1. Overview
Apache Cassandra is an open-source distributed NoSQL database. It was designed to handle large amounts of data with fast read-write performance and with no single point of failure.
Apache Cassandra是一个开源的分布式NoSQL数据库。它被设计为处理大量的数据,具有快速的读写性能,并且没有单点故障。
In this tutorial, we’ll look at testing a Spring Boot application that uses a Cassandra database. We’ll explain how to set up integration tests using a Cassandra container from the Testcontainers library. In addition, we’ll make use of the Spring Data repository abstraction to work with Cassandra’s data layer.
在本教程中,我们将探讨如何测试一个使用 Cassandra 数据库的 Spring Boot 应用程序。我们将解释如何使用来自Testcontainers库的Cassandra容器设置集成测试。此外,我们还将利用 Spring Data 存储库的抽象,与 Cassandra 的数据层一起工作。
Finally, we’ll show how to reuse a shared Cassandra container instance across multiple integration tests.
2. Test Containers
Testcontainers is a Java library that provides lightweight, throwaway instances of Docker containers. Hence, we commonly use it in Spring for integration testing of applications that use databases. Testcontainers enables us to test on a real database instance without requiring us to install and manage the database on our local machine.
2.1. Maven Dependencies
Cassandra containers are available in the Cassandra Testcontainers module. This enables the usage of containerized Cassandra instances.
Cassandra 容器在Cassandra Testcontainers 模块中可用。这样就可以使用容器化的 Cassandra 实例。
Unlike the cassandra-unit library, the Testcontainers library is fully compatible with JUnit 5. Let’s start by listing the required Maven dependencies:
与cassandra-unit库不同,Testcontainers库与JUnit 5完全兼容。让我们首先列出所需的Maven依赖项。
2.2. Cassandra Container
2.2 卡桑德拉容器
Containerized database instances are commonly used for integration testing. As well as ensuring that our data access layer code is fully compatible with the specific database version.
To begin with, we’ll need to annotate our test class with both @SpringBootTest and @Testcontainers:
class CassandraSimpleIntegrationTest {}
Then, we can define a Cassandra container and expose its specific port:
public static final CassandraContainer cassandra
= (CassandraContainer) new CassandraContainer("cassandra:3.11.2").withExposedPorts(9042);
Here we’re exposing the container port 9042. We should note, however, that Testcontainers will link it to a random host port, which we can get later on.
Using the above, the Testcontainers library automatically takes care of starting a dockerized Cassandra container instance for us aligned with the lifecycle of the test class:
void givenCassandraContainer_whenSpringContextIsBootstrapped_thenContainerIsRunningWithNoExceptions() {
Now we have a running Cassandra container. However, the Spring application does not yet know about it.
2.3. Overriding Test Properties
In order for Spring Data to be able to establish a connection with the Cassandra container, we’ll need to provide a few connection properties. We’ll override the default Cassandra connection properties by defining system properties via the java.lang.System class:
为了让Spring Data能够与Cassandra容器建立连接,我们需要提供一些连接属性。我们将通过java.lang.System类定义系统属性来覆盖默认的Cassandra连接属性。
static void setupCassandraConnectionProperties() {
System.setProperty("spring.data.cassandra.keyspace-name", KEYSPACE_NAME);
System.setProperty("spring.data.cassandra.contact-points", cassandra.getContainerIpAddress());
System.setProperty("spring.data.cassandra.port", String.valueOf(cassandra.getMappedPort(9042)));
Now we configured Spring Data to connect with our Cassandra container. However, we’ll still need to create a keyspace.
现在我们配置了Spring Data,使其与我们的Cassandra容器连接。然而,我们仍然需要创建一个密钥空间。
2.4. Creating a Keyspace
As the last step before creating any tables in Cassandra, we’ll need to create a keyspace:
private static void createKeyspace(Cluster cluster) {
try (Session session = cluster.connect()) {
" WITH replication = \n" +
A keyspace in Cassandra is very similar to a database in an RDBMS. It defines how data replicates on nodes in a Cassandra cluster.
3. Spring Data for Cassandra
Spring Data for Apache Cassandra applies core Spring concepts to the development of applications using Cassandra. It provides repositories, query builders, and simple annotations for rich object mapping. Thus, it offers a familiar interface to Spring developers working with different databases.
