Introducing KivaKit – 介绍一下KivaKit

最后修改: 2021年 9月 29日


1. Overview


KivaKit is a modular Java application framework designed to make developing microservices and applications quicker and easier. KivaKit has been developed at Telenav since 2011. It is now available as an Apache Licensed, Open Source project on GitHub.


In this article, we’ll explore the design of KivaKit as a collection of “mini-frameworks” that work together. In addition, we’ll take a look at the essential features of each mini-framework.

在这篇文章中,我们将探讨KivaKit的设计,它是一个 “迷你框架 “的集合,可以一起工作。此外,我们将看一下每个迷你框架的基本功能。

2. KivaKit Mini-frameworks


Looking in the kivakit and kivakit-extensions repositories, we can see that KivaKit 1.0 contains 54 modules. We could find this overwhelming. However, if we take things one step at a time, it’s not so bad. For starters, we can pick and choose what we want to include in our projects. Each module in KivaKit is designed to be used on its own.

kivakitkivakit-extensions存储库中,我们可以看到KivaKit 1.0包含54个模块。我们可能会发现这让人喘不过气来。然而,如果我们一步一步来,它也不是那么糟糕。首先,我们可以挑选我们想在我们的项目中包含的内容。KivaKit中的每个模块都被设计成可以单独使用。

Some KivaKit modules contain mini-frameworks. A mini-framework is a simple, abstract design that addresses a common problem. If we examine KivaKit’s mini-frameworks, we will find that they have straightforward, broadly applicable interfaces. As a result, they are a bit like Legos™. That is to say, they are simple pieces that snap together.

一些KivaKit模块包含迷你框架。迷你框架是一个简单、抽象的设计,解决了一个共同的问题。如果我们检查KivaKit的迷你框架,我们会发现它们有直接的、广泛适用的接口。因此,它们有点像 Legos™。也就是说,它们是可以扣在一起的简单部件。

Here, we can see KivaKit’s mini-frameworks and how they relate to each other:




Mini-framework Module Description
Application kivakit-application Base components for applications and servers
Command-Line Parsing kivakit-commandline Switch and argument parsing using the conversion and validation mini-frameworks
Component kivakit-component Base functionality for implementing KivaKit components, including applications
Conversion kivakit-kernel An abstraction for implementing robust, modular type converters
Extraction kivakit-kernel Extraction of objects from a data source
Interfaces kivakit-kernel Generic interfaces used as integration points between frameworks
Logging kivakit-kernel
Core logging functionality, log service provider interface (SPI), and log implementations
Messaging kivakit-kernel Enables components to transmit and receive status information
Mixins kivakit-kernel An implementation of stateful traits
Resource kivakit-resource
Abstractions for files, folders, and streamed resources
Service Locator kivakit-configuration An implementation of the service locator pattern for finding components and settings information
Settings kivakit-configuration Provides easy access to component configuration information
Validation kivakit-kernel Base functionality for checking the consistency of objects

We can find these frameworks in the kivakit repository. On the other hand, we will find less important modules like service providers in kivakit-extensions.


2.1. Messaging

2.1 信息传递

As the diagram above shows, messaging is the central point of integration. In KivaKit, messaging formalizes status reporting. As Java programmers, we’re used to status information being logged. Sometimes, we also see this information returned to callers or thrown as exceptions. By contrast, status information in KivaKit is contained in Messages. We can write components that broadcast these messages. Also, we can write components that listen to them.

如上图所示,消息传递是整合的中心点。在KivaKit中,消息传递使状态报告正规化。作为 Java 程序员,我们习惯于记录状态信息。有时,我们也会看到这些信息被返回给调用者或作为异常抛出。相比之下,KivaKit中的状态信息包含在Messages中。我们可以编写broadcast这些消息的组件。此外,我们还可以编写监听这些消息的组件。

We can see that this design allows components to focus on reporting status consistently. To a component, where status messages go is unimportant. In one case, we might direct messages to a Logger. In another, we might include them in a statistic. We could even display them to an end-user. The component doesn’t care. It just reports issues to whoever might be interested.


KivaKit components that broadcast messages can be connected to one or more message repeaters, forming a listener chain:



In KivaKit, an Application is usually the end of a listener chain. Therefore, the Application class logs any messages it receives. Along the way, components in the listener chain may have other uses for these messages.


