JVM Storage for Static Members – 静态成员的JVM存储

最后修改: 2021年 4月 26日


1. Overview


In our day-to-day work, we often don’t care about JVM’s internal memory allocation.


However, knowing the basics of the JVM memory model comes in handy for performance optimization and improving code quality.


In this article, we’ll explore JVM storage for the static methods and members.


2. JVM’s Memory Classification


Before deep-diving into memory allocation for the static members, we must refresh our understanding of JVM’s memory structure.


2.1. Heap Memory


Heap memory is the runtime data area shared among all JVM threads to allocate memory for all class instances and arrays.


Java classifies heap memory into two categories – Young Generation and Old Generation.


The JVM internally separates the Young Generation into Eden and Survivor Space. Similarly, Tenured Space is the official name of the Old Generation.

JVM在内部将年轻一代分为伊甸园和生存者空间。同样地,”终身制空间 “是 “老一代 “的正式名称。

The lifecycle of an object in the heap memory is managed by an automatic memory management system known as a garbage collector.


Therefore, the garbage collector can automatically either deallocate an object or move it in the various sections of the heap memory (young to old generation).


2.2. Non-Heap Memory


Non-heap memory consists primarily of a method area that stores class structures, fields, method data, and the code for methods/constructors.


Similar to the Heap memory, all JVM threads have access to the method area.


The method area, also known as Permanent Generation (PermGen), is considered a part of Heap memory, logically, although the simpler implementations of JVM may choose not to garbage-collect it.


However, Java 8 removes the PermGen space and introduces a new native memory space named Metaspace.

然而,Java 8取消了PermGen空间,并引入了一个名为Metaspace的新的本地内存空间

2.3. Cache Memory

2.3 缓存内存

The JVM reserves the cache memory area for the compilation and storage of native code, such as JVM internal structures and native code produced by the JIT compiler.


3. Static Members Storage Before Java 8

3.Java 8之前的静态成员存储

Before Java 8, PermGen stores static members like static methods and static variables. Additionally, PermGen also stores interned strings.

在Java 8之前,PermGen存储静态成员如静态方法和静态变量。此外,PermGen还存储了内部的字符串。

In other words, PermGen space stores the variables and their technical values, which can be primitives or references.


4. Static Members Storage From Java 8 and Beyond

4.静态成员存储从Java 8及以后

As we’ve already discussed, PermGen space is replaced with Metaspace in Java 8, resulting in a change for memory allocation of the static members.

正如我们已经讨论过的,PermGen空间在Java 8中被Metaspace所取代,导致静态成员的内存分配发生了变化。

Since Java 8, Metaspace only stores the class metadata, and heap memory keeps the static members. Furthermore, the heap memory also provides storage for interned strings.

从Java 8开始,Metaspace只存储类的元数据,而堆内存保存静态成员。此外,堆内存还为内部的字符串提供了存储。

5. Conclusion


In this short article, we explored JVM storage for static members.


First, we took a quick look at the JVM’s memory model. Then, we discussed JVM storage for static members before and after Java 8.

首先,我们快速浏览了JVM的内存模型。然后,我们讨论了Java 8之前和之后JVM对静态成员的存储。

Simply put, we know that the static members were a part of PermGen before Java 8. However, since Java 8, they’re a part of heap memory.

简单地说,我们知道,静态成员在Java 8之前是PermGen的一部分。然而,从Java 8开始,它们是堆内存的一部分