1. Overview
Sometimes when programming in Java, it may be helpful to programmatically find the version of Java that we’re using. In this tutorial, we’ll look at a few ways to get the Java version.
2. Java Version Naming Convention
Up until Java 9, the Java version did not follow the Semantic Versioning. The format was 1.X.Y_Z. X and Y indicate major and minor versions, respectively. Z is used to indicate an update release and separated by underscore “_”. For example, 1.8.0_181. For Java 9 and beyond, the Java version follows the Semantic Versioning. The Semantic Versioning uses the X.Y.Z format. It refers to major, minor, and patch. For example, 11.0.7.
3. Getting Java Version
3.1. Using System.getProperty
A system property is a key-value pair that the Java runtime provides. The java.version is a system property that provides the Java version. Let’s define a method for getting the version:
public void givenJava_whenUsingSystemProp_thenGetVersion() {
int expectedVersion = 8;
String[] versionElements = System.getProperty("java.version").split("\\.");
int discard = Integer.parseInt(versionElements[0]);
int version;
if (discard == 1) {
version = Integer.parseInt(versionElements[1]);
} else {
version = discard;
To support both Java version formats, we should check the first number until the dot.
为了支持两种Java 版本格式,我们应该检查第一个数字,直到点。
3.2. Using Apache Commons Lang 3
3.2.使用Apache Commons Lang 3
A second approach for getting the Java version is via the Apache Commons Lang 3 library. We first need to add the commons-lang3 Maven dependency to our pom.xml file:
获取Java版本的第二个方法是通过Apache Commons Lang 3库。我们首先需要将commons-lang3 Maven依赖性添加到我们的pom.xml文件。
We’ll use the SystemUtils class to obtain information about the Java platform. Let’s define a method for this purpose:
public void givenJava_whenUsingCommonsLang_thenGetVersion() {
int expectedVersion = 8;
String[] versionElements = SystemUtils.JAVA_SPECIFICATION_VERSION.split("\\.");
int discard = Integer.parseInt(versionElements[0]);
int version;
if (discard == 1) {
version = Integer.parseInt(versionElements[1]);
} else {
version = discard;
We are using the JAVA_SPECIFICATION_VERSION that is intended to mirror available values from the java.specification.version System property.
我们正在使用 JAVA_SPECIFICATION_VERSION,它旨在反映来自 java.specification.version 系统属性的可用值。
3.3. Using Runtime.version()
In Java 9 and above, we can use the Runtime.version() to get version information. Let’s define a method for this purpose:
在Java 9及以上版本中,我们可以使用Runtime.version()来获取版本信息。让我们为这个目的定义一个方法。
public void givenJava_whenUsingRuntime_thenGetVersion(){
String expectedVersion = "15";
Runtime.Version runtimeVersion = Runtime.version();
String version = String.valueOf(runtimeVersion.version().get(0));
4. Conclusion
In this article, we describe a few ways to obtain the Java version. As usual, all code samples used in this tutorial are available over on GitHub.