2.2. Mixins


Another integration feature of KivaKit is the mixins mini-framework. KivaKit mixins allow base classes to be “mixed in” to types through interface inheritance.  Sometimes, mixins are known as “stateful traits“.

KivaKit的另一个集成功能是mixins迷你框架。KivaKit混合器允许基类通过接口继承 “混入 “类型。有时,混合器被称为”stateful traits” 。

For example, the BaseComponent class in KivaKit provides a foundation for building components. BaseComponent provides convenience methods for sending messages. In addition, it offers easy access to resources, settings, and registered objects.


But we quickly run into a problem with this design. As we know, in Java, a class that already has a base class cannot also extend BaseComponent. KivaKit mixins allow BaseComponent functionality to be added to a component that already has a base class. For example:

但我们很快就遇到了这种设计的问题。正如我们所知,在Java中,一个已经有基类的类不能同时扩展BaseComponent。KivaKit mixins允许将BaseComponent功能添加到已经拥有基类的组件中。比如说。

public class MyComponent extends MyBaseClass implements ComponentMixin { [...] }

We can see here that the interface ComponentMixin extends both Mixin and Component:



The Mixin interface provides a state() method to ComponentMixin. First, this method is used to create and associate a BaseComponent with the object implementing ComponentMixin. Second, ComponentMixin implements each method of the Component interface as a Java default method. Third, each default method delegates to the associated BaseComponent. In this way, implementing ComponentMixin provides the same methods as extending BaseComponent.


2.3. Service Locator


The service locator class Registry allows us to wire components together. A Registry provides roughly the same functionality as dependency injection (DI). However, it differs from the typical use of DI in one important way. In the service locator pattern, components reach out for the interfaces that they need. On the other hand, DI pushes interfaces into components. As a result, the service locator approach improves encapsulation. It also reduces the scope of references. For example, Registry can be used neatly within a method:


class MyData extends BaseComponent {


    public void save() {
        var database = require(Database.class);;

The BaseComponent.require(Class) method here looks up objects in a Registry. When our save() method returns, the database reference leaves scope. This ensures that no external code can obtain our reference.


When our application starts, we can register service objects with one of the BaseComponent.registerObject() methods. Later, code elsewhere in our application can look them up with require(Class).


2.4. Resources and Filesystems


The kivakit-resource module provides abstractions for reading and writing streamed resources and accessing filesystems. We can see here a few of the more important resource types that KivaKit includes:


  • Files (local, Zip, S3, and HDFS)
  • Package resources
  • Network protocols (sockets, HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP)
  • Input and output streams

We get two valuable benefits from this abstraction. We can:


2.5. Components


The kivakit-component module gives us ready access to common functionality. We can:


  • Send and receive messages
  • Access packages and packaged resources
  • Register and lookup objects, components, and settings

The Component interface is implemented by both BaseComponent and ComponentMixin. As a result, we can add “component nature” to any object.

Component接口由BaseComponentComponentMixin实现。因此,我们可以为任何对象添加 “组件性质”。

2.6. Logging


Listener chains formed by KivaKit components often terminate in a Logger. A Logger writes the messages it receives to one or more Logs. In addition, the kivakit-kernel module provides a service provider interface (SPI) for implementing Logs. We can see the full design of the logging mini-framework in UML here.


Using the logging SPI, the kivakit-extensions repository provides us with some Log implementations:

使用日志SPI,kivakit-extensions 资源库为我们提供了一些Log实现。

Provider Module
ConsoleLog kivakit-kernel
FileLog kivakit-logs-file
EmailLog kivakit-logs-email

One or more logs can be selected and configured from the command line. This is done by defining the KIVAKIT_LOG system property.


2.7. Conversion and Validation


The kivakit-kernel module contains mini-frameworks for type conversion and object validation. These frameworks are integrated with KivaKit messaging. This allows them to report problems consistently. It also simplifies usage. To implement a type Converter like a StringConverter, we need to write the conversion code. We don’t need to worry about exceptions, empty strings, or null values.



We can see converters in use in many places in KivaKit, including:


  • Switch and argument parsing
  • Loading settings objects from properties files
  • Formatting objects as debug strings
  • Reading objects from CSV files

Messages broadcast by Validatables are captured by the validation mini-framework. Subsequently, they are analyzed to provide us with easy access to error statistics and validation problems.



