How to Check Field Existence in MongoDB? – 如何在MongoDB中检查字段是否存在?

最后修改: 2021年 8月 25日


1. Overview


In this short tutorial, we’ll see how to check field existence in MongoDB. 


First, we’ll create a simple Mongo database and sample collection. Then, we’ll put dummy data in it to use later in our examples. After that, we’ll show how to check whether the field exists or not in a native Mongo query as well as in Java.


2. Example Configuration


Before we start checking field existence, we need an existing database, collection, and dummy data for later use. We’ll be using Mongo shell for that.

在我们开始检查字段的存在性之前,我们需要一个现有的数据库、集合,以及供以后使用的假数据。我们将使用Mongo shell来实现这一点。

Firstly, let’s switch Mongo shell context to an existence database:

首先,让我们把Mongo shell上下文切换到existence数据库。

use existence

It’s worth pointing out that MongoDB only creates the database when you first store data in that database. We’ll insert a single user into the users collection:


db.users.insert({name: "Ben", surname: "Big" })

Now we have everything we need to check, whether the field exists or not.


3. Checking Field Existence in Mongo Shell

3.在Mongo Shell中检查字段是否存在

Sometimes we need to check for specific field existence by using a basic query, e.g., in Mongo Shell or any other database console. Luckily for us, Mongo provides a special query operator, $exists, for that purpose:

有时我们需要通过基本的查询来检查特定字段的存在,例如在Mongo Shell或任何其他数据库控制台。幸运的是,Mongo为我们提供了一个特殊的查询操作符,$exists,用于该目的。

db.users.find({ 'name' : { '$exists' : true }})

We use a standard find Mongo method in which we specify the field we are looking for and use the $exists query operator. If the name field exists in the users collection, all rows containing that field will be returned:

我们使用标准的find Mongo方法,在该方法中,我们指定我们正在寻找的字段并使用$exists查询操作符。如果name字段存在于users集合中,那么将返回包含该字段的所有记录。

    "_id": {"$oid": "6115ad91c4999031f8e6f582"},
    "name": "Ben",
    "surname": "Big"

If the field is missing, we’ll get an empty result.


4. Checking Field Existence in Java


Before we go through possible ways to check field existence in Java, let’s add the necessary Mongo dependency to our project. Here’s the Maven dependency:



And here’s the Gradle version:


implementation group: 'org.mongodb', name: 'mongo-java-driver', version: '3.12.10'

Finally, let’s connect to the existence database and the users collection:


MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient();
MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase("existence");
MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection("users");

4.1. Using Filters


The com.mongodb.client.model.Filters is a util class from the Mongo dependency that contains a lot of useful methods. We’re going to use the exists() method in our example:


Document nameDoc = collection.find(Filters.exists("name")).first();

First, we try to find elements from the users collection and get the first found element. If the specified field exists, we get a nameDoc Document as a response. It’s not null and not empty.


Now, let’s see what happens when we try to find a non-existing field:


Document nameDoc = collection.find(Filters.exists("non_existing")).first();

If no element is found, we get a null Document as a response.


4.2. Using a Document Query


The com.mongodb.client.model.Filters class isn’t the only way to check field existence. We can use an instance of com.mongodb.BasicDBObject:


Document query = new Document("name", new BasicDBObject("$exists", true));
Document doc = collection.find(query).first();

The behavior is the same as in the previous example. If the element is found, we receive a not null Document, which is empty.

其行为与前面的例子相同。如果找到该元素,我们会收到一个not null Document,它是空的。

The code behaves the same also in a situation when we try to find a non-existing field:


Document query = new Document("non_existing", new BasicDBObject("$exists", true));
Document doc = collection.find(query).first();

If no element is found, we get a null Document as a response.

如果没有找到任何元素,我们得到一个null Document作为响应。

5. Conclusion


In this article, we discussed how to check field existence in MongoDB. Firstly, we showed how to create a Mongo database, collection, and how to insert dummy data. Then, we explained how to check whether a field exists or not in Mongo shell using a basic query. Finally, we explained how to check field existence using the com.mongodb.client.model.Filters and a Document query approach.

在这篇文章中,我们讨论了如何在MongoDB中检查字段的存在。首先,我们展示了如何创建一个Mongo数据库、集合,以及如何插入假数据。然后,我们解释了如何在Mongo shell中使用基本查询来检查一个字段是否存在。最后,我们解释了如何使用com.mongodb.client.model.FiltersDocument查询方法来检查字段的存在。

As always, the full source code of the article is available over on GitHub.
