1. Overview
Duration is an amount of time expressed in terms of hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, and so on. We may wish to format a duration into some particular time pattern.
We can achieve this either by writing custom code with the help of some JDK libraries or by making use of third-party libraries.
In this quick tutorial, we’ll look at how to write simple code to format a given duration to HH:MM:SS format.
2. Java Solutions
There are multiple ways a duration can be expressed — for example, in minutes, seconds, and milliseconds, or as a Java Duration, which has its own specific format.
持续时间有多种表达方式–例如,以分、秒和毫秒为单位,或者以Java Duration为单位,它有自己的特定格式。
This section and subsequent sections will focus on formatting intervals (elapsed time), specified in milliseconds, to HH:MM:SS using some JDK libraries. For the sake of our examples, we’ll be formatting 38114000ms as 10:35:14 (HH:MM:SS).
2.1. Duration
2.1 期限
As of Java 8, the Duration class was introduced to handle intervals of time in various units. The Duration class comes with a lot of helper methods to get the hours, minutes, and seconds from a duration.
从Java 8开始,引入了Duration类,以处理各种单位的时间间隔。Duration类带有许多辅助方法,以从一个持续时间中获得小时、分钟和秒。
To format an interval to HH:MM:SS using the Duration class, we need to initialize the Duration object from our interval using the factory method ofMillis found in the Duration class. This converts the interval to a Duration object that we can work with:
Duration duration = Duration.ofMillis(38114000);
For ease of calculation from seconds to our desired units, we need to get the total number of seconds in our duration or interval:
long seconds = duration.getSeconds();
Then, once we have the number of seconds, we generate the corresponding hours, minutes, and seconds for our desired format:
long HH = seconds / 3600;
long MM = (seconds % 3600) / 60;
long SS = seconds % 60;
Finally, we format our generated values:
String timeInHHMMSS = String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", HH, MM, SS);
Let’s try this solution out:
If we’re using Java 9 or later, we can use some helper methods to get the units directly without having to perform any calculations:
如果我们使用的是Java 9或更高版本,我们可以使用一些辅助方法来直接获得单位,而不需要进行任何计算。
long HH = duration.toHours();
long MM = duration.toMinutesPart();
long SS = duration.toSecondsPart();
String timeInHHMMSS = String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", HH, MM, SS);
The above snippet will give us the same result as tested above:
2.2. TimeUnit
Just like the Duration class discussed in the previous section, TimeUnit represents a time at a given granularity. It provides some helper methods to convert across units – which in our case would be hours, minutes, and seconds – and to perform timing and delay operations in these units.
To format a duration in milliseconds to the format HH:MM:SS, all we need to do is to use the corresponding helper methods in TimeUnit:
long HH = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(38114000);
long MM = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(38114000) % 60;
long SS = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(38114000) % 60;
Then, format the duration based on generated units above:
String timeInHHMMSS = String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", HH, MM, SS);
3. Using Third-Party Libraries
We may choose to try a different route by using third-party library methods rather than writing our own.
3.1. Apache Commons
3.1.Apache Commons
To use Apache Commons, we need to add commons-lang3 to our project:
要使用Apache Commons,我们需要在我们的项目中添加commons-lang3。
As expected, this library has formatDuration as well as other unit formatting methods in its DurationFormatUtils class:
String timeInHHMMSS = DurationFormatUtils.formatDuration(38114000, "HH:MM:SS", true);
3.2. Joda Time
3.2 乔达时间
The Joda Time library comes in handy when we’re using a Java version prior to Java 8 because of its handy helper methods to represent and format units of time. To use Joda Time, let’s add the joda-time dependency to our project:
当我们使用 Java 8 之前的 Java 版本时,Joda Time库就会派上用场,因为它有方便的辅助方法来表示和格式化时间单位。为了使用Joda Time,让我们将joda-time依赖项添加到我们的项目中。
Joda Time has a Duration class to represent time. First, we convert the interval in milliseconds to an instance of the Joda Time Duration object:
Joda Time有一个Duration类来表示时间。首先,我们把以毫秒为单位的时间间隔转换成Joda Time Duration对象的实例。
Duration duration = new Duration(38114000);
Then, we get the period from the duration above using the toPeriod method in Duration, which converts or initializes it to an instance of the Period class in Joda Time:
然后,我们使用Duration中的toPeriod方法从上面的持续时间中获得周期,该方法将其转换或初始化为Joda Time中Period类的一个实例。
Period period = duration.toPeriod();
We get the units (hours, minutes, and seconds) from Period using its corresponding helper methods:
long HH = period.getHours();
long MM = period.getMinutes();
long SS = period.getSeconds();
Finally, we can format the duration and test the result:
String timeInHHMMSS = String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", HH, MM, SS);
4. Conclusion
In this tutorial, we’ve learned how to format a duration to a specific format (HH:MM:SS, in our case).
First, we used Duration and TimeUnit classes that come with Java to get the required units and format them with the help of Formatter.
Finally, we looked at how to use some third-party libraries to achieve the result.
As usual, the complete source code is available over on GitHub.