Force Repository Update with Maven – 用Maven强制更新版本库

最后修改: 2021年 7月 15日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to force-update a local Maven repository when it becomes corrupted. To accomplish this, we’ll use a straightforward example to understand why a repository can become corrupted and how to fix it.


2. Prerequisites


To learn and run the commands in this tutorial, we need to use a Spring Initializr project and have a JDK and Maven installed.

要学习和运行本教程中的命令,我们需要使用Spring Initializr项目,并安装有JDK和Maven。

3. Maven Repository Structure


Maven saves all the dependencies of projects in the .m2 folder. For example, in the following image, we can observe the structure of Maven repositories:


As we can see, Maven downloads all dependencies under the repository folder. Therefore, the download into our local repository is necessary to access all needed code at runtime.


4. Downloading Dependencies


We know that Maven works based on the pom.xml file configurations. When Maven executes this pom.xml file, the dependencies will be downloaded from a central Maven repository and put into your local Maven repository. If we already have the dependencies in our local repository, Maven will not download them.

我们知道,Maven是基于pom.xml文件的配置工作的。当Maven执行这个pom.xml文件时,依赖项将从中央Maven仓库下载并放入你的本地 Maven仓库。如果我们的本地仓库中已经有了依赖项,Maven就不会下载它们。

The download happens when we execute the following commands:


mvn package
mvn install

Both of the above include executing the following command:


mvn dependency:resolve 

Therefore, we can solely resolve the dependencies without using a package or install by just running the dependency:resolve command.


5. Corrupted Dependencies


While downloading the dependencies, a network glitch can happen, resulting in corrupted dependencies. The interrupted dependency download is the leading cause of corruption. Maven will display a message accordingly:


Could not resolve dependencies for project ...

无法解决项目的依赖关系 ...

Let’s see next how we can solve this issue.


6. Automatically Fixing the Corrupted Dependencies


Maven usually displays the corrupted dependency when it notifies that the build failed:


Could not transfer artifact [artifact-name-here] ...


To fix this, we can have automatic or manual approaches. Additionally, we should run any repository update in debug mode, adding the -X option after -U to have a better picture of what happens during the update.


6.1. Force Update All SNAPSHOT Dependencies


As we know already, Maven will not download existing dependencies again. Therefore, to force Maven to update all corrupted SNAPSHOT dependencies, we should add in our command the  -U/–update-snapshots option:

我们已经知道,Maven不会再次下载现有依赖。因此,为了强迫Maven更新所有损坏的SNAPSHOT依赖,我们应该在命令中加入 -U/-update-snapshots选项。

mvn package -U
mvn install -U

Still, we have to remember that the option does not re-download a SNAPSHOT dependency if Maven already downloaded it and if the checksum is the same.

但我们必须记住,该选项 如果Maven已经下载了SNAPSHOT依赖,且校验和相同,则不会重新下载。

This will also package or install our project next. Finally, we’ll learn how to update the repository without including the current working project.


6.2. Dependency Resolve Goal


We can tell Maven to resolve our dependencies and update snapshots without any package or install command. For this purpose, we’ll use the dependency:resolve goal, by including the -U option:


mvn dependency:resolve -U

6.3. Purge Local Repository Goal


We know that -U  just re-downloads the corrupted SNAPSHOT dependencies. As a result, in the case of corrupted local release dependencies, we might need deeper commands. For this purpose, we should use:


mvn dependency:purge-local-repository

The purpose of the dependency:purge-local-repository is to purge (delete and optionally re-resolve) artifacts from the local Maven repository. By default, artifacts will be re-resolved.


6.4. Purge Local Repository Options


The purge local repository can be configured to run for only a certain group of dependencies by specifying the “groupId” for the resolutionFuzziness option, and the exact group ID to search for using the include option:


mvn dependency:purge-local-repository -Dinclude:org.slf4j -DresolutionFuzziness=groupId -Dverbose

The resolutionFuzziness option can have the values: version, artifactId, groupId, file.

resolutionFuzziness选项可以有以下值。version, artifactId, groupId, file

The example above will search for and purge all artifacts in the org.slf4j group. We’ve also set the verbose option so we can see detailed logs of the artifacts deleted.


If any files that match the condition are found, the log will display a text like:


Deleting 2 transitive dependencies for project [...] with artifact groupId resolution fuzziness
[INFO] Purging artifact: org.slf4j:jul-to-slf4j:jar:1.7.31
Purging artifact: org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.31 

Note that to specify the artifacts included or excluded for deletion or refresh, we can use the options include/exclude:


mvn dependency:purge-local-repository -Dinclude=com.yyy.projectA:projectB -Dexclude=com.yyy.projectA:projectC

7. Manually Deleting the Repository


Whereas the -U option and purge-local-repository might resolve the corrupted dependencies without refreshing all of them, the manual delete of the .m2 local repository will cause a forced re-download of all dependencies.


This can be useful when having old and maybe corrupted dependencies. Then a simple re-package or re-install should do the job. Moreover, we can use the dependency:resolve option to solve the dependencies of our project solely.


8. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we discussed the options and goals of Maven that forcibly updates our local repository.


The samples used are simple Maven commands that can be used on any project with a proper pom.xml configured.