2.8. Applications, Command Lines, and Settings


The kivakit-application, kivakit-configuration, and kivakit-commandline modules provide a simple, consistent model for developing applications.


The kivakit-application project supplies the Application base class. An Application is a Component. It provides settings information using kivakit-configuration. In addition, it provides command-line parsing with kivakit-commandline.


The kivakit-configuration project uses the kivakit-resource module to load settings information from .properties resources (and other sources in the future). It converts the properties in these resources to objects using kivakit-kernel converters. The converted objects are then validated with the validation mini-framework.


Command-line arguments and switches for an application are parsed by the kivakit-commandline module using KivaKit converters and validators. We can see issues that arise in the application’s ConsoleLog.



2.9. Microservices


So far, we’ve discussed KivaKit features that are generally useful to any application. In addition, KivaKit also provides functionality in kivakit-extensions that is explicitly targeted at microservices. Let’s take a quick look at kivakit-web.


The kivakit-web project contains modules for rapidly developing a simple REST and web interface to a microservice. The JettyServer class provides us with a way to plug in servlets and filters with a minimum of hassle. Plugins that we can use with JettyServer include:


Plugin Description
JettyJersey REST application support
JettySwagger Swagger automatic REST documentation
JettyWicket Support for the Apache Wicket web framework

These plugins can be combined to provide a RESTful microservice with Swagger documentation and a web interface:


var application = new MyRestApplication();
listenTo(new JettyServer())
    .add("/*", new JettyWicket(MyWebApplication.class))
    .add("/open-api/*", new JettySwaggerOpenApi(application))
    .add("/docs/*", new JettySwaggerIndex(port))
    .add("/webapp/*", new JettySwaggerStaticResources())
    .add("/webjar/*", new JettySwaggerWebJar(application))
    .add("/*", new JettyJersey(application))

KivaKit 1.1 will include a dedicated microservices mini-framework. This will make it even easier for us to build microservices.

KivaKit 1.1将包括一个专门的微服务迷你框架。这将使我们更容易构建微服务。

3. Documentation and Lexakai


The documentation for KivaKit is generated by Lexakai. Lexakai creates UML diagrams (guided by annotations when desired) and updates markdown files. In the readme file for each project, Lexakai updates a standard header and footer. In addition, it maintains indexes for the generated UML diagrams and Javadoc documentation. Lexakai is an open-source project distributed under Apache License.

KivaKit的文档由Lexakai生成。 Lexakai创建UML图(在需要时由注释引导)并更新README.md标记文件。在每个项目的readme文件中,Lexakai更新了一个标准的页眉和页脚。此外,它还为生成的UML图和Javadoc文档维护索引。Lexakai是一个在Apache许可下发布的开源项目。

4. Building KivaKit


KivaKit targets a Java 11 or higher virtual machine (but can be used from Java 8 source code). We can find all the artifacts for KivaKit modules on Maven Central. However, we might want to modify KivaKit or contribute to the open-source project. In this case, we’ll need to build it.

KivaKit的目标是Java 11或更高的虚拟机(但也可以从Java 8源代码中使用)。我们可以在Maven Central上找到KivaKit模块的所有工件。然而,我们可能想修改KivaKit或为该开源项目做出贡献。在这种情况下,我们就需要构建它。

To get started, let’s set up Git, Git Flow, Java 16 JDK, and Maven 3.8.1 or higher.

为了开始工作,我们来设置Git、Git FlowJava 16 JDKMaven 3.8.1或更高

First, we clone the kivakit repository into our workspace:


mkdir ~/Workspace
cd ~/Workspace
git clone --branch develop

Next, we copy the sample bash profile to our home folder:


cp kivakit/setup/profile ~/.profile

Then we modify ~/.profile to point to our workspace, and our Java and Maven installations:


export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-16.jdk/Contents/Home 
export M2_HOME=$HOME/Developer/apache-maven-3.8.2

After our profile is set up, we ensure that we are running bash (on macOS, zsh is the default now):


chsh -s /bin/bash

And finally, we restart our terminal program and execute the command:



The setup script will clone kivakit-extensions and some other related repositories. Afterward, it will initialize git-flow and build all our KivaKit projects.


5. Conclusion


In this article, we took a brief look at the design of KivaKit. We also toured some of the more important functions it provides. KivaKit is ideally suited for developing microservices. It has been designed to be learned and used in easy-to-digest, independent pieces.
