Using Namespaces and Selectors With the Kubernetes Java API – 在Kubernetes Java API中使用命名空间和选择器

最后修改: 2021年 5月 12日


1. Introduction


In this tutorial, we’ll explore different ways to filter resources using the Kubernetes Java API.

在本教程中,我们将探索使用Kubernetes Java API过滤资源的不同方法。

In our previous articles covering the Kubernetes Java API, we’ve focused on the available methods to query, manipulate, and monitor cluster resources.

在我们之前的文章中,涵盖了Kubernetes的Java API,我们重点介绍了查询、操作和监控集群资源的可用方法。

Those examples assumed that we were either looking for resources of a specific kind or targeting a single resource. In practice, however, most applications need a way to locate resources based on some criteria.


Kubernetes’ API supports three ways to limit the scope of those searches:


  • Namespaces: scope limited to a given Kubernetes namespace
  • Field Selectors: scope limited to resources having matching field values
  • Label Selectors: scope limited to resources having matching labels

Moreover, we can combine those methods in a single query. This gives us a lot of flexibility to address even complex requirements.


Now, let’s see each method in more detail.


2. Using Namespaces


Using namespaces is the most basic way to limit the scope of a query. As the name implies, a namespaced query only returns items within the specified namespace.


In the Java API, namespaced query methods follow the pattern listNamespacedXXX(). For instance, to list pods in a specific namespace, we’d use listNamespacedPod():

在Java API中,命名空间的查询方法遵循listNamespacedXXX().模式。例如,要列出特定命名空间中的pod,我们会使用listNamespacedPod()

ApiClient client  = Config.defaultClient();
CoreV1Api api = new CoreV1Api(client);
String ns = "ns1";
V1PodList items = api.listNamespacedPod(ns,null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 10, false);
  .map((pod) -> pod.getMetadata().getName() )
  .forEach((name) -> System.out.println("name=" + name));

Here, ApliClient and CoreV1Api  are used to perform actual access to the Kubernetes API server. We use ns1 as the namespace to filter resources. We also use the remaining arguments similar to the ones in the non-namespaced method.

这里,ApliClientCoreV1Api被用来执行对Kubernetes API服务器的实际访问。我们使用ns1作为命名空间来过滤资源。我们还使用了其余的参数,与非命名方法中的参数类似。

As expected, namespaced queries also have call variants, thus allowing us to create Watches using the same techniques described before. Asynchronous calls and paging also work in the same way as their non-namespaced versions.


3. Using Field Selectors


Namespaced API calls are simple to use but have some limitations:


  • It’s all-or-nothing, meaning we can’t select more than one (but not all) namespaces
  • No way to filter based on resource properties
  • Using a different method for each scenario leads to more complex/verbose client code

Field selectors provide a way to select resources based on the value of one of its fields. A field in Kubernetes parlance is just the JSON path associated with a given value in a resource’s YAML or JSON document. For instance, this is a typical Kubernetes YAML for a pod running an Apache HTTP server:

字段选择器提供了一种根据其字段的值来选择资源的方法。用Kubernetes的说法,字段只是与资源的YAML或JSON文档中的特定值相关的JSON路径。例如,这是一个典型的Kubernetes YAML,用于运行Apache HTTP服务器的pod。

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    app: httpd
  name: httpd-6976bbc66c-4lbdp
  namespace: ns1
  ... fields omitted
  ... fields omitted
  phase: Running

The field status.phase contains the status of an existing Pod. The corresponding field selector expression is simply the field name followed by an operator and value. Now, let’s code a query that returns all running pods in all namespaces:


String fs = "status.phase=Running";        
V1PodList items = api.listPodForAllNamespaces(null, null, fs, null, null, null, null, null, 10, false);
// ... process items

A field selector expression supports only the equality (‘=’ or ‘==’) and inequality (‘!=’) operators. Also, we can pass multiple comma-separated expressions in the same call. In this case, the net effect is that they’ll be ANDed together to produce the final result:


String fs = "metadata.namespace=ns1,status.phase=Running";        
V1PodList items = api.listPodForAllNamespaces(null, null, fs, null, null, null, null, null, 10, false);
// ... process items

Be aware: field values are case-sensitive! In the previous query, using “running” instead of “Running” (capital “R”) would yield an empty result set.

请注意:字段值是区分大小写的!在前面的查询中,使用 “running “而不是 “Running”(大写 “R”)将产生一个空的结果集。

An important limitation of field selectors is that they are resource-dependent. Only and metadata.namespace fields are supported across all resource kinds.


Nevertheless, field selectors are especially useful when used with dynamic fields. An example is the status.phase in the previous example. Using a field selector together with a Watch, we can easily create a monitoring application that gets notified when pods terminate.


4. Using Label Selectors


Labels are special fields that contain arbitrary key/value pairs that we can add to any Kubernetes resource as part of its creation. Label selectors are similar to field selector, as they essentially allow filtering a resource list based on its values, but offers more flexibility:


  • Support for additional operators: in/notin/exists/not exists
  • Consistent usage across resource types when compared to field selectors

Going back to the Java API, we use label selectors by constructing a string with the desired criteria and passing it in as an argument to the desired resource API listXXX call. Filtering for a specific label value using equality and/or inequality uses the same syntax used by field selectors.

回到Java API,我们使用标签选择器是通过构建一个带有所需标准的字符串,并将其作为参数传递给所需的资源API listXXX调用。使用平等和/或不平等来过滤一个特定的标签值,使用的语法与字段选择器相同。

Let’s see the code that looks for all pods that have a label “app” with the value “httpd”:

让我们看看寻找所有标签为 “app”、值为 “httpd “的pod的代码。

String ls = "app=httpd";        
V1PodList items = api.listPodForAllNamespaces(null, null, null, ls, null, null, null, null, 10, false);
// ... process items

The in operator resembles its SQL counterpart and allows us to create some OR logic in queries:


String ls = "app in ( httpd, test )";        
V1PodList items = api.listPodForAllNamespaces(null, null, null, ls, null, null, null, null, 10, false);

Also, we can check for the presence or absence of a field using the labelname or !labelname syntax:


String ls = "app";
V1PodList items = api.listPodForAllNamespaces(null, null, null, ls, null, null, null, null, 10, false);

Finally, we can chain multiple expressions in a single API call. The resulting items list contains only resources that satisfy all expressions:


String ls = "app in ( httpd, test ),version=1,foo";
V1PodList items = api.listPodForAllNamespaces(null, null, null, ls, null, null, null, null, 10, false);

5. Conclusion


In this article, we’ve covered different ways to filter resources using the Java Kubernetes API client. As usual, the full source code of the examples can be found over on GitHub.

在这篇文章中,我们介绍了使用Java Kubernetes API客户端过滤资源的不同方法。像往常一样,可以在GitHub上找到这些示例的完整源代码