Converting a Java Keystore Into PEM Format – 将Java Keystore转换为PEM格式

最后修改: 2021年 5月 1日


1. Introduction


A Java KeyStore is a container of security certificates that we can use when writing Java code. Java KeyStores hold one or more certificates with their matching private keys and are created using keytool which comes with the JDK.

Java KeyStore是一个安全证书的容器,我们可以在编写Java代码时使用。Java KeyStore保存着一个或多个证书及其匹配的私钥,并使用JDK附带的keytool创建。

In this tutorial, we’ll convert a Java KeyStore into PEM (Privacy-Enhanced Mail) format using a combination of keytool and openssl. The steps will include using keytool to convert the JKS into a PKCS#12 KeyStore, and then openssl to transform the PKCS#12 KeyStore into a PEM file.

在本教程中,我们将使用keytoolopenssl的组合将Java KeyStore转换成PEM(隐私增强邮件)格式。步骤包括使用keytool将JKS转换成PKCS#12 KeyStore,然后openssl将PKCS#12 KeyStore转换成PEM文件。

keytool is available with the JDK, and we can download openssl from the OpenSSL website.


2. File Formats


Java KeyStores are stored in the JKS file format. It’s a proprietary format that is specifically for use in Java programs. PKCS#12 KeyStores are non-proprietary and are increasing in popularity — from Java 9 onward, PKCS#12 is used as the default KeyStore format over JKS.

Java KeyStores是以JKS文件格式存储的。这是一种专有的格式,专门用于Java程序中。PKCS#12 KeyStores是非专有的,而且越来越受欢迎–从Java 9开始,PKCS#12被用作JKS的默认KeyStore格式。

PEM files are also certificate containers — they encode binary data using Base64, which allows the content to be transmitted more easily through different systems. A PEM file may contain multiple instances, with each instance adhering to two rules:


  • A one-line header of -----BEGIN <label>-----
  • A one-line footer of -----END <label>-----

<label> specifies the type of the encoded message, common values being CERTIFICATE and PRIVATE KEY.

<label>指定编码信息的类型,常见的值是CERTIFICATEPRIVATE KEY

3. Converting an Entire JKS Into PEM Format


Let’s now go through the steps for converting all the certificates and private keys from a JKS into PEM format.


3.1. Creating the Java KeyStore

3.1.创建Java KeyStore

We’ll start by creating a JKS with a single RSA key pair:


keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -v -keystore keystore.jks -alias first-key-pair

We’ll enter a KeyStore password at the prompt and enter information about the key pair.


For this example, we’ll create a second key pair as well:


keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -v -keystore keystore.jks -alias second-key-pair

3.2. JKS to PKCS#12

3.2 JKS 至 PKCS#12

The first step in the conversion process is to convert the JKS into PKCS#12 using keytool:


keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore.jks \
   -destkeystore keystore.p12 \
   -srcstoretype jks \
   -deststoretype pkcs12

Again, we’ll answer the password prompts — one will ask for the password of the original JKS, and the other will ask us to create a password for the resulting PKCS#12 KeyStore.

同样,我们将回答密码提示–一个将要求我们提供原始JKS的密码,另一个将要求我们为产生的PKCS#12 KeyStore创建一个密码。

Let’s check the output of running that command:


Entry for alias first-key-pair successfully imported.
Entry for alias second-key-pair successfully imported.
Import command completed:  2 entries successfully imported, 0 entries failed or cancelled

The result is a keystore.p12 KeyStore stored in PKCS#12 format.

结果是一个keystore.p12 KeyStore,以PKCS#12格式存储。

3.3. PKCS#12 to PEM


From here, we’ll use openssl to encode keystore.p12 into a PEM file:


openssl pkcs12 -in keystore.p12 -out keystore.pem

The tool will prompt us for the PKCS#12 KeyStore password and a PEM passphrase for each alias. The PEM passphrase is used to encrypt the resulting private key.

该工具将提示我们为每个别名提供PKCS#12 KeyStore密码和一个PEM口令。PEM口令用于加密产生的私钥。

If we don’t want to encrypt the resulting private key, we should instead use:


openssl pkcs12 -nodes -in keystore.p12 -out keystore.pem

keystore.pem will contain all of the keys and certificates from the KeyStore. For this example, it contains a private key and a certificate for both the first-key-pair and second-key-pair aliases.


4. Converting a Single Certificate From a JKS Into PEM


We can export a single public key certificate out of a JKS and into PEM format using keytool alone:


keytool -exportcert -alias first-key-pair -keystore keystore.jks -rfc -file first-key-pair-cert.pem

After entering the JKS password at the prompt, we’ll see the output of that command:


Certificate stored in file <first-key-pair-cert.pem>

5. Conclusion


We’ve successfully converted an entire JKS into PEM format using keytool, openssl, and the intermediary stage of the PKCS#12 format. We’ve also covered converting a single public key certificate using keytool alone.
