NodeAddress {
address: rancher-template
type: Hostname
allocatable: {
cpu=Quantity{number=1, format=DECIMAL_SI},
ephemeral-storage=Quantity{number=18945365592, format=DECIMAL_SI},
hugepages-1Gi=Quantity{number=0, format=DECIMAL_SI},
hugepages-2Mi=Quantity{number=0, format=DECIMAL_SI},
memory=Quantity{number=8340054016, format=BINARY_SI},
pods=Quantity{number=110, format=DECIMAL_SI}
capacity: {
cpu=Quantity{number=1, format=DECIMAL_SI},
ephemeral-storage=Quantity{number=19942490112, format=BINARY_SI},
hugepages-1Gi=Quantity{number=0, format=DECIMAL_SI},
hugepages-2Mi=Quantity{number=0, format=DECIMAL_SI},
memory=Quantity{number=8340054016, format=BINARY_SI},
pods=Quantity{number=110, format=DECIMAL_SI}}
conditions: [
// ... node conditions omitted
nodeInfo: class V1NodeSystemInfo {
architecture: amd64
kernelVersion: 4.15.0-135-generic
kubeProxyVersion: v1.20.2+k3s1
kubeletVersion: v1.20.2+k3s1
operatingSystem: linux
osImage: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
// ... more fields omitted
As we can see, there’s quite a lot of information available. For comparison, this is the equivalent kubectl output with default settings:
root@rancher-template:~# kubectl get nodes
rancher-template Ready control-plane,master 24h v1.20.2+k3s1
6. Conclusion
In this article, we’ve presented a quick intro to the Kubernetes API for Java. In future articles, we’ll dig deeper into this API and explore some of its additional features:
在这篇文章中,我们对Kubernetes API for Java进行了快速介绍。在未来的文章中,我们将更深入地挖掘这个API,并探索它的一些额外功能。
- Explain the difference between the available API call variants
- Using Watch to monitor cluster events in realtime
- How to use paging to efficiently retrieve a large volume of data from a cluster
As usual, the full source code of the examples can be found over on GitHub.