Spring Data for Apache Cassandra 将Spring的核心概念应用于使用Cassandra开发应用程序。它提供了资源库、查询生成器以及用于丰富对象映射的简单注释。因此,它为使用不同数据库的Spring开发人员提供了一个熟悉的界面。
3.1. Data Access Object
Let’s start by preparing a simple DAO class which we’ll be using later in our integration tests:
public class Car {
private UUID id;
private String make;
private String model;
private int year;
public Car(UUID id, String make, String model, int year) {
this.id = id;
this.make = make;
this.model = model;
this.year = year;
//getters, setters, equals and hashcode
The key here is to annotate the class with @Table annotation from the org.springframework.data.cassandra.core.mapping package. In fact, this annotation enables automatic domain object mapping.
3.2. Cassandra Repository
Spring Data makes it very simple to create a repository for our DAO. To begin with, we’ll need to enable Cassandra repositories in our Spring Boot main class:
Spring Data使得为我们的DAO创建一个存储库变得非常简单。首先,我们需要在Spring Boot的主类中启用Cassandra资源库。
@EnableCassandraRepositories(basePackages = "org.baeldung.springcassandra.repository")
public class SpringCassandraApplication {}
Then, we simply need to create an interface that extends the CassandraRepository:
public interface CarRepository extends CassandraRepository<Car, UUID> {}
Before starting with the integration tests, we’ll need to define two additional properties:
The first property defines the default local data center name. The second one will ensure that Spring Data automatically creates the required database tables for us. We should note that this setting shouldn’t be used in production systems.
第一个属性定义了默认的本地数据中心名称。第二个将确保Spring Data自动为我们创建所需的数据库表。我们应该注意,这个设置不应该在生产系统中使用。
Since we are using Testcontainers, we don’t need to worry about dropping the tables once the tests are finished. A new container will be started for us every time we run our tests.
4. Integration Tests
Now that have our Cassandra container, a simple DAO class, and a Spring Data repository set up, we are ready to start writing integration tests.
现在我们已经有了Cassandra容器、一个简单的DAO类和一个Spring Data存储库,我们准备开始编写集成测试。
4.1. Saving Record Test
Let’s start by testing the insertion of a new record into the Cassandra database:
void givenValidCarRecord_whenSavingIt_thenRecordIsSaved() {
UUID carId = UUIDs.timeBased();
Car newCar = new Car(carId, "Nissan", "Qashqai", 2018);
List<Car> savedCars = carRepository.findAllById(List.of(carId));
4.2. Updating Record Test
Then, we can write a similar test for updating an existing database record:
void givenExistingCarRecord_whenUpdatingIt_thenRecordIsUpdated() {
UUID carId = UUIDs.timeBased();
Car existingCar = carRepository.save(new Car(carId, "Nissan", "Qashqai", 2018));
List<Car> savedCars = carRepository.findAllById(List.of(carId));
4.3. Deleting Record Test
Finally, let’s write a test for deleting an existing database record:
void givenExistingCarRecord_whenDeletingIt_thenRecordIsDeleted() {
UUID carId = UUIDs.timeBased();
Car existingCar = carRepository.save(new Car(carId, "Nissan", "Qashqai", 2018));
List<Car> savedCars = carRepository.findAllById(List.of(carId));
5. Shared Container Instance
Most of the time, when working with integration tests, we would like to reuse the same database instance across multiple tests. We can share the same container instance by making use of multiple nested test classes:
class CassandraNestedIntegrationTest {
private static final String KEYSPACE_NAME = "test";
private static final CassandraContainer cassandra
= (CassandraContainer) new CassandraContainer("cassandra:3.11.2").withExposedPorts(9042);
// Set connection properties and create keyspace
class ApplicationContextIntegrationTest {
void givenCassandraContainer_whenSpringContextIsBootstrapped_thenContainerIsRunningWithNoExceptions() {
class CarRepositoryIntegrationTest {
private CarRepository carRepository;
void givenValidCarRecord_whenSavingIt_thenRecordIsSaved() {
UUID carId = UUIDs.timeBased();
Car newCar = new Car(carId, "Nissan", "Qashqai", 2018);
List<Car> savedCars = carRepository.findAllById(List.of(carId));
// Tests for update and delete
Since Docker containers take time to start up, a shared container instance between multiple nested test classes will ensure faster execution. We should note, however, that this shared instance won’t be automatically cleared between tests.
6. Conclusion
In this article, we explored using a Cassandra container for testing a Spring Boot application that uses a Cassandra database.
在这篇文章中,我们探讨了使用Cassandra容器来测试使用Cassandra数据库的Spring Boot应用程序。
In the examples, we covered setting up a dockerized Cassandra container instance, overriding test properties, creating a keyspace, a DAO class, and a Cassandra repository interface.
We saw how to write integration tests that make use of a Cassandra container. Thus our example tests required no mocking. Finally, we saw how to reuse the same container instance across multiple nested tests classes.
As always, the source code is available over on GitHub.